I Believe in a Force that thinks it's greater than myself...Higher Power?

no it like written...

metaphysics with pugly point of view.
OK; interesting wording, a force that "thinks" it's greater? Does that...

mean you don't think it's greater? IMO; if you aren't sure it's greater, it can't be a "Higher Power". I wasn't a philosophy major, but that sort of jumped out at me.
I love it...the wording, eh? it's up to you....

'thinking that it's greater' neither makes move towards Higher nor lower than myself...
I know how I feel...I like how it made you feel...
Agree with your sentiment, whether something or someone thinks...

it or they are greater than myself has no bearing on whether or not I see them as a Higher Power. I, alone, possess the ability to bestow Higher Power on something or someone. must be anarchist bastard too...obviously trusting your own

thoughts over religious/social dogma....
you should be shame...
As I've gotten older, I've become even more cynical about the...

"expectations" of society. Too many things that are nothing more than social puffery and preening to massage egos and allow people to justify their behavior. My late FIL really summed up a great way to go through life:

"Be honest and be nice to people"
golden rule...all else is open to thought....and interpretation...

you a good guy...
IMO, There IS a greater Power. He gave us free will. Absolutely, your...

choice as whether to believe. Some do. Many don't. I weep and pray for those who don't, because I believe in eternal consequences.

BTW, it's not my job to convince you, only to proclaim Him and the Good News.
If and when a change occurs is strictly up to you.
MANY Christians do not get this simple fact. Browbeating IS NOT evangelism.