Here's the problem with voting for guys like Cheney and bush.


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Oct 9, 2001
Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...

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Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...

Meanwhile, low info voters elected Obama and our country is the most divided it's been in 40 years and the moribund economy has lifted virtually nobody. And the same DAs think Grandma and Pochahontas are the future. Yeah, right.
We may never know the exact truth, but there most certainly were chemical weapons found in Iraq as the New York Times reported in Oct. 2014. Were they found in the extent we were led to believe? Apparently not. But, do we have all the facts? Nope, and we never will. Congress, along with every Democrat, and including Colin Powell, was privy to the same intelligence Bush and Cheney saw. To simply place all the blame on Bush/Cheney is intellectually dishonest.

Here is a quick case for the fact chemical weapons were found in Iraq:

Jarrod L. Taylor, a former Army sergeant on hand for the destruction of mustard shells that burned two soldiers in his infantry company, joked of “wounds that never happened” from “that stuff that didn’t exist.” The public, he said, was misled for a decade. “I love it when I hear, ‘Oh there weren’t any chemical weapons in Iraq,’ ” he said. “There were plenty.”
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"In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
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The Central Intelligence Agency, working with American troops during the occupation of Iraq, repeatedly purchased nerve-agent rockets from a secretive Iraqi seller, part of a previously undisclosed effort to ensure that old chemical weapons remaining in Iraq did not fall into the hands of terrorists or militant groups, according to current and former American officials.
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Why was it kept secret? From what I understand the chemical weapons were manufactured in the US and assembled in Europe, and sent to Iraq prior to 1991.

Did Iraq, in 2003, have an ongoing WMD program? No, but most everyone, including the UN, "thought" they did.

I'm not a Bush/Cheney fan. And, imo, we should be seeking the truth.
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We may never know the exact truth, but there most certainly were chemical weapons found in Iraq as the New York Times reported in Oct. 2014. Were they found in the extent we were led to believe? Apparently not. But, do we have all the facts? Nope, and we never will. Congress, along with every Democrat, and including Colin Powell, was privy to the same intelligence Bush and Cheney saw. To simply place all the blame on Bush/Cheney is intellectually dishonest.

Here is a quick case for the fact chemical weapons were found in Iraq:

Jarrod L. Taylor, a former Army sergeant on hand for the destruction of mustard shells that burned two soldiers in his infantry company, joked of “wounds that never happened” from “that stuff that didn’t exist.” The public, he said, was misled for a decade. “I love it when I hear, ‘Oh there weren’t any chemical weapons in Iraq,’ ” he said. “There were plenty.”
hat tip:

"In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
hat tip:

The Central Intelligence Agency, working with American troops during the occupation of Iraq, repeatedly purchased nerve-agent rockets from a secretive Iraqi seller, part of a previously undisclosed effort to ensure that old chemical weapons remaining in Iraq did not fall into the hands of terrorists or militant groups, according to current and former American officials.
hat tip:

Why was it kept secret? From what I understand the chemical weapons were manufactured in the US and assembled in Europe, and sent to Iraq prior to 1991.

Did Iraq, in 2003, have an ongoing WMD program? No, but most everyone, including UN members, "thought" they did.

I'm not a Bush/Cheney fan. And, imo, we should be seeking the truth.

It's not intellectually dishonest to say this was their war. It was. They lobbied Congress. They got on TV saying over and over wmd (which no one, No One, was saying simple mustard gas-we knew saddam used mustard gas in the 80s against Iran and again in the 90s against the Kurds. Twice. That was old news.) What Rumsfeld and cheney and bush lobbied over, and over again was for secret nukes, anthrax (which is stupid) sarin and a mass program etc.. Saddam had mustard gas in the 80s. Everyone knew that. It was well documented his use of it against the Kurds. We didn't go to Iraq because of some "new" mustard gas. We went for Cheney and rumsfleds argument that he had worse. And he didn't. They were flat wrong and sold the American people, it's army, and congress a giant lie which killed thousand of Americans. I include Powell with them, though I'm pretty sure he was pushed by them reluctantly (he has said so himself). At least Powell will admit it was a horrible mistake now. I respect him for that.

This is the problem with making a dumbass the president. It doesn't end we he leaves office. We will be fighting bush jr's war in Iraq for decades. His stupidity demolished the one stabilizing force (albeit a despicable regime but hell aren't all of them over there) in the Shia/Sunni war, the country of Iraq. Now, because of the power vacuum the USA created, Isis amongst others have found room to grow. How do we get out of it now??? We can't, especially with our ties to Israel.
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Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...
It was really the UN's war. The UN passed numerous resolutions, ignored by Saddam, the last of which authorized the use of military force. We were simply doing what many countries had agreed should be done until the time came to actually do it. The war was necessary and the right thing to do; it was the lack of a plan of what to do afterwards that caused the current cluster.
It was really the UN's war. The UN passed numerous resolutions, ignored by Saddam, the last of which authorized the use of military force. We were simply doing what many countries had agreed should be done until the time came to actually do it. The war was necessary and the right thing to do; it was the lack of a plan of what to do afterwards that caused the current cluster.

Nope. The U.S. Created "the coalition of the willing" remember. Our war, not the UNs, we can't shirk our responsibility that way. The war was not necessary.
There was and never will be a plan in the Middle East where the U.S. Maintains territory there after a war that will lead to a peaceful harmony. They will always resent us on their soil which will lead to more war. Just like, well now.
Nope. The U.S. Created "the coalition of the willing" remember. Our war, not the UNs, we can't shirk our responsibility that way. The war was not necessary.
There was and never will be a plan in the Middle East where the U.S. Maintains territory there after a war that will lead to a peaceful harmony. They will always resent us on their soil which will lead to more war. Just like, well now.

