I need a laugh .. Can any of you Liberal Pukes explain Obama's foreign policy in any sort of coherent fashion? Please be coherent !
he is trying to clean up the mess george bush made when he destabilized the middle east by invading iraq. you think you might ask ask a question without being an a----hole
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Reactions: SkinnyinGA Obama's foreign policy in any sort of coherent fashion? Please be coherent !

Pukes? This is why it's difficult to take this board seriously. It's one reason why our government is broken. Because there is no reasonable level of discourse, only vitriol, scorn, and a complete lack of willingness to understand one another's views.
Pukes? This is why it's difficult to take this board seriously. It's one reason why our government is broken. Because there is no reasonable level of discourse, only vitriol, scorn, and a complete lack of willingness to understand one another's views.

I agree, the democRATS are just radical mean spirited misfits, calling our troops terrorist, saying the war is lost, calling the attacks in Paris a set back, saying Republicans want to throw grandma off a cliff, telling ppl they didn't build that....Just really a pack of losers and liars.
Seriously...creating a terrorist haven in Libya, overthrowing an ally in Egypt and supporting a terrorist government there, failing to help overthrow Iran when the time came and then giving them nukes and money, picking a fight with Syria but not backing up your red line rhetoric and worse of all arming and creating Isis .... All that is fixing the mess bush created? Do tell.....
I was going to post "heulenhund in 3,2,1....." but he was already waiting for the thread to be posted.


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