here we go again, Ithica College wants the president fired-LINK

The left never listens to reason. They will now see why the situation at Missouri was handled horribly. This will become a normal way of handling issues when there isn't even any real proof there is one. Just like in Missouri.

And the right wingnuts like you have something in common with the left----always griping and complaining about something. At least the left acts on their complaints. You right winners just bitch and moan.
Awww, don't be butthurt pug that your compatriots come off as unhinged.
Your anger is justified, although misdirected. Go to your safe space and you'll be
free of anger and harsh words. There, there. Once free speech is abolished you won't have to hear
anymore hurtful words.
And btw, OH how the left has acted on complaints....and complaints and complaints.
Awww, don't be butthurt pug that your compatriots come off as unhinged.
Your anger is justified, although misdirected. Go to your safe space and you'll be
free of anger and harsh words. There, there. Once free speech is abolished you won't have to hear
anymore hurtful words.
And btw, OH how the left has acted on complaints....and complaints and complaints.

I'm not angry. If students want to protest, fine with me. You right wingnuts are the angry ones and especially get upset if black people air grievances.
And the right wingnuts like you have something in common with the left----always griping and complaining about something. At least the left acts on their complaints. You right winners just bitch and moan.
Cause the left has skin in the game. They're always looking to get free shit from their fellow citizens. The left is nothing more the spoiled children. You guys just never grow up and are always the victim

We OTOH just call you out as the moronic leeches you are. We know that when push comes to shove we'll just kick the shit out of you and send you to your room. I mean when the women are the toughest ppl in your movement. You're in trouble
I'm not angry. If students want to protest, fine with me. You right wingnuts are the angry ones and especially get upset if black people air grievances.

Yeah, it's all about black people....
throw the race card just like your kind always does. Social Justice WARRIORS!
And YES you are angry, and bitter, and whiny and always complaining.
You must be a hoot at the Winter Solstice Dance.
Yeah, it's all about black people....
throw the race card just like your kind always does. Social Justice WARRIORS!
And YES you are angry, and bitter, and whiny and always complaining.
You must be a hoot at the Winter Solstice Dance.

I'm not the one complaining. I welcome student protests. You are here bitching and moaning about it.
Cause the left has skin in the game. They're always looking to get free shit from their fellow citizens. The left is nothing more the spoiled children. You guys just never grow up and are always the victim

We OTOH just call you out as the moronic leeches you are. We know that when push comes to shove we'll just kick the shit out of you and send you to your room. I mean when the women are the toughest ppl in your movement. You're in trouble

LOL. Pushing has already come to shoving. You rednecks have already lost the culture wars. Anonymous message boards are the only place you can assert yourself, because if you talked the way you do in public, you'd be discredited as a crazy racist crank.
LOL. Pushing has already come to shoving. You rednecks have already lost the culture wars. Anonymous message boards are the only place you can assert yourself, because if you talked the way you do in public, you'd be discredited as a crazy racist crank.

You truly are a gluten for punishment aren't you? Geez pal, face it, I'm smarter, wittier , better looking and much nicer than you are. You're a grumpy old liberal fart. You ignore the facts. You've seen the info. Republicans have run democRATs out of State houses, Governorship's, House, Senate etc ...Culture wars? Yea you clowns are on the side of ISIS and Islam (the only religion other than climate change you respect) You embrace the deviants , misfits, mobs, racialist, and any and all weird freak shows.

Its why you should really apply to that circus. You would be a FREAKING hit....Get it...FREAKing???LOL
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I'm not the one complaining. I welcome student protests. You are here bitching and moaning about it.

Of course you do. You're a moron. I mean truly a moron. You're calling others whiners....while you admit to supporting ppl who are whining, bitching, and moaning about being victims? Kids who have to lie in order to be able to that again. THEY LIE, so they can have something to COMPLAIN about......and at Yale. what are they complaining about? A professor told them they don't have a right to not be OFFENDED.....And they are outrages, they have every right to be offended.

LOL, You're truly a pathetic lil fella. You and pajama boy.
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Of course you do. You're a moron. I mean truly a moron. You're calling others whiners....while you admit to supporting ppl who are whining, bitching, and moaning about being victims? Kids who have to lie in order to be able to that again. THEY LIE, so they can have something to COMPLAIN about......and at Yale. what are they complaining about? A professor told them they don't have a right to not be OFFENDED.....And they are outrages, they have every right to be offended.

