Rule of law and law enforcement are necessary in any form of government with any level of "freedoms." We the people (preferably citizens) should feel safe in our homes as we feel free to do what we want, say what we like and go where and when we please. HOWEVER, those freedoms should not include a right to ignore our rule of law and to disrespect our law enforcement agencies and agents. The U.N. (yes, that one) did an exhaustive study way back in 2011 on the causes of homicide worldwide. The results of that 120 (give or take) pages of charts, graphs, percentages and commentary was that the two leading causes/factors in our on-going fascination with killing each other (aka murder/homicide, not to include war or genocide) are 1. Little to no respect for rule of law and 2. Little to no respect for law enforcement. A very distant third is access to weapons of various types followed by mental instability, religious fervor and a host of other single digit factors that make us feel the need to kill each other. This study included every country (that would provide statistics) on the planet and amazingly enough the factors/causes lined up very consistently across the board from country to country. Actual volume of murders varied generally in line with actual volume of populations.
So..... if we had more respect for rule of law (that we determine as citizens and voters) and more respect for law enforcement (who are also citizens and neighbors with families), we will have eliminated close to 50% of the factors/causes of homicides in this country. Seem like a pretty good start? But, no. We prefer to obsess over the periphery to include the tools of murder and the passion/lust/mental illness of the murderers. We dissect and find joy within our breathless horror (emotional roller coasters, especially someone else's, entertain us). But we do not repair. We do not correct. We build more prisons and hire more attorneys and build facades upon facades of our pretense of rehabilitating the habitual offenders, when we are effectively only reprocessing them over and over and over again. We do NOT have it right. We have become addicted to what our federal government has been feeding us (both parties) for over 60 years. Washington DC does not exist to solve our problems. DC exists only to discuss our problems while fixing theirs and insuring their future (and of course along the way "fixing" things for all of their cronies, political and business). WE the people can fix all of it by demanding real change not just the window dressing and lullabies we've grown addicted to in our lifetimes. Campaign finance reform would be a great start, followed closely by more serious and effective demands that every citizen be more personally accountable for his own actions as well as his inaction. Education should cease to be a political football and become a real factor in our nation's (and community's) growth, safety and prosperity for ALL of us. How hard can that be to understand and to accomplish?
So..... if we had more respect for rule of law (that we determine as citizens and voters) and more respect for law enforcement (who are also citizens and neighbors with families), we will have eliminated close to 50% of the factors/causes of homicides in this country. Seem like a pretty good start? But, no. We prefer to obsess over the periphery to include the tools of murder and the passion/lust/mental illness of the murderers. We dissect and find joy within our breathless horror (emotional roller coasters, especially someone else's, entertain us). But we do not repair. We do not correct. We build more prisons and hire more attorneys and build facades upon facades of our pretense of rehabilitating the habitual offenders, when we are effectively only reprocessing them over and over and over again. We do NOT have it right. We have become addicted to what our federal government has been feeding us (both parties) for over 60 years. Washington DC does not exist to solve our problems. DC exists only to discuss our problems while fixing theirs and insuring their future (and of course along the way "fixing" things for all of their cronies, political and business). WE the people can fix all of it by demanding real change not just the window dressing and lullabies we've grown addicted to in our lifetimes. Campaign finance reform would be a great start, followed closely by more serious and effective demands that every citizen be more personally accountable for his own actions as well as his inaction. Education should cease to be a political football and become a real factor in our nation's (and community's) growth, safety and prosperity for ALL of us. How hard can that be to understand and to accomplish?