The war was won by the US and then handed over to the terrorist by a even more than dumb ass, pseudo-president. He even made a cute little joke about the JV team haha!
Well ears once again your inability to foresee beyond your own arrogance left you in a bind. That jv team is one of the most powerful and dangerous terrorist groups we have seen in modern times, and they continue to grow. Ears does nothing about it but make excuses. The rest of the world just laughs at the US now because they know how weak we have become under ears. Yes we are much better off, if you hate freedom and liberty and the slipping American way.
Nope. The U.S. Created "the coalition of the willing" remember. Our war, not the UNs, we can't shirk our responsibility that way. The war was not necessary.
There was and never will be a plan in the Middle East where the U.S. Maintains territory there after a war that will lead to a peaceful harmony. They will always resent us on their soil which will lead to more war. Just like, well now.
We created a coalition of countries that were willing to follow through with what the UN had started. The war was absolutely necessary if there is a body which attempts to maintain some global order, which is what the UN purports to do. Without the use of military force to enforce that order (as opposed to the issuing of resolutions threatening it), the UN is as useless as a legal system without jails. So the question is not, "was the Iraq war necessary," it is, "is a body like the UN necessary?"
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It was really the UN's war. The UN passed numerous resolutions, ignored by Saddam, the last of which authorized the use of military force. We were simply doing what many countries had agreed should be done until the time came to actually do it. The war was necessary and the right thing to do; it was the lack of a plan of what to do afterwards that caused the current cluster.

12 years of UN Resolutions later - Operation Iraqi Freedom...

March 20, 2003

Saddam Hussein's Defiance of UNSCRs

Over the past 12 years, Iraq has violated more than seventeen United Nations Security Council Resolutions (UNSCRs) and remains in material breach of disarmament obligations. The Iraqi regime has also sought to circumvent economic sanctions. The UNSCRs required that Iraq declare and divest itself, under international supervision, of weapons of mass destruction and related programs, delivery systems and ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometers; not commit acts of international terrorism, or allow others who commit such acts to operate in Iraqi territory; account for missing Kuwaitis and other individuals; return stolen Kuwaiti property and bear financial liability for damage from the Gulf War; and end repression of the Iraqi people.
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In addition, everyone who has a conscious can agree genocide is horrible. Especially, when liberals are discussing the Jews/Palestinians. But everyone fails to mention the horrible atrocities and genocide that Saddam carried out on his own people.

  • The 1983 attack against Kurdish citizens belonging to the Barzani tribe, 8,000 of whom were rounded up by the regime in northern Iraq and executed in deserts at great distances from their homes.
  • The 1988 Anfal campaign, during which as many as 182,000 people disappeared. Most of the men were separated from their families and were executed in deserts in the west and southwest of Iraq. The remains of some of their wives and children have also been found in mass graves.
  • Chemical attacks against Kurdish villages from 1986 to 1988, including the Halabja attack, when the Iraqi Air Force dropped sarin, VX and tabun chemical agents on the civilian population, killing 5,000 people immediately and causing long-term medical problems, related deaths, and birth defects among the progeny of thousands more.
  • The 1991 massacre of Iraqi Shi’a Muslims after the Shi’a uprising at the end of the Gulf war, in which tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians in such regions as Basra and Al-Hillah were killed.
  • The 1991 Kurdish massacre, which targeted civilians and soldiers who fought for autonomy in northern Iraq after the Gulf war.
hat tip:

At least 290 grave sites containing the remains of some 300,000 people have been found since the American invasion two years ago, Iraqi officials say.
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Imo, the war with Iraq was justified. Saddam needed to be brought to justice for crimes against humanity, if nothing else.
It's not intellectually dishonest to say this was their war. It was. They lobbied Congress. They got on TV saying over and over wmd (which no one, No One, was saying simple mustard gas-we knew saddam used mustard gas in the 80s against Iran and again in the 90s against the Kurds. Twice. That was old news.) What Rumsfeld and cheney and bush lobbied over, and over again was for secret nukes, anthrax (which is stupid) sarin and a mass program etc.. Saddam had mustard gas in the 80s. Everyone knew that. It was well documented his use of it against the Kurds. We didn't go to Iraq because of some "new" mustard gas. We went for Cheney and rumsfleds argument that he had worse. And he didn't. They were flat wrong and sold the American people, it's army, and congress a giant lie which killed thousand of Americans. I include Cheney with them, though I'm pretty sure he was pushed by them reluctantly (he has said so himself). At least Cheney will admit it was a horrible mistake now. I respect him for that.

This is the problem with making a dumbass the president. It doesn't end we he leaves office. We will be fighting bush jr's war in Iraq for decades. His stupidity demolished the one stabilizing force (albeit a despicable regime but hell aren't all of them over there) in the Shia/Sunni war, the country of Iraq. Now, because of the power vacuum the USA created, Isis amongst others have found room to grow. How do we get out of it now??? We can't, especially with our ties to Israel.

I clearly said: To simply place all the blame on Bush/Cheney is intellectually dishonest. And, as Tom and I pointed out above, it was not just "their" war. Furthermore, I agree there should have been coalition forces left behind in Iraq, as there are in Germany, Japan, and Korea. If they were, we wouldn't be in the predicament we're in now with ISIS in Iraq.
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Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...

Actually the real problem is when a POTUS draws a "red line" and lacks the fortitude to back it up. Damn, even Hillary is now admitting that it was a huge mistake for Obama not to follow through with his threats to take action in Syria. Now Europe has a humanitarian crisis. Sometimes NOT taking action can have even worse consequences. I see you've chosen to ignore those facts since it's still so easy for the "sheep" like yourself to BLAME BUSH while Barry get's a pass.
Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...

