and rightfully so, i have been frustrated with the patience he has shown towards CMF. But if he is going to pull the plug he needs to swing for the fences. Billy Donovan is in hid 3rd year of a 5 year contract, he has already lost KD to free agency and more than likely will lose Westbrook to FA after this season when he becomes available, I just dont see Billy staying in the League and would not be suprised if he is back in the College game next season. Greg, you have that relationship with BD, go to him and offer 5-5.5 mil a year, you will be paying Kirby 6 plus, you dont have to justify spending 5 a year on coach with multiple NC’s...make him say NO. If you were to pull that off you would change minds around these parts real quickly, the AD that was instrumental in bringing Kirby and Billy to Athens. The worst thing that could happen is he says no.