House democrats are uniting with Muslims at mosque of Anwar al-laki


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
to pray and strategize against those Americans who the think suffer from so called "Islamophobia"....this is the same Norther Va mosque the Ft Hood murderer attended and where a-Awlaki was the Imam as well as having suspected deep terrorists ties. Can't make this shat up.
to pray and strategize against those Americans who the think suffer from so called "Islamophobia"....this is the same Norther Va mosque the Ft Hood murderer attended and where a-Awlaki was the Imam as well as having suspected deep terrorists ties. Can't make this shat up.
Are you surprised? 51% of Americans voted for this $hit. Voted for Iran with nukes too. This crap is just getting started.
CA has very strict gun laws, no wonder the employees were sitting ducks. Chicago has strict gun laws too, see a pattern here?
The right has to win the next election or this county is flyFck bake hame....

This pos is trying g to destroy the us and the left is fing stupid to stop it....