Since when did YouTube become a verified legitimate resource for facts? Perhaps you should check The Onion if you want some data to corroborate your story...
Since when did YouTube become a verified legitimate resource for facts? Perhaps you should check The Onion if you want some data to corroborate your story...

Huh? Did you watch the video. It's Cheney speaking. What other source do you want than his mouth?
It's not intellectually dishonest to say this was their war. It was. They lobbied Congress. They got on TV saying over and over wmd (which no one, No One, was saying simple mustard gas-we knew saddam used mustard gas in the 80s against Iran and again in the 90s against the Kurds. Twice. That was old news.) What Rumsfeld and cheney and bush lobbied over, and over again was for secret nukes, anthrax (which is stupid) sarin and a mass program etc.. Saddam had mustard gas in the 80s. Everyone knew that. It was well documented his use of it against the Kurds. We didn't go to Iraq because of some "new" mustard gas. We went for Cheney and rumsfleds argument that he had worse. And he didn't. They were flat wrong and sold the American people, it's army, and congress a giant lie which killed thousand of Americans. I include Cheney with them, though I'm pretty sure he was pushed by them reluctantly (he has said so himself). At least Cheney will admit it was a horrible mistake now. I respect him for that.

This is the problem with making a dumbass the president. It doesn't end we he leaves office. We will be fighting bush jr's war in Iraq for decades. His stupidity demolished the one stabilizing force (albeit a despicable regime but hell aren't all of them over there) in the Shia/Sunni war, the country of Iraq. Now, because of the power vacuum the USA created, Isis amongst others have found room to grow. How do we get out of it now??? We can't, especially with our ties to Israel.

Well, you've never been one to let facts get in the way. And you don't get to call any President a dumbass when you helped put the most incompetent empty suit moron ever in office, who took over a war in Iraq that was WON....Then ignored the JV we're now back in. But I get it, its Bush's fault. Damn you ppl are just morons...seriously..I don't say that for effect...I say it because its true.
Well, you've never been one to let facts get in the way. And you don't get to call any President a dumbass when you helped put the most incompetent empty suit moron ever in office, who took over a war in Iraq that was WON....Then ignored the JV we're now back in. But I get it, its Bush's fault. Damn you ppl are just morons...seriously..I don't say that for effect...I say it because its true.

Nice try. Listen to his words dipshit. Listen. "We will be treated as liberators". Profoundly stupid statement, like you routinely show on here rolo. Watch your chicken little dumbass buddy refuse to admit how wrong he was. Won't even accept responsibility for another failed us war he got us into. Kinda reminds me of you. Stupid, arrogant without reason to be, and inside the same little kid who got his ass beat on the playground. Never got over it did you? Problem is, this dipshit, unlike you, has power. The power of the the greatest military force in the history of the planet. Instead of using for some semblance of good, he goes to war in the wrong place. Legendarily stupid. Oh and as usual your wrong. Didn't vote for Obama. But nice try again. Back to ignore....enjoy
Nice try. Listen to his words dipshit. Listen. "We will be treated as liberators". Profoundly stupid statement, like you routinely show on here rolo. Watch your chicken little dumbass buddy refuse to admit how wrong he was. Won't even accept responsibility for another failed us war he got us into. Kinda reminds me of you. Stupid, arrogant without reason to be, and inside the same little kid who got his ass beat on the playground. Never got over it did you? Problem is, this dipshit, unlike you, has power. The power of the the greatest military force in the history of the planet. Instead of using for some semblance of good, he goes to war in the wrong place. Legendarily stupid. Oh and as usual your wrong. Didn't vote for Obama. But nice try again. Back to ignore....enjoy

You buffoons are such easy targets. Its what you get for having the emotions of a teenage girl and the intellect of a 3rd grade boy

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Nice try. Listen to his words dipshit. Listen. "We will be treated as liberators". Profoundly stupid statement, like you routinely show on here rolo. Watch your chicken little dumbass buddy refuse to admit how wrong he was. Won't even accept responsibility for another failed us war he got us into. Kinda reminds me of you. Stupid, arrogant without reason to be, and inside the same little kid who got his ass beat on the playground. Never got over it did you? Problem is, this dipshit, unlike you, has power. The power of the the greatest military force in the history of the planet. Instead of using for some semblance of good, he goes to war in the wrong place. Legendarily stupid. Oh and as usual your wrong. Didn't vote for Obama. But nice try again. Back to ignore....enjoy

Good grief, does it hurt being that stupid? I bet you have constant headaches. obama is the idiot that snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and created ISIS that is bringing the war to us now. Bush did what was needed at the time and kept this nation safe, unlike obama which has called numerous terrorist attacks on American soil workplace violence or domestic violence (FT. Hood twice, Boston marathon) even though the perps were muslims . How about Benghazi, we were told that was a uprising over a video and an American citizen was falsely arrested for that. Turns out there was an election to protect with American lives as the sacrifice. How can you defend this POS, nutless wonder of a child running our nation?
Good grief, does it hurt being that stupid? I bet you have constant headaches. obama is the idiot that snatched victory from the jaws of defeat and created ISIS that is bringing the war to us now. Bush did what was needed at the time and kept this nation safe, unlike obama which has called numerous terrorist attacks on American soil workplace violence or domestic violence (FT. Hood twice, Boston marathon) even though the perps were muslims . How about Benghazi, we were told that was a uprising over a video and an American citizen was falsely arrested for that. Turns out there was an election to protect with American lives as the sacrifice. How can you defend this POS, nutless wonder of a child running our nation?

