I like to be the first to say I don't give a rip what the mayor of London has to say

Lol the ignorance on this board some times is priceless. Have you even been to the city or out of the country?

He pretty much nailed it. My friends from England would never go back. They are old enough to have seen the changes. Europe as a whole has changed so much that it is almost unrecognizable.

So please explain that priceless ignorance.
Yeah, I have traveled over 2 million air miles and traveled in and out of the US. Worked outside of the country and am married to a first generation British immigrant. People are presumptuous morons.
Yeah, I have traveled over 2 million air miles and traveled in and out of the US. Worked outside of the country and am married to a first generation British immigrant. People are presumptuous morons.
Oh really that's cute. Well I've traveled to every continent except for Antarctica and have been stationed in Europe for 10 years. I'm currently stationed in England and my wife is English so I think I'm a little more plugged into the everyday Londoner than you are my friend.

Now to say that London is on it's way to Sharia law is completely wrong, if anything I'd say it's turning into New Russia or New Romania. You spout ignorant/borderline racist dribs as facts and it really shows your lack of intelligence on any world view.

Oh and Potimus I'm sure your friends will be catching the first Virgin airline flight they can back to Jolly Ole England if Trump does some how get elected.
Oh really that's cute. Well I've traveled to every continent except for Antarctica and have been stationed in Europe for 10 years. I'm currently stationed in England and my wife is English so I think I'm a little more plugged into the everyday Londoner than you are my friend.

Now to say that London is on it's way to Sharia law is completely wrong, if anything I'd say it's turning into New Russia or New Romania. You spout ignorant/borderline racist dribs as facts and it really shows your lack of intelligence on any world view.

Oh and Potimus I'm sure your friends will be catching the first Virgin airline flight they can back to Jolly Ole England if Trump does some how get elected.

I am having a hard time following your logic. Actually, my British friends would be happy to see Trump elected. At least, from a pulpit standpoint, we would attempt to run our economic system as it should be run. Not as the socialist quagmire that Europe has become.

But we are well past that. We will never go back to the basics, we will only continue to move towards socialist behavior and be enslaved politically, moreso than we are now.

My friends lived through the II World War. So they have seen the change.

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