So you're the guy still defending this war? Smh. Okay enjoy that position. You stated "saddam was making his neighbors nervous". Then let his neighbors handle him. Iran certainly could have. The Saudis with our peripheral support could have but chicken littles always want the U.S. To go to war. It's what little men like bush and Cheney do. Over and over. Unfortunately we will do it again because of people who think like you. But I'm sure you or your boy won't be spending time in those wars like my family has. It's always someone else's fault. let me guess, Nixon wasn't a crook either? Have a good day.
It may not be politically correct, but I'll defend the war all day. Knowing what we know about the atrocities carried out by the Dictator Saddam and his henchmen- 300,000 innocent men, women, and children killed. Many with their hands tied behind their back and bullet holes in their heads. I'm not defending Bush/Cheney, but those innocent men, women, and children deserved justice, and justice was served. In my opinion, it was justified.
Sandy Hodgkinson said the administration has been sending forensic teams to investigate those grave sites reported to U.S. officials. So far, the existence of about 40 graves has been confirmed."We have found mass graves with women and children with bullet holes in their heads," she said.
hat tip:
For you to continue to blame Bush/Cheney, after all the proof above that debunks that theory, makes you look like the ideological fool you are. You never once mention the UN, Clinton, or Congress. Bush/Cheney, Bush/Cheney, Bush/Cheney, Blah, blah, blah! kool-aid drinker.
Last point and I'm done with this topic: more often then not, when a liberal invokes the sanctity of soldier's lives it is to push an agenda. If that weren't the case you'd see more of an outrage from the main stream media and liberals in regards to the VA .
More than 300,000 American military veterans likely died while waiting for health care -- and nearly twice as many are still waiting -- according to a new Department of Veterans Affairs inspector general report.