Holy War plain and simple


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Sep 30, 2009
What happened in Paris yesterday is an extension of 9/11. This is clearly a Holy War for Muslims, as their objective is to eliminate anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology. I would feel better if it really was "just a few extremists", as our President and many others would like to say. I am troubled by the fact that billions of so-called "peaceful" or "moderate" Muslims sit idly by, and don't challenge ISIS and the like. Perhaps it is driven by fear. Their silence is eerily similar to what happened in Nazi Germany 70 years ago. Regardless, I take this silence as acceptance and support for the ISIS cause. Those of us in the free world should be offended, and treat these animals with the only thing they understand, brute force. Until the world leaders band together, including our coward of a President, and get put boots on the ground to challenge ISIS, this slaughter and fear will only continue. I hate posting political stuff on this site, but I am offended by the events of last night, and the recent smaller ones in our country.
What happened in Paris yesterday is an extension of 9/11. This is clearly a Holy War for Muslims, as their objective is to eliminate anyone who does not subscribe to their ideology. I would feel better if it really was "just a few extremists", as our President and many others would like to say. I am troubled by the fact that billions of so-called "peaceful" or "moderate" Muslims sit idly by, and don't challenge ISIS and the like. Perhaps it is driven by fear. Their silence is eerily similar to what happened in Nazi Germany 70 years ago. Regardless, I take this silence as acceptance and support for the ISIS cause. Those of us in the free world should be offended, and treat these animals with the only thing they understand, brute force. Until the world leaders band together, including our coward of a President, and get put boots on the ground to challenge ISIS, this slaughter and fear will only continue. I hate posting political stuff on this site, but I am offended by the events of last night, and the recent smaller ones in our country.

don't feel bad about posting subjects other than sports on this forum, it goes on every day . i am highly offended by these cowards and also by the cowards in our govt . . we need to fight them over there ,rather than here .
F em all. It's time for some real, decisive, unapologetic, unrelenting, and unburdened violence to end the pussyfooting around that the coalition has been doing since day one. I'm not saying nuke 'em, but everything right up to that should be done with no prisoners taken - a bullet for every man, woman & child waving the black flag.
F em all. It's time for some real, decisive, unapologetic, unrelenting, and unburdened violence to end the pussyfooting around that the coalition has been doing since day one. I'm not saying nuke 'em, but everything right up to that should be done with no prisoners taken - a bullet for every man, woman & child waving the black flag.

Yep, let's be NAZIs.
F em all. It's time for some real, decisive, unapologetic, unrelenting, and unburdened violence to end the pussyfooting around that the coalition has been doing since day one. I'm not saying nuke 'em, but everything right up to that should be done with no prisoners taken - a bullet for every man, woman & child waving the black flag.
Unfortunately...when we dropped two bombs on Japan, that took thousands of innocent lives...sometimes you just have to do what you have to send the message...nuke an entire country?? I don't know...but what we've been doing for 14 yrs isn't maybe that's the direction to take...
Unfortunately...when we dropped two bombs on Japan, that took thousands of innocent lives...sometimes you just have to do what you have to send the message...nuke an entire country?? I don't know...but what we've been doing for 14 yrs isn't maybe that's the direction to take...

If We did that, I would no longer support this country.
Besides, it would create hundreds of thousands, if not millions more enemies.
You can't compare this struggle to any symmetric war. When We got The Emperor to go on radio and instruct Japanese citizens to lay down arms, it was over. This is asymmetrical war, there is no ''surrender''. We can only contain and hope the movement plays itself out as so many have throughout history.
I say level all strong holds and any place that supports isis. Friggen level it and all in it.

So level a city of a million and a half, which is the population of their biggest stronghold in Iraq.
That would be like wiping occupied Paris off the map in WWII, crazy and murderous.
We need Trump now worse than ever. That man has a set of stones and will not let radical Islam succeed in destroying this country.
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We need Trump now worse than ever. That man has a set of stones and will not let radical Islam succeed in destroying this country.

