Re: I missed the finale of Twd last night. SPOILER ALERT....LONG
Probably best finale in the five season. Show started with Morgan back and confronted by one of the Wolves (who carve the Ws in walkers heads). After short conversation with one Wolf, another attacks and Morgan beats he hell out of both with his walking stick. But doesn't kill them.
The rest of this is not in order but catches all the major events.
Sasha is cleaning up the walker bodies she shot at the walll in the last episode and putting them in a mass grave. As she's putting the last one in, she stops, climbs into the grave and lays on top of them and closes her eyes. Serious mental issues for the girl.
Guy who got EverybodyHatesChris eaten climbed over the wall so Glenn would see him. Glenn follows him into the woods and the guy shoots Glenn in the shoulder. They fight and walkers attack. Bad guy escapes and it looks like Glenn is done walkers get him on the ground and snap their teeth inches from Glenn's face.
Father Gabriel goes for a walk outside the walls all depressed about shi*t. Comes across a walker eating a dude in the road and gets the walkers attention saying he's "ready". Walker comes at him and Gabe changes his mind. Walker has a noose around his neck and Gabe turns him around and pulls the noose until the walkers head pops off. Then Gabe goes back to the hood and leaves the gate open when he goes in (foreshadowing something not good).
Red headed big guy goes to check on the injured girl who is still in a coma. Fake scientist guy is there and they have a chat and apologize to each other. Lesbian coma girl wakes up near the end.
The lady "mayor" has called a meeting for town folk to talk about Rick at a town hall meeting in the evening. Carol has Rick's back and Rick has a talk with sword-girl, Michonne. Rick tells her he was unsure if she would have his back if he feels like its time to take the hood for themselves. She assures him she's got his back.
Back to Glenn...the dude who shot him is making his way back home when Glenn catches up and pounces, beating the hell out of him. Glenn holds a gun to his head but can't pull the trigger. Glenn last seen helping the guy back toward their village.
Aaron and Daryl are out searching for new recruits. Spot a guy in a red poncho and track him. They lose him but find an abandoned food distribution center about 50 miles from Alexandria. Lots of walkers milling around inside the gates but they decide they need to make the trip worthwhile by bringing food home. Get the walkers attention banging on the gate and kill them with knives to the head as they come to the gate. Then they go inside and find three trucks at the loading dock. Aaron adds an Alaska license plate to his collection from one of the trucks and then they open one of the trucks. It's a trap - all three truck doors fly open at once and about fifty walkers stream out and stumble after Aaron and Darryl. Good walker slaying as Daryl takes a chain and whips it like a rope, slicing three walker heads in half. Aaron and Daryl escape into a small car in the parking lot. As Aaron is getting in, a walker head gets stuck in the door jamb and he slams it until the walker head smashes into pieces. Walkers clamor at the doors and windows and Aaron finds a note in the car telling them to get out because bad people are coming. Daryl and Aaron argue over who is going to make a break so the other can try to escape. They agree to go at the same time. Just when they are about to open the doors, Morgan shows up and puts his walking stick through a walkers eye from behind. The three of them take out several walkers and escape out of the gate. Morgan asks for help, showing them the map he got in Season 1...with Rick's note to him on it. Cut away. (But at the end, the Wolves that Morgan beat up have found the red poncho guy and brought him to the food distribution place. They see all their trap-walkers are out and they slidt red poncho guy's throat and then hit a remote control button to play loud music and lure the wakers back into their truck-traps. So count on Wolves being big part of Season 6)
Before the town hall, Rick notices the gate left ajar and some walker goo on the latch. Rick stalks the neighborhood as its getting dark and finds three walkers in the perimeter. Takes out two of them pretty easy but the last one gets him pinned down Rick doesn't have a weapon so he puts his hands under the walkers chin and digs through its head until he gets to walker brain, squeezes and walker brain matter bursts out of its eyes, nose and mouth all over Rick's face.
Sasha is back inside the walls and goes to the church, finding Father Gabe. She asks for his help and he says "no" and starts ranting about how terrible she and Rick and everyone else are. Sasha gets pissed and pulls her big gun on him. She's about to shoot him when Maggie shows up and gets her to put down the gun. Gabe starts crying (of course) and admits that he killed his church flock. Cut away as the three of them hold hands prayng (sounds weak but it was a pretty good scene).
Meanwhile, the town hall has started and Rick's crew is talking about why they need Rick. Mayor Lady says what Father Gabriel told her about all of them being dangerous. About that time, Rick shows up covered in walker blood/brain and carrying exploded-brain walker and dumps it in the middle of the town meeting. Rick makes a speech and then wife beater shows up carrying a sword. Mayor Lady's husband Reg walks up to calm him down and domestic abuser swings the sword and slices open Reg's throat. As Reg bleeds out, Mayor Lady looks up at Rick and says "Do it". Rick fires a shot at porch-dick and that's that. Pan up to Aaron, Daryl and Morgan who just arrived, witnessing Rick take the shot. Rick and Morgan recognize each other and scene ends
Episode ends with foreshadow scenes of the Wolves/Red Poncho Guy scene I noted above along with Michonne in her house taking her sword off the wall and putting it back in the scabbard on her back.
This post was edited on 3/30 8:55 PM by Minnesota Dawg