I’m so over this cold weather!


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 29, 2018
Coastal Florida
I live on one of the islands near Savannah and very near the Gulf of Georgia (formerly the Atlantic Ocean).

Tuesday night freezing rain then snow Wednesday AM. It all looked real purty, and I got out and took pictures. Kids in the neighborhood had a blast. I was proud that Pongo and I still got our 2.5 miles of walking done. That’s a good workout in the snow.

However, very little snow melted, and now everything is frozen over including the pond. Much more treacherous walk this morning. Pongo still left a lot of yellow snow.

Essential provisions like ice cream and cookies are gone. I’m gonna have to trek to Publix for more survival food.

Now I understand why those damn Yankees are so damn crazy!
I couldn't get out my front door to check my mail yesterday as my stairs were piled over with snow and ice from the roof. And it's all iced over this morning! Who'd a thunk I'd need a snow shovel living in Charleston county. 😐
I live on one of the islands near Savannah and very near the Gulf of Georgia (formerly the Atlantic Ocean).

Tuesday night freezing rain then snow Wednesday AM. It all looked real purty, and I got out and took pictures. Kids in the neighborhood had a blast. I was proud that Pongo and I still got our 2.5 miles of walking done. That’s a good workout in the snow.

However, very little snow melted, and now everything is frozen over including the pond. Much more treacherous walk this morning. Pongo still left a lot of yellow snow.

Essential provisions like ice cream and cookies are gone. I’m gonna have to trek to Publix for more survival food.

Now I understand why those damn Yankees are so damn crazy!
I’m about to head over to that Publix in a minute. My “trek” yesterday came after 5PM (when they closed early) and that’s not happening again today. Loved watching the fancy neighborhood golf carts and SUVs pulling the kids around on blow up sleds all day.
The snow gives a visual to what my dog is smelling:

Pongo - Look at these footprints in our driveway! I must smell all these footprints!

Me - Yes, Pongo, those are our foot-

Pongo - A man! A man has been here wearing boots like yours! He even smells like you! And look! He has a dog!

Me - Yeah those are y-

Pongo - More dog prints!

Me - Yeah, those are ones you just made getting to those other-

Pongo - I must pee on all these footprints!

Me - You already did that.

Pongo - Look! Somebody peed on these footprints!

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