He's a blowhard, he'd be a complete disaster as POTUS. Nobody would work with the dickweed.
He's a blowhard, he'd be a complete disaster as POTUS. Nobody would work with the dickweed.

You voted for Bo twice and can't wait to cast your vote for Hillary. Pretty sure you are a PETA President somewhere as well. People like you are the reason democrats exist.
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You voted for Bo twice and can't wait to cast your vote for Hillary. Pretty sure you are a PETA President somewhere as well. People like you are the reason democrats exist.

I didn't vote in either of the last 2 presidential elections smart guy.
Some of you make up things in your head and think it's reality.
So level a city of a million and a half, which is the population of their biggest stronghold in Iraq.
That would be like wiping occupied Paris off the map in WWII, crazy and murderous.

Yes. You level the shit out of Mosul, and every single other location which has any sizable population of Islamist: sometimes you have to sacrifice healthy tissue to kill cancer. Islam is a blight, the single most destructive and violent ideology ever perpetrated on human civilization.

Any location in the world (Western Europe, the Middle East, North / Sub-Saharan Africa, the Balkans, South and Southeast Asia) which has a large percentage or a majority of the population made up of Muslims has seen violent, and bloody conflict. These regions of the world share nothing in common (language, customs, ethnicity) save Islam: that's not a coincidence that is a correlation. Violence and destruction is ingrained in the Koran (and the Ahadith), these people are following what their cult has taught them, and they are following those instructions to the letter.

Save the shit about all the shit in the Bible too ... I wouldn't know I'm not a Christian. But what I do know, is that no matter what may be in the Bible, you don't have Christians rampaging throughout the planet destroying cities, raping women, enslaving children and making crusader snuff films whilst committing mass murder and beheadings.

Also save the shit about "it's only a very small percentage of Muslims who are "extremists", because it's bullshit. There are roughly 1.5 BILLION (with a B) Muslims on Earth. If just 1% of those people are blood-thirsty savages (which is exactly what their book teaches them to be) that is 16 MILLION savages that the world has to deal with .... SIX. TEEN. MILLION. If 16 Million Christians, of varying ethnic, cultural and linguistic composition from all corners of the globe, began crusading throughout the world destroying everything in their path, would you not see a correlation between their religious ideology, and the violence they were enacting. I sure as hell would.

So yes, Mosul should be destroyed. And every other bastion of Mohammedan aggression and violence as well. Islam must be destroyed.
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Yes. You level the shit out of Mosul, and every single other location which has any sizable population of Islamist: sometimes you have to sacrifice healthy tissue to kill cancer. Islam is a blight, the single most destructive and violent ideology ever perpetrated on human civilization.

Any location in the world (Western Europe, the Middle East, North / Sub-Saharan Africa, the Balkans, South and Southeast Asia) which has a large percentage or a majority of the population made up of Muslims has seen violent, and bloody conflict. These regions of the world share nothing in common (language, customs, ethnicity) save Islam: that's not a coincidence that is a correlation. Violence and destruction is ingrained in the Koran (and the Ahadith), these people are following what their cult has taught them, and they are following those instructions to the letter.

Save the shit about all the shit in the Bible too ... I wouldn't know I'm not a Christian. But what I do know, is that no matter what may be in the Bible, you don't have Christians rampaging throughout the planet destroying cities, raping women, enslaving children and making crusader snuff films whilst committing mass murder and beheadings.

Also save the shit about "it's only a very small percentage of Muslims who are "extremists", because it's bullshit. There are roughly 1.5 BILLION (with a B) Muslims on Earth. If just 1% of those people are blood-thirsty savages (which is exactly what their book teaches them to be) that is 16 MILLION savages that the world has to deal with .... SIX. TEEN. MILLION. If 16 Million Christians, of varying ethnic, cultural and linguistic composition from all corners of the globe, began crusading throughout the world destroying everything in their path, would you not see a correlation between their religious ideology, and the violence they were enacting. I sure as hell would.

