1) Separation of Church and State: Chappy's paycheck comes from FCA, not UGA. He's allowed around the team by the grace of Richt, it is not mandated by the University.
2) Like or not, part of the sell for some of these kids' families when they are getting recruited is they are sending their children to a "good Christian man". Having a Christian chaplain around is a part of that MO. If it were the circumstance where UGA has a coach that's a "good Muslim man" and he wants Muslim chaplain, so be it.
3) I would have no problem with a Muslim chaplain under similar circumstances (i.e. a coach that would want a Muslim chaplain). I would not, however, want one mandated to "balance" the viewpoints in the locker room.
I also would lose a lot of respect for CMR if he ever caved to these PC movements. I've spent some time around Chappy and, contrary to what groups like this would have you believe, I never saw him slapping kids in the face with Bibles during their workouts.