What happened in Paris yesterday is an extension of 9/11. This is clearly a Holy War for Muslims, as their objective is to eliminate anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology. I would feel better if it really was "just a few extremists", as our President and many others would like to say. I am troubled by the fact that billions of so-called "peaceful" or "moderate" Muslims sit idly by, and don't challenge ISIS and the like. Perhaps it is driven by fear. Their silence is eerily similar to what happened in Nazi Germany 70 years ago. Regardless, I take this silence as acceptance and support for the ISIS cause. Those of us in the free world should be offended, and treat these animals with the only thing they understand, brute force. Until the world leaders band together, including our coward of a President, and get put boots on the ground to challenge ISIS, this slaughter and fear will only continue. I hate posting political stuff on this site, but I am offended by the events of last night, and the recent smaller ones in our country.