Here's a question for you anti-religious progs....


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jul 26, 2001
I get if you want to make fun, disagree, and generally discount religion. Pugnuts is even running his "low-information" agenda and Trojan Horse farce by making fun of the 10 commandments. But, what do you little pansy arse wilting violets plan to do when we have total anarchy?

Without any form of religion, what are you basing our laws on?....goodwill?

If you don't "believe" in anything, is it just your goodwill that's keeping you from stealing from or killing your fellow man?

I mean, I'm just curious as to what you think holds the moral fabric of society together?
I get if you want to make fun, disagree, and generally discount religion. Pugnuts is even running his "low-information" agenda and Trojan Horse farce by making fun of the 10 commandments. But, what do you little pansy arse wilting violets plan to do when we have total anarchy?

Without any form of religion, what are you basing our laws on?....goodwill?

If you don't "believe" in anything, is it just your goodwill that's keeping you from stealing from or killing your fellow man?

I mean, I'm just curious as to what you think holds the moral fabric of society together?

This is exactly what President Obama was talking those in the Lunatic Fringe, everything is a crisis and provokes fear-based thinking. "WHAT IF THERE IS TOTAL ANARCHY?" LOL, I'm sure Jebus will come down and rescue you!
This is exactly what President Obama was talking those in the Lunatic Fringe, everything is a crisis and provokes fear-based thinking. "WHAT IF THERE IS TOTAL ANARCHY?" LOL, I'm sure Jebus will come down and rescue you!

Pug, I'm sure you could care less, but I just prayed for you. You do not mock God. It is my prayer that you will find salvation.
I get if you want to make fun, disagree, and generally discount religion. Pugnuts is even running his "low-information" agenda and Trojan Horse farce by making fun of the 10 commandments. But, what do you little pansy arse wilting violets plan to do when we have total anarchy?

Without any form of religion, what are you basing our laws on?....goodwill?

If you don't "believe" in anything, is it just your goodwill that's keeping you from stealing from or killing your fellow man?

I mean, I'm just curious as to what you think holds the moral fabric of society together?

I'm not knocking religion because I'm a God fearing man even though I struggle with my faith sometimes, because I'm also an educated man who believes in science. However, our laws aren't all based on religion and there are no laws governing most of the commandments, at least not enforceable laws.. In fact, the ten commandments are sometimes directly at odds with laws and the bill of rights. For example, the first commandment is "I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me." However, the Bill of Rights says Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or the prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

I'm just pointing out the obvious. We also have separation of church and state for a reason. Religion and God are the cause of more violence and death than any other. So I'm not sure using religion as a protection against anarchy or violence holds much water. I would agree that most of the ten commandments make sense, even if you're not a religious person. Some of them are a bit silly. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor? What if my neighbor is a smoking hot woman with an incredible ass?
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I get if you want to make fun, disagree, and generally discount religion. Pugnuts is even running his "low-information" agenda and Trojan Horse farce by making fun of the 10 commandments. But, what do you little pansy arse wilting violets plan to do when we have total anarchy?

Without any form of religion, what are you basing our laws on?....goodwill?

If you don't "believe" in anything, is it just your goodwill that's keeping you from stealing from or killing your fellow man?

I mean, I'm just curious as to what you think holds the moral fabric of society together?

I'm basing our laws on the constitution. You know the whole "separation of church and state" thingy you so conveniently forget. I beleive people know what's right and wrong for the most part and I do what's right. I don't need a fairy tale, or a burning bush, or Santa, or whatever your abrahamic religion tells you is the "all knowing" to tell me or anyone else what to do or how to act like a decent human. Christianity got one thing right "love thy neighbor as thyself" and we will all be fine. With or without Christianity. For those that don't believe in that principle I have my ar amongst many others(defense is not weakness).

As far as anarchy's where pug rightfully calls folks like you the "fever swamp". Since becoming a country, when have we had national anarchy? Never. I guess you could argue the civil war??? I guess....I fear many things but anarchy is somewhere behind getting caught in an avalanche on a heli trip and getting fugu poisoning. Normal hard working, intelligent folks don't fear or ever think about anarchy. Sorry you're not part of that group.