LOL, You're truly a pathetic lil fella. You and pajama boy.

At least I can publicly state my opinions and hold my head up in society. You, on the other hand, can only post your hogwash on an anonymous message board. If you publicly stated the things you believe, you would be immediately discredited as a racist crank. This anonymous message board is the only venue you have to vomit out the crazy garbage you believe. At least you're a big man in the Fever Swamp!
At least I can publicly state my opinions and hold my head up in society. You, on the other hand, can only post your hogwash on an anonymous message board. If you publicly stated the things you believe, you would be immediately discredited as a racist crank. This anonymous message board is the only venue you have to vomit out the crazy garbage you believe. At least you're a big man in the Fever Swamp!

I agree with you. Cause ppl like you use it to try and cut off debate. You can't tolerate different opinions , yep you can stand up in the mob and spew ignorant BS. But the second anyone disagree....RACIST!!! LOL, whats said is, you're to stupid to figure it out.

Hey btw, does "black" mean "persons who self-identify as of color" or "even one drop" or "nobody can see when you blush" or what? I don't know what it means anymore. Do you?
What happened at Missouri was a business decision. Without the threat to the football program the President and Chancellor would have paid lip service to the protesters and went about their business. I doubt Ithica has a profitable sports program, so nothing will come of this.
I agree with you. Cause ppl like you use it to try and cut off debate. You can't tolerate different opinions , yep you can stand up in the mob and spew ignorant BS. But the second anyone disagree....RACIST!!! LOL, whats said is, you're to stupid to figure it out.

Hey btw, does "black" mean "persons who self-identify as of color" or "even one drop" or "nobody can see when you blush" or what? I don't know what it means anymore. Do you?

Of course you're afraid of airing your beliefs in public. You know you'd be discredited by society. Very, very few people believe as you do.

Unlike you and your racist brethren, I am not obsessed with peoples' ethnic identity, so I couldn't answer your question.
And the right wingnuts like you have something in common with the left----always griping and complaining about something. At least the left acts on their complaints. You right winners just bitch and moan.
The problem is the Left typically creates the problem. I agree with Carly on this point.
Of course you're afraid of airing your beliefs in public. You know you'd be discredited by society. Very, very few people believe as you do.

Unlike you and your racist brethren, I am not obsessed with peoples' ethnic identity, so I couldn't answer your question.

No I'm pretty outspoken, and I'm not intimidated by stupid liberal tactic like screaming RACIST. I tried yesterday to engage you on substance and you ran like scared rat. You are obsessed with ppls ethnic identity, THAT IS LIBERALISM.

Ppl that think like me have given the Repubs two landslide elections, The majority of State houses and Governors along with the house of rep and the senate. But you keep ignoring the facts. You a pathetic lil fella , I've scraped stuff off the bottom of my shoe's with more Character than you.
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Of course you're afraid of airing your beliefs in public. You know you'd be discredited by society. Very, very few people believe as you do.

Unlike you and your racist brethren, I am not obsessed with peoples' ethnic identity, so I couldn't answer your question.

You are ALWAYS obsessing about race. That's your main point on this board. That's your ONE go-to all the time.
You're pathetic. I can hold my head up about anything I say in public. I'm not angry or afraid. I'm confident that we are
going through an extra push so that some animals are MORE equal than others and it will sort itself out. Meanwhile
you seem to think revenge is far overdue, and I think you need a good taste of it to get over your desire for it.
My oldest is in college and I want him just to get an education, not become part of your leftist bizarre social experiment, or
feel the revenge of some past grievances.
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You are ALWAYS obsessing about race. That's your main point on this board. That's your ONE go-to all the time.
You're pathetic. I can hold my head up about anything I say in public. I'm not angry or afraid. I'm confident that we are
going through an extra push so that some animals are MORE equal than others and it will sort itself out. Meanwhile
you seem to think revenge is far overdue, and I think you need a good taste of it to get over your desire for it.
My oldest is in college and I want him just to get an education, not become part of your leftist bizarre social experiment, or
feel the revenge of some past grievances.

"some animals are MORE equal than others".