Why do you keep saying I'm defending Obama. I am not. Huh? I haven't even mentioned him. You did. I pointed out how incredibly stupid it was to ever go to Iraq and assholes like Cheney won't even admit their stupid decisions that killed thousands of Americans. Now, you can't possibly be arguing that going to Iraq by bush was "keeping his nation safe". That's intellectually dishonest if I've ever heard so. If bush wanted to fight someone in the Middle East it should have been Saudi Arabia. Which I don't agree with attacking the Saudis but Remember, most of the 9/11 actors were Saudi. None were Iraqi. At least that would be a cogent arguement. There wasn't one for Iraq...
Huh? Did you watch the video. It's Cheney speaking. What other source do you want than his mouth?

Are you talking about taking sentences from complete responses? Riotch, why so contrary?

If you want to start pulling youtube videos, we'll start posting really stupid lies spoken by Hillary, Bill, Barack or whomever else you want to target. We can find anything on anyone and it doesn't have to be true, just something to back up our point.

Oh, and by the way, did you respond on the WMD response to you. Much has been documented on that. But it goes by the same way the media fuels the political wars. Only what they desire us to here.

One must look at historical events in their entirety, not in some black and white vacuum.

You seem to never find common ground with anyone unless they have drunk the entire liberal kool-aid. What's up with that?

I think Obama is an a**hole, liar and the closest thing the U.S. has seen to a Biblical predecessor to the Anti-Christ that I have ever witnessed in my 57 years. I have never seen so many lies made to the American people and catering to the least educated voter by a candidate or sitting president. I have never seen our country sell out so much and it saddens me.

But if he does something good, which he does as a human being, good for him and us. I can't disagree with every single thought or decision he makes.

We lost control of our government long along. We are just pawns in this game now.

But your points are all agenda and emotion based. You seem to be looking for an excuse. Your agenda slip shows every time you post. Life isn't so black and white.
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Are you talking about taking sentences from complete responses? Riotch, why so contrary?

If you want to start pulling youtube videos, we'll start posting really stupid lies spoken by Hillary, Bill, Barack or whomever else you want to target. We can find anything on anyone and it doesn't have to be true, just something to back up our point.

Oh, and by the way, did you respond on the WMD response to you. Much has been documented on that. But it goes by the same way the media fuels the political wars. Only what they desire us to here.

One must look at historical events in their entirety, not in some black and white vacuum.

You seem to never find common ground with anyone unless they have drunk the entire liberal kool-aid. What's up with that?

I think Obama is an a**hole, liar and the closest thing the U.S. has seen to a Biblical predecessor to the Anti-Christ that I have ever witnessed in my 57 years. I have never seen so many lies made to the American people and catering to the least educated voter by a candidate or sitting president. I have never seen our country sell out so much and it saddens me.

But if he does something good, which he does as a human being, good for him and us. I can't disagree with every single thought or decision he makes.

We lost control of our government long along. We are just pawns in this game now.

But your points are all agenda and emotion based. You seem to be looking for an excuse. Your agenda slip shows every time you post. Life isn't so black and white.

Cheney bush and Iraq is black and white. Stupid period. Neither will admit it. Cheney wanders around pontificating thoughts on the Iran deal. Why would we listen to someone who is over and over wrong on Middle East policy and wars??? Why?? Can't help you if you believe that the president is the anti-Christ. Thats just silly. Whatever. Honestly.
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Why do you keep saying I'm defending Obama. I am not. Huh? I haven't even mentioned him. You did. I pointed out how incredibly stupid it was to ever go to Iraq and assholes like Cheney won't even admit their stupid decisions that killed thousands of Americans. Now, you can't possibly be arguing that going to Iraq by bush was "keeping his nation safe". That's intellectually dishonest if I've ever heard so. If bush wanted to fight someone in the Middle East it should have been Saudi Arabia. Which I don't agree with attacking the Saudis but Remember, most of the 9/11 actors were Saudi. None were Iraqi. At least that would be a cogent arguement. There wasn't one for Iraq...

Take off your ideological blinders, you fool. You'll never know the truth about WMDs, Iraq, and our US Government. I'm sure Cheney knows a lot more than you and I will ever know about the subject. To say this is a Bush/Cheney war is just not factual. If you were intellectually honest, and it appears you are not, you're agenda driven, you would be seeking the truth. You are regurgitating the Liberal Lame Stream Media's narrative without even considering the facts.

Bill Clinton in 1998 signed the Iraq Liberation Act:
Iraq Liberation Act of 1998 - Declares that it should be the policy of the United States to seek to remove the Saddam Hussein regime from power in Iraq and to replace it with a democratic government.

Authorizes the President, after notifying specified congressional committees, to provide to the Iraqi democratic opposition organizations: (1) grant assistance for radio and television broadcasting to Iraq; (2) Department of Defense (DOD) defense articles and services and military education and training (IMET); and (3) humanitarian assistance, with emphasis on addressing the needs of individuals who have fled from areas under the control of the Hussein regime. Prohibits assistance to any group or organization that is engaged in military cooperation with the Hussein regime. Authorizes appropriations.

Directs the President to designate: (1) one or more Iraqi democratic opposition organizations that meet specified criteria as eligible to receive assistance under this Act; and (2) additional such organizations which satisfy the President's criteria.

Urges the President to call upon the United Nations to establish an international criminal tribunal for the purpose of indicting, prosecuting, and imprisoning Saddam Hussein and other Iraqi officials who are responsible for crimes against humanity, genocide, and other criminal violations of international law.

Expresses the sense of the Congress that once the Saddam Hussein regime is removed from power in Iraq, the United States should support Iraq's transition to democracy by providing humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people and democracy transition assistance to Iraqi parties and movements with democratic goals, including convening Iraq's foreign creditors to develop a multilateral response to the foreign debt incurred by the Hussein regime.
hat tip:
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Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...

We currently have a president who ran on getting us out of Iraq (regardless of the effects of that policy on the region) and the first chance he had he cut and ran. The country (Iraq) was pretty much stable when Bush left office and now it's a dumpster fire since Obama pulled out. In addition Libya, Syria and Yemen have gone to hell. Now Iran is about to get 150 billion dollars to help finance more terrorism in the region and a pathway to a nuke.

