How would you feel if Georgia had a Muslim chaplain?

If i was in a group that started praying to satan, or allah I would exit until the prayer was over.
I would not feel the need to conform or join in. I would just simply pray my own prayer to my creator.
I do not think that would be much of a concern in Georgia, but who knows these days! I didn't say you were trying to stop the prayers, I am stating that is what the left wants when this issue comes up. I do not think Mark Richt or the staff would force a player to join in the prayer. It has to be some religious denomination, might as well be what is most common here in the south. Christianity is the dominant religion here, could be Presbyterian,Methodist, etc.

Correct, but that is you. Some people anti religious because of some of the religious craziness that to them when they were a child.

It's funny how people think like that as long as it falls in line with their religious beliefs. It wouldn't be no big deal if a Muslim CEO required every one in the office to pray toward the east.[/QUOTE]

That last paragraph goes to the very heart of our society and government as it relates to religion.
There can be no freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. That is no small distinction.
Many think THEIR ideas religion are ok to inject into secular society and government, while feeling a deep need to protect us from others' religious beliefs.
I think what you believe is personal and it shouldn't be forced on you in anyway by our public institutions. That's why we have separation of church and state.

What's your opinion? This ought to be interesting.

Not really if the players had a need. By far a majority of the players are Christian and may feel better having clergy on hand. As long as it's not forced in any manner. Is it any different than having a team psychologists or social worker? It is a service provided if needed. The military has Chaplains for this very reason, but no one is forced to attend services.
Not really if the players had a need. By far a majority of the players are Christian and may feel better having clergy on hand. As long as it's not forced in any manner. Is it any different than having a team psychologists or social worker? It is a service provided if needed. The military has Chaplains for this very reason, but no one is forced to attend services.

Separation of church and state is all about not letting majority, or authority rule when it comes to religion. Just because a majority of players identify as Christians, doesn't mean it's the ''team'' religion.
I don't have a problem with having a chaplain, but I would be fine with a Muslim being around, even if he was there for a single player.