Yes there were IEDs in Iraq, but most of it fomented by Iran's surrogates. And they certainly weren't to the extent that we should have given up on the country. But it is not unusual for liberals to cut and run, so no surprise there. Its a terror attack with the intention of making the opposition lose the will to fight. Congratulations, you capitulated.
I like the way that if you don't like the answer you change the metric. Different wars, different era. How about we stick it out and try and see what happens. The "mission accomplished" banner that you libs love to hang on too is the stupidest argument ever. The ground war was won. The major armies defeated. Everyone, Bush and Cheney included knew there would be more insurrections and said so at the time. But, there is no way that you guys are ever going to concede the even the smallest amount of success. That is how petty you guys are. A blind man could see that we won every single major military engagement. The rest is just petty liberal spin. All of which we are used to by now.
Yes, Saddam was a threat to the region because of his actions. Syria, Pakistan and Iran did not invade another country. They were not making every neighbor in the region nervous with their intentions. I know you libs really want to re-write history to fit your version of how you want things to be, but all the Arabs in the region did not trust Saddam either. None of this would have happened if he hadn't played cat and mouse with the UN inspectors. We never knew what he really had because he was trying to hide his intentions.
Or this one from notoriously left leaning PBS
The key points:
However, the IAEA did find that "Iraq was at, or close to, the threshold of success in such areas as the production of [highly enriched uranium] ... and the fabrication of the explosive package for a nuclear weapon." Despite the fact that the facilities and nuclear material had been destroyed or removed, as early as 1996 the IAEA concluded that "the know-how and expertise acquired by Iraqi scientists and engineers could provide an adequate base for reconstituting a nuclear-weapons-oriented program."
Nuclear physicist and Iraqi defector
Khidhir Hamza agrees. He told FRONTLINE that Iraq did not relinquish certain critical components of the nuclear program to the inspectors, and that it retains the expertise necessary to build a nuclear weapon. He believes that Iraq may have one completed within the next couple of years.
Note: IAEA was allowed back into Iraq in January 2000 and again in January 2001. But its inspectors were blocked from full access inspections.
You are so narrowly focused and short sighted on some things, but you do a good job of buying into the liberal spin. Congrats. As far Afghanistan, the thought at the time is that Russia (the Soviet Union) was pushing through Afghanistan to get a grip on the Middle East oil and Iran would have been the next domino to fall. This was just a launching point. We see this playing out now in Russia despite the "reset" button. It was important to stop them before they were able to conquer Afghanistan. As far, Osama Bin Laden, no none could see that coming. We were not an occupying force in Afghanistan. We aided them without ever placing an Army there. There was no reason for that to occur other than Saudi money and Pakistani support. So, it makes a good story to talk about "we should have seen it coming," but it is ridiculous on its face.
And lastly, we will be fighting Obama's wars in the region for the coming decades. It was he who pulled out of Iraq and left a vacuum and abandoned all those people. He was the one who drew a feckless line in Syria. It was he who got rid of Qaddafi and left North Africa in shambles. He was the one who supported the wrong government in Egypt. He is also the one who armed factions of ISIS in Syria that helped lead to this Iraq crisis. This is far worse then us arming Afghani's in their war for independence. His record will show that he aided and allowed the spread of radical Islam from the Atlantic ocean in Africa to Pakistan and down to Yeman. You can twist that anyway you want (and you will because the only refrain you know is "it's Bush's fault), but the evidence is clear even if you don't want to face it.