Obama owns this. It's convenient of you trying to push this on Bush (surprise, surprise), but Obama has made this bed through his weak foreign policy. He owns it.
It's not intellectually dishonest to say this was their war. It was. They lobbied Congress. They got on TV saying over and over wmd (which no one, No One, was saying simple mustard gas-we knew saddam used mustard gas in the 80s against Iran and again in the 90s against the Kurds. Twice. That was old news.) What Rumsfeld and cheney and bush lobbied over, and over again was for secret nukes, anthrax (which is stupid) sarin and a mass program etc.. Saddam had mustard gas in the 80s. Everyone knew that. It was well documented his use of it against the Kurds. We didn't go to Iraq because of some "new" mustard gas. We went for Cheney and rumsfleds argument that he had worse. And he didn't. They were flat wrong and sold the American people, it's army, and congress a giant lie which killed thousand of Americans. I include Powell with them, though I'm pretty sure he was pushed by them reluctantly (he has said so himself). At least Powell will admit it was a horrible mistake now. I respect him for that.

This is the problem with making a dumbass the president. It doesn't end we he leaves office. We will be fighting bush jr's war in Iraq for decades. His stupidity demolished the one stabilizing force (albeit a despicable regime but hell aren't all of them over there) in the Shia/Sunni war, the country of Iraq. Now, because of the power vacuum the USA created, Isis amongst others have found room to grow. How do we get out of it now??? We can't, especially with our ties to Israel.

What is amazing is that Clinton and Kerry years before Bush said the same thing. Amazing. Every intelligence in the world at the time was saying the same thing. We had a madman in the region who attacked both Iran and Kuwait. He had inquired with every outlaw regime in the world about nukes. I love this hindsight 20-20 vision you Libs have after the fact even after all your Democrats said and thought the same thing ( even before Bush was ever president.). In addition there were the 13 UN violations and ceasefire violations.

Besides, it seems to me that Libya and Syria imploded before Obama decided to abandon Iraq. If anything you Libs should be feeling very guilty about all those casualties you mention that liberated Iraq only to have Obama abandon Iraq.
And before you start on the garbage that the U.S. did not have a choice, it is pretty clear what Obama's intentions were.

Why do you keep saying I'm defending Obama. I am not. Huh? I haven't even mentioned him. You did. I pointed out how incredibly stupid it was to ever go to Iraq and assholes like Cheney won't even admit their stupid decisions that killed thousands of Americans. Now, you can't possibly be arguing that going to Iraq by bush was "keeping his nation safe". That's intellectually dishonest if I've ever heard so. If bush wanted to fight someone in the Middle East it should have been Saudi Arabia. Which I don't agree with attacking the Saudis but Remember, most of the 9/11 actors were Saudi. None were Iraqi. At least that would be a cogent arguement. There wasn't one for Iraq...

In the countries where we left behind forces and helped them rebuild they are all very successful (Germany, Japen, South Korea), pulling out too early was a mistake.

As for Saddam, one would have thought that when he got his arse kicked the first time that would have backed off, but he didn't. He was a continuing threat in the region. After 911, I certainly think there was a thought about who else might pose us a threat in the region.
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And before you start on the garbage that the U.S. did not have a choice, it is pretty clear what Obama's intentions were.

In the countries where we left behind forces and helped them rebuild they are all very successful (Germany, Japen, South Korea), pulling out too early was a mistake.

As for Saddam, one would have thought that when he got his arse kicked the first time that would have backed off, but he didn't. He was a continuing threat in the region. After 911, I certainly think there was a thought about who else might pose us a threat in the region.

We left troops in Iraq for years. They were being blown up by ieds and the inevitable civil war that ensued. That is called a power vacuum. The same thing that happened in Vietnam. Most of the casualties of the Iraq war occurred after bushs little stunt "we won" on the aircraft carrier. Funny how you mention countries that we left troops in as "success" in wars from over 50 years ago. Different era wouldn't you say? Different wars than a universally accepted world war and the Korean War. Again 60 years ago. Cheney clearly thought like you do. Wrongly.

So saddam is a "threat in the region" but the the Iranians, Syrians, and to top it the Pakistanis are not nearly as dangerous? Thus we need to go to war with Iraq because they won't yield to our and British push through the weak un to let us openly examine his wmd program? It had nothing to do with bush wanting to finish his daddies work huh? I agree Obama and the American public overwhelmingly wanted out of Iraq. It was a disaster of a war for us. Will go down in history just like Vietnam as another failed war post ww2 for us. I hope that the U.S. Will learn from this and not have anymore wars like Iraq. Stupid ones. But we will be fighting cheneys war in the region for the coming decades. The more we kill there the more enemies we make. We ought to be out of the region. We should have never went back into it militarily.

There is an incredible irony here. The U.S. Funded al queda in Afghanistan to fight the Russians (again looking back it seems to have been a bad decision wouldn't you say?). Now we are fighting them along with their outshoot Isis (who is armed with our weapons we left from the failed Iraq war). To top that irony, we are now fighting with.......wait for it...IRAN in Iraq to defeat Isis. Yep, the most effective fighters against Isis right now are Iranian soldiers that have come over the border to fight the Sunni/Shia battle. Smh. Maybe we ought to just stay the hell out of that region. It seems every action we make there militarily leads to bad outcomes for us. But, we can't even seem to agree that the second Iraq war was a catastrophically stupid war. Probably because we have folks who won't admit they are wrong. Ever. Like Cheney and Hillary. Smdh
Cheney bush and Iraq is black and white. Stupid period. Neither will admit it. Cheney wanders around pontificating thoughts on the Iran deal. Why would we listen to someone who is over and over wrong on Middle East policy and wars??? Why?? Can't help you if you believe that the president is the anti-Christ. Thats just silly. Whatever. Honestly.

