I find it funny how all the Republicans HATE Hillary so much...


Diehard supporter
Jun 22, 2001
Bernie Sanders wants to take 80% of your income in taxes. He is the scary one. If Hillary were to win the White House, the country would probably move towards the middle as she is right of BHO. Bernie Sanders, who apparently is a legitimate threat to her, is the one we should all be afraid of...

And before I get a bunch of crap. I am independent and voting Republican this time as long as Cruz doesn't get the nomination. If he does, I will abstain. I am in Georgia anyway so the GOP will carry my electorates...
I don't I'm happy with either her or Bernie being the Dem nominee.
Bernie Sanders wants to take 80% of your income in taxes. He is the scary one. If Hillary were to win the White House, the country would probably move towards the middle as she is right of BHO. Bernie Sanders, who apparently is a legitimate threat to her, is the one we should all be afraid of...

And before I get a bunch of crap. I am independent and voting Republican this time as long as Cruz doesn't get the nomination. If he does, I will abstain. I am in Georgia anyway so the GOP will carry my electorates...

Agree, only I won't vote (GA) if Trump is the nominee. Cruz is a very smart man, but my fear is that he is to the right what Obama is to the left and we would have 4-8 more years of nothing getting done in Washington. Come to think of it, maybe that's a good thing:)
Bernie Sanders wants to take 80% of your income in taxes. He is the scary one. If Hillary were to win the White House, the country would probably move towards the middle as she is right of BHO. Bernie Sanders, who apparently is a legitimate threat to her, is the one we should all be afraid of...

And before I get a bunch of crap. I am independent and voting Republican this time as long as Cruz doesn't get the nomination. If he does, I will abstain. I am in Georgia anyway so the GOP will carry my electorates...

Just because I don't like Hillary doesn't mean Bernie is the opposite. Bernie, I think the theory goes, would be easier to beat than Hillary. But Hillary is a power-hungry lying woman that should not be trusted. Bernie's just a communist.
Bernie Sanders wants to take 80% of your income in taxes. He is the scary one. If Hillary were to win the White House, the country would probably move towards the middle as she is right of BHO. Bernie Sanders, who apparently is a legitimate threat to her, is the one we should all be afraid of...

And before I get a bunch of crap. I am independent and voting Republican this time as long as Cruz doesn't get the nomination. If he does, I will abstain. I am in Georgia anyway so the GOP will carry my electorates...
Hillary is just as socialist as Bernie, she just won't come out and say it.
Hillary is just as socialist as Bernie, she just won't come out and say it.
This statement is just not true. She is a liar and a POS, but I don't think she is a Socialist. The problem with calling Hillary a Socialist is that you allow a true danger to this country, like Sanders to hide in plain sight.
Bernie Sanders wants to take 80% of your income in taxes. He is the scary one. If Hillary were to win the White House, the country would probably move towards the middle as she is right of BHO. Bernie Sanders, who apparently is a legitimate threat to her, is the one we should all be afraid of...

And before I get a bunch of crap. I am independent and voting Republican this time as long as Cruz doesn't get the nomination. If he does, I will abstain. I am in Georgia anyway so the GOP will carry my electorates...

I can't see to find Character that low as to support Hillary Clinton as leader of the Free world. I also can't seem to beat enough brains out to consider her a moderate. So....its a no from me.

I'm supporting the Repubs as regardless. But Cruz is my top choice, followed by Carson and Trump......The nose holding starts with Cruz and gets a tighter as it moves to Paul, Christie, Bush, and Kasich in that order
This statement is just not true. She is a liar and a POS, but I don't think she is a Socialist. The problem with calling Hillary a Socialist is that you allow a true danger to this country, like Sanders to hide in plain sight.
If you follow her past it is obvious she is a socialist, she believes in strong federal government to control the dumb masses( her constituents) You can not honestly say she is right of obama, that is why we are her today. The pendulum must swing back to the right to save this nation. We are currently circling the toilet bowl. The Republic is drowning in s soup of bureaucratic shit!
Hillary is just as socialist as Bernie, she just won't come out and say it.
as long as she has her presidency, her big $, her big house, her doctors and the socialist/progressives vote...she'll give them all the freebies she possibly can.
This statement is just not true. She is a liar and a POS, but I don't think she is a Socialist. The problem with calling Hillary a Socialist is that you allow a true danger to this country, like Sanders to hide in plain sight.

Hil is such a LIAR u really don't know what she will do if elected. My problem with her is open borders immigration. Either dem elected will finish off the country. I was in LA recently and that is worse than a 3rd world country and jerry brown keeps inviting in more illegals. Cal has become a sanctuary welfare state. I don't want a country like that or like what Europe is dealing with.
She fancies herself as the old school DC back room wheeler-dealer, and there is no doubt the donor/lobbyists she's (and Bill) most beholden to ARE big bucks influence peddlers in school or out. She's nothing but a talking head, a puppet of the highest order, signed sealed and delivered to do her masters' bidding. That's the good news. The bad news is that she is simply not a good person, and she is definitely not there for us.