Here is the wording of the Indianna law that has the Geighs so very angry


Circle of Honor
Aug 5, 2001
And has caused CEOs to be outraged, and has caused Angie's List to boycott Indianna:

"Sec. 8. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a governmental entity may not substantially burden a person's exercise of religion, even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability. (b) A governmental entity may substantially burden a person's exercise of religion only if the governmental entity demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: (1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest."

Critics of the law want government force a 70 year old grandmother who owns a bakery to make wedding cakes for Geigh weddings that she feels are against her religious beliefs. Critics have compared the Indianna law to Nazis rounding up Jews. (Jim Cramer re-tweeted that last little gem.) He is "proud" of CEOs speaking out against the bill.

Here is a short debate from stock market channel yesterday which does a great job of explaining it.

Explanation of Religious Freedom Restoration law
I guess Christians have no civil rights, per the homosexual nazis.

But, consider the source of that mindset and it is easy to understand how they would come to such "logic."
Sad that the Fed has abandoned the Constitution and States are trying to...

uphold it. States Rights could lead to a Civil War, Oh thats right we already have had that.
Gotta hand it to the geighs. They've gone from

Being deep in the closet to running the country in 15 years.
I see two things...just make the cake, and why would you want

to do business with someone who clearly did not want your business? Both sides are nuts in the cake thing.
It's not just about making a cake. Wedding planners, photographers...

...any other number of businesses might have objections to participating in a gay wedding.
Same logic applies, IMHO

Why not just let restaurants/business's put up signs saying they don't want to serve gay folks? I'm far from GAY, but this is stupid....on both sides. Let's folks really get out of the closet about the things that bother them.
Yes, make the cake and accidentally put too daggum much salt

in it! Maybe a lot less sugar too.
Because there's no religious reason that a business should refuse... serve gays under all circumstances. I know a lot of folks would like blacks to have to go back to their own part of the lunch counter, but it's not going to happen, and it's ridiculous to argue that gays or anyone else should be forced to do so. The fight should be over what can reasonably be accomplished, and that is allowing business owners to decline to participate in activities related to gay marriage.
Probably this t-shirt the customer was wearing...

Forget religion for a second, what if you just don't want to do it,

gay couple asks a professional artist to paint them kissing, artist say you know I don't think I'd do a good job of painting you because you discust me ?
Wedding cake for geigh wedding...

There really was a 70 year old grandmother florist who refused to do flowers for a geigh wedding in Washington State, based on her religious convictions. The geighs sued her and won.
Re: Because there's no religious reason that a business should refuse...

A lot of people's religion says homosexuality is wrong. So, for them, serving gays could be considered promoting homosexuality. Which by their religious is wrong.

Maybe there is one, but never heard of any religion that says being born black is wrong.

Big difference.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Frankly, it's not on my radar, no big deal to me..

But if a shop wants to exclude gays, I might want to exclude them. Fair is fair, I for one would like to know.
Why do you want people to go against their liberty of conscience

And make the cake? Why cant they simply decline? Why is that "nuts" for them to live by their moral code?

Why do you feel its ok for government to force them to supply a gay wedding that they oppose?
Why not live and let live? Why the force?
Re: Why do you want people to go against their liberty of conscience

Make me almost agree that liberalism is a disease. It causes those afflicted to just lose all rational thought. If I don't want to bake a cake for someone you shouldn't have to. Period. Where in the Constitution does it state that the Feds job is to legislate around hurt feelings and force people to do business with people that they don't want to do business with? If I have bad credit should the bank be forced to give me a loan? Just because my credit sucks doesn't mean I should be discriminated against. My apologies, to UGATom for attacking him in my original post, If he saw it, I didn't read his entire post.

This post was edited on 4/1 6:58 AM by JungleRecon

This post was edited on 4/1 8:15 AM by JungleRecon