I get it now. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking. Who said the president was the anti-christ?

Good grief man, you are a walking cliche'.
I get it now. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking. Who said the president was the anti-christ?

Good grief man, you are a walking cliche'.

You did. Read your post above "the closest thing to the biblical predecessor to the anti-Christ". Are you drunk like rolo again? Oh sorry, your semantics of that you didn't call him the antichrist, you called him the "biblical predecessor to the Anti-Christ". Listen to yourself. Please. Go back and reread your post in this thread. You called him "the closest thing to the biblical predecessor to the anti-Christ". Good grief man, I'm Just quoting you.....

Edit: I did some research as "biblical predecessor to the anti Christ" seemed an interesting phrase and I was sure you had not come up with it. Is this where you pull this kind of talk from? See link
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Just watch. Remember, bush and Cheney pushed us into the Iraq war. It's their baby. Their decision killed over 4,500 Americans, and maimed over 10,000 Americans in Iraq. Also killed more than 200,000 Iraqis allowing Isis to come to power due to the destabilization of the region. And here is what he has to say about it..... Make your own decisions when voting, they have consequences...

Pretty sure Bush/Cheney are not on the ballot and thank goodness the weakest, most divisive, destructive American president in history is not either. One who has the world aflame and his own country is a complete mess. Nor are their anyone LIKE THEM. There are however some who compare and come off as much worse. You have Hillary who is simply an awful person. A common crook with a head full of snakes. You have Biden making up his mind who is at least the dumbest American politician in modern times. You do have a communist in Bernie Sanders, who extols the virtue or raping women and actually claims they like it in his self created poetry. Not sure either Bush or Cheney, two dedicated to women and respect for family guys are in that mold. Sanders has recently been ran off the stage and actually hide from two little, fat gals in Oregon. Amazingly cowardly. What a creep. And you do have Trump. A guy who in his own way is as potentially destructive and reactionary as Obama. Similar rhetoric, similar narcissistic personality. Just opposite ends of the spectrum. In fact Trump is a creation of Obama. Obama broke the bounds of extreme belief and behavior and made Trump possible. And has driven America to the brink of backing a damn fool with his trend setting foolishness. So far the only intelligent, poised, exciting candidate who has shown leadership and articulates and exudes confidence is Carly Fiorina. I know, I know she is a she. And many on the left will tear into her with a vengeance because of sexual bias but they will only do so behind her back as she will melt them to their face. A female Reagan with probably more intellect and precision.

Oh and btw, Riotch, we should have bombed Saudi Arabia huh? Would that be before or after we finish blowing Israel planes up which your hero has threatened to do and turning our other important friend in the region, Egypt, into an extremist Islamic stronghold which Obama has supported. Should Canada worry too? Insanity, nothing short of insanity. Please just stop it.
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We left troops in Iraq for years. They were being blown up by ieds and the inevitable civil war that ensued. That is called a power vacuum. The same thing that happened in Vietnam. Most of the casualties of the Iraq war occurred after bushs little stunt "we won" on the aircraft carrier. Funny how you mention countries that we left troops in as "success" in wars from over 50 years ago. Different era wouldn't you say? Different wars than a universally accepted world war and the Korean War. Again 60 years ago. Cheney clearly thought like you do. Wrongly.

So saddam is a "threat in the region" but the the Iranians, Syrians, and to top it the Pakistanis are not nearly as dangerous? Thus we need to go to war with Iraq because they won't yield to our and British push through the weak un to let us openly examine his wmd program? It had nothing to do with bush wanting to finish his daddies work huh? I agree Obama and the American public overwhelmingly wanted out of Iraq. It was a disaster of a war for us. Will go down in history just like Vietnam as another failed war post ww2 for us. I hope that the U.S. Will learn from this and not have anymore wars like Iraq. Stupid ones. But we will be fighting cheneys war in the region for the coming decades. The more we kill there the more enemies we make. We ought to be out of the region. We should have never went back into it militarily.

There is an incredible irony here. The U.S. Funded al queda in Afghanistan to fight the Russians (again looking back it seems to have been a bad decision wouldn't you say?). Now we are fighting them along with their outshoot Isis (who is armed with our weapons we left from the failed Iraq war). To top that irony, we are now fighting with.......wait for it...IRAN in Iraq to defeat Isis. Yep, the most effective fighters against Isis right now are Iranian soldiers that have come over the border to fight the Sunni/Shia battle. Smh. Maybe we ought to just stay the hell out of that region. It seems every action we make there militarily leads to bad outcomes for us. But, we can't even seem to agree that the second Iraq war was a catastrophically stupid war. Probably because we have folks who won't admit they are wrong. Ever. Like Cheney and Hillary. Smdh

Yes there were IEDs in Iraq, but most of it fomented by Iran's surrogates. And they certainly weren't to the extent that we should have given up on the country. But it is not unusual for liberals to cut and run, so no surprise there. Its a terror attack with the intention of making the opposition lose the will to fight. Congratulations, you capitulated.

I like the way that if you don't like the answer you change the metric. Different wars, different era. How about we stick it out and try and see what happens. The "mission accomplished" banner that you libs love to hang on too is the stupidest argument ever. The ground war was won. The major armies defeated. Everyone, Bush and Cheney included knew there would be more insurrections and said so at the time. But, there is no way that you guys are ever going to concede the even the smallest amount of success. That is how petty you guys are. A blind man could see that we won every single major military engagement. The rest is just petty liberal spin. All of which we are used to by now.

