It's been my experience only little metrosexuals use "dude" in their conversations. Many are somewhat confused as to whether they want to fight or have someone use a cat of nine tails on their buttocks. I'll go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt and say you maybe got sold some bad meth @ the 7-11 and in between grinding your teeth and your nervous jerking you just forgot you are posting to grownups. A brat packer perhaps. BTW, I'm 70 and retired so there is no chance of the army coming back after me.
Aside from that you got me confused (another bad reaction I spose) since I give 2 shits about all these phantoms floating around in your imagination. Boko who? Is that a gang some of your friends or folks belongs too? Korea? Think I caught something that starts with a g and rhymes with Korea at Kimpo in the sixties. Did you read that harem name on the outhouse wall at a truck stop? Or was that some "dude" named Hamas looking for a pickup. Think i saw a running back with that name playing for Baylor today. Aside from that I'm too late in the fourth quarter to much care one way or another WTF goes down. Russia? Yeah I know about them. Biggest nuke arsenal on the planet earth. Population who despises the USA and the death march of everyone from Nap to Adolph. So yeah they are kind of a big deal. I used to jam their shit in the Aleutians.
But knock yourself out trying to be a smart azz. I've likely stepped over bigger wise azzes than you looking for a cuss fight. I just like to argue with you whistle britches. But you are right, there is no fight left in me. Although my old business partner had a damn good suggestion. Why send these young boys to the middle east, he says. Send us since we ain't got anything to lose and we would get a thrill out of it. I told him it made sense as long as I don't have to hump, I'm used to riding now. So I guess you are sorta on the right track since you figured out there was no real bad azz on this end of the line. I just like to make you boys run in circles and foam at the mouth.
Well, now you've met someone who isn't a metrosexual that says dude. Don't think my f350 nor all my guns fit in well with the metros though I can't say I've tried. I get all your cute jokes about gayness though. Seems I've found the ones that joke about gayness the most usually are closeted gays. Again, I have no experience in the gay area as I haven't tried that either, nor do I plan to. I do think though that they should have all the rights that me and my fiancée will have when we are married.
Boko haram is the North African wing of Isis. They provide an estimated 40 percent of the total dollars flowing to Isis by transmitting and dealing cocaine made in Brazil, Columbia and other Central American countries, then shipped to west Africa and transported by ground and across the Mediterranean to Europe. They are now the largest supplier of cocaine to Europe and al queda provides essentially all the hash and heroin to Europe. Amazing how these guys religion is bent when it comes to money, huh. Remember all those little girls that were taken in africa? Boko haram. The Christians killed in Sudan and Somalia? Boko haram. Aka North African Isis.
As far as Russia goes, after the fall of the ussr they really are a paper tiger. I know in your era (and mine growing up) they were a kinda big deal and are still mildly, ONLY because they have nukes. Now that North Korea, japan(by proxy from us), isreal (by proxy from us), India, Pakistan, China and the us has them the only nation I'm actually concerned about using nukes is Pakistan. Russia won't, IMO, make much of a fight in the Middle East/Syria. We have already done far more than I think Russia ever will in that region. They can't afford it, and like in Afghanistan, if they start having casualties their people will want out. The only kicker I see is if the Moslems start blowing up stuff in Russia. Then it could get interesting. Oddly, then they would be our real ally along with Iran (yep the main effective fighting force in Iraq against Isis is Iranian soldiers)against Isis.
On a sidebar, as I have aged I want less war. Maybe it's because of my family members who were servicemen and dealing with their overdoses, nightmares, and other psychological difficulties because they killed and killed in wars that may or may not have made us any safer (Afghanistan and Iraq most recently,)Those wars, when we walk away, will be seen as failures. I appreciate your service and as a serviceman, I have to believe that you don't want our families and kids to be killed or f'ed up in some foreign country fighting for a "side" that we don't even understand or feel like are part of our "side." Just mho but my family has sure suffered enough to be listened to when talking about war as its my family and friends that will be sent over there to do the killing. I guess I'm done "foaming at the mouth" as you say. Again, thank you for your service.