I don't know Alabama civil law per say BUT


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
I know the girl can't sue Alabama: if she could prove Saban knew he was going there to beat her a$$ then she for sure have a case but most government things have immunity and she has a big uphill climb :

I wasn't a civil lawyer I was law enforcement and I see some screwed up stuff get grant immunity and that saying something .

It's not going to happen : just because immunity is the saving grace and even if there was none I don't think she has a case
Posted from Rivals Mobile
here is my take on you and.....


I have no idea where Omar came from,maybe I was at Publix ,but I'ma give you the benefit of doubt ,yet once again.

You need need to be careful of a man with special military training.
He may turn you ,WHITE.............
Ormar don't scare me . I been scared before

and waycross doesn't scare me . He and I would probably laugh and drink .

I bet waycross ormar is a good guy . Much like you are . I even bet meatcleverdawg is a good guy .
Posted from Rivals Mobile
we all need to step lightly in life.............

few deserve to sink...............
I'm the same way tee . But I view us all

Bs buddies and see the good time .

I hope I answer people question. On the matter because it's the best answer I have :
Posted from Rivals Mobile
OCD knows waycross might send him to a different zip code..........

prolly ,one closer to where he really is
tell the truth,after all the girls at the gym ,and of course ,the Heather..

debacle ,for one night in the doublewide ,What nut would you give?................