As far as the "moral fabric" you speak of I don't know what you mean. World wide that moral fabric is the Muslim Faith. Somehow I don't think your a Muslim but about 1.3 billion people function more or less fine under Islamic "moral fabric". My guess is you wouldn't approve of that "moral fabric" anymore than I approve of your pushing your "moral fabric" on me. If you mean Christianity, well it continues its slow decline in our country but is exploding with the Hispanic/South American populace. I'm sure you'd like them to migrate here so you could have more like minded Christians in the country to keep the heathens from out voting the Christians. Right???

In the us, By the time the milineals hit fifty less than 50 percent of folks will be self identified religious, less Christian if present trends hold up. Most folks will be more like me and treat others as I'd want to be treated. You don't need a bible, a Quran, or a Torah to be a good citizen and person. Just ask the Buddhists. I don't ever want to "steal from or kill my fellow man", but would if need be to defend me or my family's safety. What kind of screwed up person is it that needs moral fabric or religion to keep from stealing from or killing your fellow man? Much less think that way? Many a religious man has killed or been a thief. Only the feeble minded would think religion in this day and age keeps people from doing such things. Hope this clarifies.
I'm not knocking religion because I'm a God fearing man even though I struggle with my faith sometimes, because I'm also an educated man who believes in science. However, our laws aren't all based on religion and there are no laws governing most of the commandments, at least not enforceable laws.. In fact, the ten commandments are sometimes directly at odds with laws and the bill of rights. For example, the first commandment is "I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt have no other gods before me." However, the Bill of Rights says Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religion, or the prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

I'm just pointing out the obvious. We also have separation of church and state for a reason. Religion and God are the cause of more violence and death than any other. So I'm not sure using religion as a protection against anarchy or violence holds much water. I would agree that most of the ten commandments make sense, even if you're not a religious person. Some of them are a bit silly. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor? What if my neighbor is a smoking hot woman with an incredible ass?
I agree with you and maybe I should have qualified my're points are all correct.
I'm basing our laws on the constitution. You know the whole "separation of church and state" thingy you so conveniently forget. I beleive people know what's right and wrong for the most part and I do what's right. I don't need a fairy tale, or a burning bush, or Santa, or whatever your abrahamic religion tells you is the "all knowing" to tell me or anyone else what to do or how to act like a decent human. Christianity got one thing right "love thy neighbor as thyself" and we will all be fine. With or without Christianity. For those that don't believe in that principle I have my ar amongst many others(defense is not weakness).

As far as anarchy's where pug rightfully calls folks like you the "fever swamp". Since becoming a country, when have we had national anarchy? Never. I guess you could argue the civil war??? I guess....I fear many things but anarchy is somewhere behind getting caught in an avalanche on a heli trip and getting fugu poisoning. Normal hard working, intelligent folks don't fear or ever think about anarchy. Sorry you're not part of that group.

As far as the "moral fabric" you speak of I don't know what you mean. World wide that moral fabric is the Muslim Faith. Somehow I don't think your a Muslim but about 1.3 billion people function more or less fine under Islamic "moral fabric". My guess is you wouldn't approve of that "moral fabric" anymore than I approve of your pushing your "moral fabric" on me. If you mean Christianity, well it continues its slow decline in our country but is exploding with the Hispanic/South American populace. I'm sure you'd like them to migrate here so you could have more like minded Christians in the country to keep the heathens from out voting the Christians. Right???

In the us, By the time the milineals hit fifty less than 50 percent of folks will be self identified religious, less Christian if present trends hold up. Most folks will be more like me and treat others as I'd want to be treated. You don't need a bible, a Quran, or a Torah to be a good citizen and person. Just ask the Buddhists. I don't ever want to "steal from or kill my fellow man", but would if need be to defend me or my family's safety. What kind of screwed up person is it that needs moral fabric or religion to keep from stealing from or killing your fellow man? Much less think that way? Many a religious man has killed or been a thief. Only the feeble minded would think religion in this day and age keeps people from doing such things. Hope this clarifies.

While I disagree with many of your "assumptions", I think you make SOME valid points. I would argue there are many who can't wait for anarchy.
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