Yes, Saddam was a threat to the region because of his actions. Syria, Pakistan and Iran did not invade another country. They were not making every neighbor in the region nervous with their intentions. I know you libs really want to re-write history to fit your version of how you want things to be, but all the Arabs in the region did not trust Saddam either. None of this would have happened if he hadn't played cat and mouse with the UN inspectors. We never knew what he really had because he was trying to hide his intentions.

Or this one from notoriously left leaning PBS

The key points:
However, the IAEA did find that "Iraq was at, or close to, the threshold of success in such areas as the production of [highly enriched uranium] ... and the fabrication of the explosive package for a nuclear weapon." Despite the fact that the facilities and nuclear material had been destroyed or removed, as early as 1996 the IAEA concluded that "the know-how and expertise acquired by Iraqi scientists and engineers could provide an adequate base for reconstituting a nuclear-weapons-oriented program."

Nuclear physicist and Iraqi defector Khidhir Hamza agrees. He told FRONTLINE that Iraq did not relinquish certain critical components of the nuclear program to the inspectors, and that it retains the expertise necessary to build a nuclear weapon. He believes that Iraq may have one completed within the next couple of years.

Note: IAEA was allowed back into Iraq in January 2000 and again in January 2001. But its inspectors were blocked from full access inspections.

You are so narrowly focused and short sighted on some things, but you do a good job of buying into the liberal spin. Congrats. As far Afghanistan, the thought at the time is that Russia (the Soviet Union) was pushing through Afghanistan to get a grip on the Middle East oil and Iran would have been the next domino to fall. This was just a launching point. We see this playing out now in Russia despite the "reset" button. It was important to stop them before they were able to conquer Afghanistan. As far, Osama Bin Laden, no none could see that coming. We were not an occupying force in Afghanistan. We aided them without ever placing an Army there. There was no reason for that to occur other than Saudi money and Pakistani support. So, it makes a good story to talk about "we should have seen it coming," but it is ridiculous on its face.

And lastly, we will be fighting Obama's wars in the region for the coming decades. It was he who pulled out of Iraq and left a vacuum and abandoned all those people. He was the one who drew a feckless line in Syria. It was he who got rid of Qaddafi and left North Africa in shambles. He was the one who supported the wrong government in Egypt. He is also the one who armed factions of ISIS in Syria that helped lead to this Iraq crisis. This is far worse then us arming Afghani's in their war for independence. His record will show that he aided and allowed the spread of radical Islam from the Atlantic ocean in Africa to Pakistan and down to Yeman. You can twist that anyway you want (and you will because the only refrain you know is "it's Bush's fault), but the evidence is clear even if you don't want to face it.
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Actually the real problem is when a POTUS draws a "red line" and lacks the fortitude to back it up. Damn, even Hillary is now admitting that it was a huge mistake for Obama not to follow through with his threats to take action in Syria. Now Europe has a humanitarian crisis. Sometimes NOT taking action can have even worse consequences. I see you've chosen to ignore those facts since it's still so easy for the "sheep" like yourself to BLAME BUSH while Barry get's a pass.

Us "taking action" in Syria would have only end with possibly even more refugees than we see now. Syria would have been another Iraq. No win situation
Us "taking action" in Syria would have only end with possibly even more refugees than we see now. Syria would have been another Iraq. No win situation
Obama is a puss, Hitlery is a liar and Kerry is an idiot. I'd take W and Cheney over those 3 a-holes any day of the week.
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Look I'm a lib and don't think you can fault Bush and Chaney 100% for going into Iraq. What I can fault them for is how horribly they executed occupation that followed the invasion. Their post-war plans for Iraq were hands down the worst military mistakes in America history. The U.S. has plans for everything and prior to 2003 we had a plan for invading Iraq. It called for at least 300K ground troops and years of occupation. Chaney and Rumy didn't like that idea so they took us to war with half the required amount and pretty much scored the pooch on every major decision there after. They failed to recognize the beginning of the insurgency and until years later when it was too late. The disbanding of the Iraqi army was probably the biggest mistake of all. This was a decision that took the entire military by surprise and was really the heart of the insurgency that we see today. No I don't blame Bush and Chaney for taking us to war but I sure as hell blame them for the 4500 lives lost due to their incompetent post war planning
Us "taking action" in Syria would have only end with possibly even more refugees than we see now. Syria would have been another Iraq. No win situation

Pure Speculation. You have no idea what would've happened. But, if that were the case Obama should have never made the red line comment. Agree?
Pure Speculation. You have no idea what would've happened. But, if that were the case Obama should have never made the red line comment. Agree?
Odumbazz shouldn't have thrown BiBi under the bus or made the "he could've been a son of mine" comment either.
Look I'm a lib and don't think you can fault Bush and Chaney 100% for going into Iraq. What I can fault them for is how horribly they executed occupation that followed the invasion. Their post-war plans for Iraq were hands down the worst military mistakes in America history. The U.S. has plans for everything and prior to 2003 we had a plan for invading Iraq. It called for at least 300K ground troops and years of occupation. Chaney and Rumy didn't like that idea so they took us to war with half the required amount and pretty much scored the pooch on every major decision there after. They failed to recognize the beginning of the insurgency and until years later when it was too late. The disbanding of the Iraqi army was probably the biggest mistake of all. This was a decision that took the entire military by surprise and was really the heart of the insurgency that we see today. No I don't blame Bush and Chaney for taking us to war but I sure as hell blame them for the 4500 lives lost due to their incompetent post war planning