So yes, Mosul should be destroyed. And every other bastion of Mohammedan aggression and violence as well. Islam must be destroyed.
THIS.......and the mere fact not a single peaceful muslim will step forward and condem these radical goat fockers.
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Yes. You level the shit out of Mosul, and every single other location which has any sizable population of Islamist: sometimes you have to sacrifice healthy tissue to kill cancer. Islam is a blight, the single most destructive and violent ideology ever perpetrated on human civilization.

Any location in the world (Western Europe, the Middle East, North / Sub-Saharan Africa, the Balkans, South and Southeast Asia) which has a large percentage or a majority of the population made up of Muslims has seen violent, and bloody conflict. These regions of the world share nothing in common (language, customs, ethnicity) save Islam: that's not a coincidence that is a correlation. Violence and destruction is ingrained in the Koran (and the Ahadith), these people are following what their cult has taught them, and they are following those instructions to the letter.

Save the shit about all the shit in the Bible too ... I wouldn't know I'm not a Christian. But what I do know, is that no matter what may be in the Bible, you don't have Christians rampaging throughout the planet destroying cities, raping women, enslaving children and making crusader snuff films whilst committing mass murder and beheadings.

Also save the shit about "it's only a very small percentage of Muslims who are "extremists", because it's bullshit. There are roughly 1.5 BILLION (with a B) Muslims on Earth. If just 1% of those people are blood-thirsty savages (which is exactly what their book teaches them to be) that is 16 MILLION savages that the world has to deal with .... SIX. TEEN. MILLION. If 16 Million Christians, of varying ethnic, cultural and linguistic composition from all corners of the globe, began crusading throughout the world destroying everything in their path, would you not see a correlation between their religious ideology, and the violence they were enacting. I sure as hell would.

So yes, Mosul should be destroyed. And every other bastion of Mohammedan aggression and violence as well. Islam must be destroyed.

A long post and completely wrong headed.
You'd think people would learn. You can't win a war of attrition against terrorist, you just create more recruits when you commit atrocities.

You're either trolling or you're an idiot.
A long post and completely wrong headed.
You'd think people would learn. You can't win a war of attrition against terrorist, you just create more recruits when you commit atrocities.

You're either trolling or you're an idiot.

Or both.
A long post and completely wrong headed.
You'd think people would learn. You can't win a war of attrition against terrorist, you just create more recruits when you commit atrocities.

You're either trolling or you're an idiot.


You're not the sharpest tool, but you are definitely a TOOL.

So all you can do is resort to personal attacks once someone attempts to make you come out side your comfort zone? I'm sorry that you have been so sheltered and mentally molested all of you life that you cannot fathom that a very significant portion of our planet is populated by savage cultists which want to murder, rape and pillage. Its cute though, your naivete, it really is sweet to see such doe-eyed innocence. Now run along child, the men have work to do sweetheart.
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So all you can do is resort to personal attacks once someone attempts to make you come out side your comfort zone? I'm sorry that you have been so sheltered and mentally molested all of you life that you cannot fathom that a very significant portion of our planet is populated by savage cultists which want to murder, rape and pillage. Its cute though, your naivete, it really is sweet to see such doe-eyed innocence. Now run along child, the men have work to do sweetheart.

You're calling for mass extermination, what did you expect ?
Men deal with reality in a rational manner, you're a petulant child.
You're calling for mass extermination, what did you expect ?
Men deal with reality in a rational manner, you're a petulant child.

No, Sugar, I'm not ... a child that is. But I will not apologize for wanting the western, civilized world to defend itself and our way of life against 6th century savages. If muslims would reform themselves and attempt to live in the modern world YIPPEE, that would be phenomenal. However, those animals have had 16 centuries to get their shit together and have yet to do it.

That was fine, when they could just piss on their on dirt, but now that they can export their murderous barbarity to every corner of the globe, the rest of the world needs to end it. We had absolutely no qualms about laying waste to Germany to crush Nazism (and rightly so). Therefore we should have no qualms about destroying these people, who are a much greater threat to our existence as a civilization.

