So, are we really supposed to believe that Hightower continued to travel with the team while having the flu?
During the worst flu outbreak in decades?
If that's true, it might be a fireable offense in and of itself.
If it's not true, ditto.
If our AD had a clue, this seems like a great chance to McElwain Fox. Either he is telling the truth and made a HUGE error in judgment, forsaking the health of his players, or he's lying and we can McElwain him for lying.
During the worst flu outbreak in decades?
If that's true, it might be a fireable offense in and of itself.
If it's not true, ditto.
If our AD had a clue, this seems like a great chance to McElwain Fox. Either he is telling the truth and made a HUGE error in judgment, forsaking the health of his players, or he's lying and we can McElwain him for lying.