You would publicly use that kind of language to refer to other human beings? Then I guess you're comfortable being a racist. To each his own.
No I'm pretty outspoken, and I'm not intimidated by stupid liberal tactic like screaming RACIST. I tried yesterday to engage you on substance and you ran like scared rat. You are obsessed with ppls ethnic identity, THAT IS LIBERALISM.

Ppl that think like me have given the Repubs two landslide elections, The majority of State houses and Governors along with the house of rep and the senate. But you keep ignoring the facts. You a pathetic lil fella , I've scraped stuff off the bottom of my shoe's with more Character than you.

Crazy Rolo, NOBODY screams racist like you do, you could teach Al Sharpton a thing or 2 about race baiting. You whine about racism every day.
Crazy Rolo, NOBODY screams racist like you do, you could teach Al Sharpton a thing or 2 about race baiting. You whine about racism every day.

LOL didn't you get enough yesterday? You only show up for the pissing contests, but when the substance comes up you run like a liberal from a Halloween costume.

I've supporting Trump, Cruz and Carson with my $$$ Now what? LOL
LOL didn't you get enough yesterday? You only show up for the pissing contests, but when the substance comes up you run like a liberal from a Halloween costume.

I've supporting Trump, Cruz and Carson with my $$$ Now what? LOL

Everything is a race baiting pissing contest with you Crazy Rolo.
I bet a person so inclined could find literally hundreds of post where you race bait.
Really all you do is race bait and promote phony culture wars.
Everything is a race baiting pissing contest with you Crazy Rolo.
I bet a person so inclined could find literally hundreds of post where you race bait.
Really all you do is race bait and promote phony culture wars.

The sad thing about the lunatics like Rolo is that they don't realize they have lost the culture wars. They are angry and afraid of an America they don't understand.
Either he's angry or afraid? Pick a side. Fivehade said blacks are angry. So is he black?
The libs are afraid of everything. Capitulate rather than engage on an equal level.
You guys are pussycats.
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Either he's angry or afraid? Pick a side. Fivehade said blacks are angry. So is he black?
The libs are afraid of everything. Capitulate rather than engage on an equal level.
You guys are pussycats.

Considering the libs just won at Missouri, you'd be wise to rethink that.
Considering the libs just won at Missouri, you'd be wise to rethink that.
Did they really 'win'? Looks like the head lib and some others lost their jobs.
Would you feel like it was a victory? It was a series of hoaxes and every half hour more lies come out
and evidence proven fake.

Would Whitepug consider this a win if it happened at his community college? I think not.
No he wouldn't. I'm sure he'd feel betrayed. The President that was forced out spent years
publicly blaming the status qou and REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVES for all the ills of the world.
Rather ironic that he got betrayed by the very things he endorsed. That being said I do feel
a lot of empathy for a person who thought he was helping and ended up enabling some pretty
poor characters who saw it as weakness and did him in.
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And the right wingnuts like you have something in common with the left----always griping and complaining about something. At least the left acts on their complaints. You right winners just bitch and moan.

Act on their complaints? Protesting isn't acting out on a complaint, it's anarchy.

The way you handle differences of opinion is that you don't support the person or group in question. If a kid doesn't like something a college president says, go to another college and find someone they agree with.

A president of a restaurant says something offensive to you don't eat there.

But we are being destroyed by our own greed and agenda. When protest becomes the accepted way we voice our opposition, we lose our freedom of opinion.

We are going down a dangerous road. One that for many years our country only saw in third world or socialist type countries that limited citizens freedoms. These types of protests became commonplace in the civil rights movement.

Our system is set up to allow freedom of opinion as speech with a consequence. These organized masses, especially within groups of students are easily manipulated and corrupted.

It is amazing what we fight for and how we want to destroy for our own gain.
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The sad thing about the lunatics like Rolo is that they don't realize they have lost the culture wars. They are angry and afraid of an America they don't understand.
Let's perform the most courageous social/economic experiment of all time. Let's divide the country into two parts, the Conservative States of America and the Liberal States of America.

Build a wall in between the two and let the games begin. See which side has the most robust economy, the strongest defense and the most content citizens.

But, wait, we don't need to perform this experiment. We know that it would not take much time for those in the LSA to try to breach the wall to the CSA.

This country will fail with the increase in liberalism and diversity.