I have had darn enough ,


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 24, 2008
My daughter turns six and her friends when they have a birthday their mom and dad give out gift bags for coming . We have done the same . Until now I am tired of extra freaking cost .

I told the wife I don't ever recall going to a friend's birthday party and getting a gift bag . What the hail ? She said everyone does it ; not anymore and if anyone has a problem you can tell them come talk to me .

Also when the hail did it become a family event to come to someone birthday ? You invite a kid their dad and mom and little brother or sister comes a long . What the hail ? Dad stay home a watch the younger one . What the hail ?

Has anyone else experience this ?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Gift bags are the "participation trophy" of the birthday world...Thank a


Well it has ended for us .... I hope some parent acts

PO about it . My wife praying that they don't . She knows I will let my thoughts out .
Posted from Rivals Mobile
What kills me is how Valentines day at school has become Halloween part 2

Boxes of CANDY CANDY CANDY come home...
And you MUST give a Valentine to every kid, if you give any.

What ever happened to just a little cheeseball card, and you pick the coolest one for your best buddy, and then secretly pick the "sweet" one and put in the box of the girl you were crushing on...

Now all the Valentines have prizes and Candy and stickers and pencils and puzzles...
Originally posted by OlecountryDawg:
My daughter turns six and her friends when they have a birthday their mom and dad give out gift bags for coming . We have done the same . Until now I am tired of extra freaking cost .

I told the wife I don't ever recall going to a friend's birthday party and getting a gift bag . What the hail ? She said everyone does it ; not anymore and if anyone has a problem you can tell them come talk to me .

Also when the hail did it become a family event to come to someone birthday ? You invite a kid their dad and mom and little brother or sister comes a long . What the hail ? Dad stay home a watch the younger one . What the hail ?

Has anyone else experience this ?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Why do you hate sweet precious innocent little children so much?
Love the ribbon. Gotta share it with my teacher wife. **


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