HuffPo says Sanders will beat Hillary. Wassermann Shultz has undermined dems


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
by short sheeting Sanders and stacking the deck against Bernie and now it is going to cost Hillary the nomination they say. They go on to say her lead is undermined by the fact she lead Obama by 27 points at almost the exact same time in 2007 back when she was a more attractive candidate. And that 61% of Americans don't trust her. Trump has basically turned her comment about him on it's head and that is illustrative of the skepticism of her. Not to mention not a lot of voters actually like her.

Now the Huffington Post is a far, far left backer of extreme socialism but they are right on concerning the democrat national comm being in the tank for Hillary, particularly Wasserman Shultz. Basically slanting the nomination process into a foregone conclusion and hiding Hillary as much as possible from public view, trying to hide her political warts and reputation as a liar and money mad greed. Fact is dems overlooked Obama's radical past, his incompetence and weakness in order to find anyone except her before. Are they willing to put a communist leaning Sanders in the WH just to keep from accepting Hillary or worse to some far lefties, vote for a moderate R like Rubio or hell even Trump. Truth is this race for the presidency is wide open, further truth being Sanders and Trump may wind up being the nominees. Anything can happen. ISIS may even stay on the down low as far as striking in America to keep a strong voice like Trump from gaining even more traction.
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by short sheeting Sanders and stacking the deck against Bernie and now it is going to cost Hillary the nomination they say. They go on to say her lead is undermined by the fact she lead Obama by 27 points at almost the exact same time in 2007 back when she was a more attractive candidate. And that 61% of Americans don't trust her. Trump has basically turned her comment about him on it's head and that is illustrative of the skepticism of her. Not to mention not a lot of voters actually like her.

Now the Huffington Post is a far, far left backer of extreme socialism but they are right on concerning the democrat national comm being in the tank for Hillary, particularly Wasserman Shultz. Basically slanting the nomination process into a foregone conclusion and hiding Hillary as much as possible from public view, trying to hide her political warts and reputation as a liar and money mad greed. Fact is dems overlooked Obama's radical past, his incompetence and weakness in order to find anyone except her before. Are they willing to put a communist leaning Sanders in the WH just to keep from accepting Hillary or worse to some far lefties, vote for a moderate R like Rubio or hell even Trump. Truth is this race for the presidency is wide open, further truth being Sanders and Trump may wind up being the nominees. Anything can happen. ISIS may even stay on the down low as far as striking in America to keep a strong voice like Trump from gaining even more traction.

Sanders isn't going to beat Trump. I just don't see it happening. Trump as President would not only be a national embarrassment, but it's also nightmare fuel. He is the most laughable human being I've ever seen. If he was my dad I'd disown him. Somebody else from the Republican party has to step up. Any would be a million times more preferable to Trump.
Sanders isn't going to beat Trump. I just don't see it happening. Trump as President would not only be a national embarrassment, but it's also nightmare fuel. He is the most laughable human being I've ever seen. If he was my dad I'd disown him. Somebody else from the Republican party has to step up. Any would be a million times more preferable to Trump.

NONE of the Republican candidates can win. The Democrats could run a ham sammich against the Republican nominee and win. Your party is about to be buried like they were in 1936 and 1964. The Republicans need a landslide defeat so their leadership can purge itself of the anti-intellectual Tea Party lunatics. The problem with the Republican party is that they have no Everett Dirksen, Eisenhower, Nelson Rockefeller, Bob Dole, Nixon, Gerald Ford.
NONE of the Republican candidates can win. The Democrats could run a ham sammich against the Republican nominee and win. Your party is about to be buried like they were in 1936 and 1964. The Republicans need a landslide defeat so their leadership can purge itself of the anti-intellectual Tea Party lunatics. The problem with the Republican party is that they have no Everett Dirksen, Eisenhower, Nelson Rockefeller, Bob Dole, Nixon, Gerald Ford.

just your opinion again and you are way off base on this one . you must be dreaming , at least three repubs can beat " the lier " . i say this, and i'm not a repub .
just your opinion again and you are way off base on this one . you must be dreaming , at least three repubs can beat " the lier " . i say this, and i'm not a repub .

The Republican leadership prefers Hillary Clinton to any of the current Republican presidential candidates. They will work to get Clinton elected because they know she'll govern as a Republican-lite president and they know from experience that she is a pragmatic politician who will negotiate with them.
Watch and see what happens in 2016.
Pragmatic? lol. Sure. She will NOT negotiate unless it makes her cronies RICH beyond belief. She blows whichever way the winds blow. She is your abuela.