Ho hum another terrorist attack this time in Mali


National Champion
Jan 28, 2004
The newsman said it was unclear at this point which islamic terrorist organization did it.....AND that's the point. You can play your shell games all day long but the islamist are at war with the world. It doesn't matter their names or if they lied to the latest poll taken in their country condemning ISIS or some other such nonsense. They do kill each other but at the end of the day it is a difference in whether they are sunni or shia or whether they are playing the short game (terror) now or the long game (move into other countries multiply take over) and their message no matter what type of Muslim is very clear -Submit or Die. If I was running for president I would propose a Jizya (the same tax muslims put on non believers) on all Muslims and all goods coming from islamic countries. I would start it at 5% but every time another Islamic terror attack occurred anywhere in the world I would would raise it 1%. Can't pay? Immediate exportation to somalia, assets seized citizen or non citizen alike.
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The newsman said it was unclear at this point which islamic terrorist organization did it.....AND that's the point. You can play your shell games all day long but the islamist are at war with the world. It doesn't matter their names or if they lied to the latest poll taken in their country condemning ISIS or some other such nonsense. They do kill each other but at the end of the day it is a difference in whether they are sunni or shia or whether they are playing the short game (terror) now or the long game (move into other countries multiply take over) and their message no matter what type of Muslim is very clear -Submit or Die. If I was running for president I would propose a Jizya (the same tax muslims put on non believers) on all Muslims and all goods coming from islamic countries. I would start it at 5% but every time another Islamic terror attack occurred anywhere in the world I would would raise it 1%. Can't pay? Immediate exportation to somalia, assets seized citizen or non citizen alike.

WHAAAAAAT???? [re-reads post, breathes sigh of relief]

Mali. I thought you said MAUI!
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The religion of peace strikes again. Can we put a rush job on getting those refugees here. It will be like one big pajama party.

When they see the acts of kindness (entitlements) showered upon them by our government they will have no choice but to like us ..

As a taxpayer I can't wait to pay for this just like my liberal well spent
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