I believe if I were advising Liz Channey I would ask for a Biden pardon.........


Letterman and National Champion
Gold Member
Aug 12, 2001
I certainly think she acted UNETHICALLY and with EXTREME PREJIDUCE on the J6 committee, it appears now she may have acted illegally as well. I suspect the new FBI director will be gunning for her. She might need to call in a favor from Dementia Joe and get herself a stay out of litigation / perhaps jail card just in case........
I certainly think she acted UNETHICALLY and with EXTREME PREJIDUCE on the J6 committee, it appears now she may have acted illegally as well. I suspect the new FBI director will be gunning for her. She might need to call in a favor from Dementia Joe and get herself a stay out of litigation / perhaps jail card just in case........
I don’t think she should ask for a pardon. That would make it look like she needs a pardon. Luckily, she is wealthy enough that she can afford a lawyer if she needs one.
I certainly think she acted UNETHICALLY and with EXTREME PREJIDUCE on the J6 committee, it appears now she may have acted illegally as well. I suspect the new FBI director will be gunning for her. She might need to call in a favor from Dementia Joe and get herself a stay out of litigation / perhaps jail card just in case........
Lock her up...lock her Sorry Ass up...
Is witness tampering wrong? 😩

Liz miscalculated when she thought Biden would be there to cover for her scam.
If everything I've read is correct, a case can be made against Liz for subornation of perjury. It appears Liz went behind Hutchinson's attorney's back to persuade her to change her testimony and state her attorney compelled her to lie. Liz had exculpatory testimony from agents that were in the car that directly contradicted Hutchinson's testimony and suppressed that testimony and used the testimony she knew to be compromised in a legal proceeding.

I don't expect to see Liz making little rocks out of big rocks but I do expect the Pubs to rightly make some hay. If you want to talk about a threat to democracy, specious show trials of political opponents would be pretty high on the list.
Has anyone on the Committee that released the report that Cheney was guilty of all this crap actually provided any evidence?

We heard this for two years from Comer about Sleepy Joe (they had documentation that showed Joe took money), but when it was time to show the evidence, the informant mysteriously disappeared. What a shame for Mr. Comer.

My guess is this will be the same outcome for Ms. Cheney.
Has anyone on the Committee that released the report that Cheney was guilty of all this crap actually provided any evidence?

We heard this for two years from Comer about Sleepy Joe (they had documentation that showed Joe took money), but when it was time to show the evidence, the informant mysteriously disappeared. What a shame for Mr. Comer.

My guess is this will be the same outcome for Ms. Cheney.
Kash Patel says he has more evidence on Cheney than the prosecutors had on Trump related to the E. Geen Carrol case and we see those results. Yes, I am being facetious, but that statement is more true than false..........
The point is that a myriad of Pubs have claimed to have evidence on various Dems over the past three years, and we have yet to see any.
and your point is 1/2 true. the Pubs (like LouderMOUTH) have made some EXAGERATED claims (no different then Ship or Slopdolpolus doing likewise) but the J6 committee was very sloppy and colored way outside the lines. They certainly don't want a hyper partisan FBI looking thru their stuff and looking for a scalp as they are most likely could find one and Channy might be it.

I am more interested in what exactly Trump had in his possession related to top secret documents down in Florida. I originally was of the thought that this would be the nail that got him but as more and more time passes, I have shifted to the opinion that he had nothing of top-secret importance and this raid was partisan. I wouldn't want to be an FBI agent that were anywhere near that case as Patel is going to run them as well.

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