I will concede there were some bad decisions made after the war in regards to the occupation/insurgency of Iraq. You can certainly make a case for that.
Pretty sure Bush/Cheney are not on the ballot and thank goodness the weakest, most divisive, destructive American president in history is not either. One who has the world aflame and his own country is a complete mess. Nor are their anyone LIKE THEM. There are however some who compare and come off as much worse. You have Hillary who is simply an awful person. A common crook with a head full of snakes. You have Biden making up his mind who is at least the dumbest American politician in modern times. You do have a communist in Bernie Sanders, who extols the virtue or raping women and actually claims they like it in his self created poetry. Not sure either Bush or Cheney, two dedicated to women and respect for family guys are in that mold. Sanders has recently been ran off the stage and actually hide from two little, fat gals in Oregon. Amazingly cowardly. What a creep. And you do have Trump. A guy who in his own way is as potentially destructive and reactionary as Obama. Similar rhetoric, similar narcissistic personality. Just opposite ends of the spectrum. In fact Trump is a creation of Obama. Obama broke the bounds of extreme belief and behavior and made Trump possible. And has driven America to the brink of backing a damn fool with his trend setting foolishness. So far the only intelligent, poised, exciting candidate who has shown leadership and articulates and exudes confidence is Carly Fiorina. I know, I know she is a she. And many on the left will tear into her with a vengeance because of sexual bias but they will only do so behind her back as she will melt them to their face. A female Reagan with probably more intellect and precision.

Oh and btw, Riotch, we should have bombed Saudi Arabia huh? Would that be before or after we finish blowing Israel planes up which your hero has threatened to do and turning our other important friend in the region, Egypt, into an extremist Islamic stronghold which Obama has supported. Should Canada worry too? Insanity, nothing short of insanity. Please just stop it.

You don't read well. I said there were at least cases to be made for invasion of those countries which I stated I didn't agree with any of those. In fact, I said we shouldn't go to war in that region at all. I assume you think I like Obama and that isnt true either. But carry on with talking with yourself about what I haven't said. Actually with the opposite of what I said.

I agree with most of your post about the current candidates. I'd probably prefer Jim Webb but none of them are particularly exciting. Trump has hijacked the pub party and he's just a clown
Yes there were IEDs in Iraq, but most of it fomented by Iran's surrogates. And they certainly weren't to the extent that we should have given up on the country. But it is not unusual for liberals to cut and run, so no surprise there. Its a terror attack with the intention of making the opposition lose the will to fight. Congratulations, you capitulated.

I like the way that if you don't like the answer you change the metric. Different wars, different era. How about we stick it out and try and see what happens. The "mission accomplished" banner that you libs love to hang on too is the stupidest argument ever. The ground war was won. The major armies defeated. Everyone, Bush and Cheney included knew there would be more insurrections and said so at the time. But, there is no way that you guys are ever going to concede the even the smallest amount of success. That is how petty you guys are. A blind man could see that we won every single major military engagement. The rest is just petty liberal spin. All of which we are used to by now.

Yes, Saddam was a threat to the region because of his actions. Syria, Pakistan and Iran did not invade another country. They were not making every neighbor in the region nervous with their intentions. I know you libs really want to re-write history to fit your version of how you want things to be, but all the Arabs in the region did not trust Saddam either. None of this would have happened if he hadn't played cat and mouse with the UN inspectors. We never knew what he really had because he was trying to hide his intentions.

Or this one from notoriously left leaning PBS

The key points:
However, the IAEA did find that "Iraq was at, or close to, the threshold of success in such areas as the production of [highly enriched uranium] ... and the fabrication of the explosive package for a nuclear weapon." Despite the fact that the facilities and nuclear material had been destroyed or removed, as early as 1996 the IAEA concluded that "the know-how and expertise acquired by Iraqi scientists and engineers could provide an adequate base for reconstituting a nuclear-weapons-oriented program."

Nuclear physicist and Iraqi defector Khidhir Hamza agrees. He told FRONTLINE that Iraq did not relinquish certain critical components of the nuclear program to the inspectors, and that it retains the expertise necessary to build a nuclear weapon. He believes that Iraq may have one completed within the next couple of years.

Note: IAEA was allowed back into Iraq in January 2000 and again in January 2001. But its inspectors were blocked from full access inspections.

You are so narrowly focused and short sighted on some things, but you do a good job of buying into the liberal spin. Congrats. As far Afghanistan, the thought at the time is that Russia (the Soviet Union) was pushing through Afghanistan to get a grip on the Middle East oil and Iran would have been the next domino to fall. This was just a launching point. We see this playing out now in Russia despite the "reset" button. It was important to stop them before they were able to conquer Afghanistan. As far, Osama Bin Laden, no none could see that coming. We were not an occupying force in Afghanistan. We aided them without ever placing an Army there. There was no reason for that to occur other than Saudi money and Pakistani support. So, it makes a good story to talk about "we should have seen it coming," but it is ridiculous on its face.

And lastly, we will be fighting Obama's wars in the region for the coming decades. It was he who pulled out of Iraq and left a vacuum and abandoned all those people. He was the one who drew a feckless line in Syria. It was he who got rid of Qaddafi and left North Africa in shambles. He was the one who supported the wrong government in Egypt. He is also the one who armed factions of ISIS in Syria that helped lead to this Iraq crisis. This is far worse then us arming Afghani's in their war for independence. His record will show that he aided and allowed the spread of radical Islam from the Atlantic ocean in Africa to Pakistan and down to Yeman. You can twist that anyway you want (and you will because the only refrain you know is "it's Bush's fault), but the evidence is clear even if you don't want to face it.

So you're the guy still defending this war? Smh. Okay enjoy that position. You stated "saddam was making his neighbors nervous". Then let his neighbors handle him. Iran certainly could have. The Saudis with our peripheral support could have but chicken littles always want the U.S. To go to war. It's what little men like bush and Cheney do. Over and over. Unfortunately we will do it again because of people who think like you. But I'm sure you or your boy won't be spending time in those wars like my family has. It's always someone else's fault. let me guess, Nixon wasn't a crook either? Have a good day.

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