That is rational: destroy those who wish to destroy you. Convening conferences, inventing catchy hashtags, and continuing to ignore the "root cause" (which I imagine is one of you favorite lines) of terrorist savagery is completely IRRATIONAL, delusional and dangerous.
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No, Sugar, I'm not ... a child that is. But I will not apologize for wanting the western, civilized world to defend itself and our way of life against 6th century savages. If muslims would reform themselves and attempt to live in the modern world YIPPEE, that would be phenomenal. However, those animals have had 16 centuries to get their shit together and have yet to do it.

That was fine, when they could just piss on their on dirt, but now that they can export their murderous barbarity to every corner of the globe, the rest of the world needs to end it. We had absolutely no qualms about laying waste to Germany to crush Nazism (and rightly so). Therefore we should have no qualms about destroying these people, who are a much greater threat to our existence as a civilization.

That is rational: destroy those who wish to destroy you. Convening conferences, inventing catchy hashtags, and continuing to ignore the "root cause" (which I imagine is one of you favorite lines) of terrorist savagery is completely IRRATIONAL, delusional and dangerous.

Glad you've come up with a Final Solution.
That sounds like a quote from Mein Kampf.

Man, you really are operating right out of the cupcake argument book aren't you. In that the best way to attempt to silence someone is to refer to them as either
A) RACIST and failing that

Its cute though but completely shallow and vapid. But I'll play along.

The Nazis were partnered with the Muslims during WWII. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, proclaimed it was all Muslims duty to align with Nazi Germany because they were killing off all of Europe's Jews. Furthermore, he met with Hitler in Germany in 1941 asking for the Nazis to extend their anti-Jewish campaign to the Holy Land. Therefore, Mein Kampf, and the Fuhrer, would wholeheartedly approve of what the Mohammedan savages are doing right now.

Now, the crux of your argument is that I would like to see a very, very large proportion of Muslims in the world destroyed is akin to what Hitler had advocated as the Chancellor of Nazi Germany. Well, if I wanted to exterminate an entire group of people, because it would give my economically depressed, militarily destroyed and internationally ridiculed people a cause to coalesce behind ... then yes I would agree it would be very Hitleresque. However, where as the Jews of Europe were just the scapegoat for the ills which had befallen Germany, Muslims around the world are, at this very moment, engaged in a war to destroy the very civilization which we have spent the last 10,000 years attempting to build.

So, I would call it self-defense, self-preservation or (GASP) even self-determination which people like you really seem to love when its not westerners defending themselves against aggression.

I render your argument invalid. Good day sir.
How many Japanese terrorists do you know?

There is no real comparison. When The Emperor told the nation to lay down their arms and submit, the conflict was over. There is no central figure or nationalism in this fight, therefore there is no off switch.
All mass destruction does in this sort of conflict is create more chaos and breed new enemies.
We need to be as surgical as possible in going after those actively, militantly opposing Us. People have a right to like or dislike whoever and whatever they want, just as We do, as long as they are not fighting, us, it's their business.
A strategically placed nuke, somewhere in the middle of the desert, could easily accomplish our view of strength goals. Pussyfooting around with these coach roaches is over.

Before you disagree HH, it's not just a few with this ideology, it is in the millions and you know it. Stop BS'ing. For the "collective" good of the entire world, we must fight fire with more fire.
A strategically placed nuke, somewhere in the middle of the desert, could easily accomplish our view of strength goals. Pussyfooting around with these coach roaches is over.

Before you disagree HH, it's not just a few with this ideology, it is in the millions and you know it. Stop BS'ing. For the "collective" good of the entire world, we must fight fire with more fire.

If thoughts were the measure, many of you could be considered fair military targets.
I'm not a mind reader, neither are any of you. Only actions are punishable, not thoughts.
Besides, setting off a nuke would be crazy as hell. It would isolate Us from the entire rest of humanity and make the world a far more dangerous place for every person on this planet.