I read this BS over three decades ago and believed every word of it. One day I woke up and realized tens, maybe hundreds of thousands...


Circle of Honor
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2001
would have to keep this a secret. And no real news organization would cover it because they were ALL in on it. Only this dude no one ever heard of knew the plot of Clinton's women and their take over of the world preparing for the Antichrist. And yet here we are back in the same place. Doesn't this sound very much the same stuff, but different year?

They are unlike anything the world has ever experienced. They're ruthless, shrewd, and calculating--and they've got a stranglehold on the White House. Recruited and empowered by their boss, Hillary, these are the women who tell Bill Clinton what to do. Get ready, America, for the rise of the FemiNazis!
Big Sister Is Watching You unmasks the coven of brutally correct women who now rule over us. Hillary's regiment of hardened, militant feminists include lesbians, sex perverts, child molester advocates, Christian haters, and the most doctrinaire of communists. They possess awesome Gestapo powers. One heads the FBI, another the IRS. Five are members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations--subversive organizations whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global Marxist paradise.

And yet here we are, with a sizable minority, if not a majority, of conservatives believing this junk.

Almost all of these women are dead or out of politics altogether. Nothing predicted here happened. Yet the same predictions now and with an Internet to push this kind of BS for all of those wanting to consume.

would have to keep this a secret. And no real news organization would cover it because they were ALL in on it. Only this dude no one ever heard of knew the plot of Clinton's women and their take over of the world preparing for the Antichrist. And yet here we are back in the same place. Doesn't this sound very much the same stuff, but different year?

They are unlike anything the world has ever experienced. They're ruthless, shrewd, and calculating--and they've got a stranglehold on the White House. Recruited and empowered by their boss, Hillary, these are the women who tell Bill Clinton what to do. Get ready, America, for the rise of the FemiNazis!
Big Sister Is Watching You unmasks the coven of brutally correct women who now rule over us. Hillary's regiment of hardened, militant feminists include lesbians, sex perverts, child molester advocates, Christian haters, and the most doctrinaire of communists. They possess awesome Gestapo powers. One heads the FBI, another the IRS. Five are members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations--subversive organizations whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global Marxist paradise.

And yet here we are, with a sizable minority, if not a majority, of conservatives believing this junk.

Almost all of these women are dead or out of politics altogether. Nothing predicted here happened. Yet the same predictions now and with an Internet to push this kind of BS for all of those wanting to consume.

Sensationalism from the media and journalist is really quite stupid.

The issue is gradualism in human thought, rationale, religion and truth.

Now you can’t define woman, feminist or sister.

But all these movements were part of why we are here.

The issue, the conspiracy, is about being moved away from God. The whole humanistic, secular movement is to remove God. Gender fluidity, feminism, trans, non-binary…… all are just movements that capture a human desire to belong.

That fact it blows back in the face of God is Satans point. We desire to make God in our image so we can do what we want. But we were made in His.

Precursor, gradualism……. we just want what we want and stop paying attention.

A trans woman defines as a woman, but woman cannot be defined scientifically or biologically.

We are a living breathing Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Sensationalism from the media and journalist is really quite stupid.

The issue is gradualism in human thought, rationale, religion and truth.

Now you can’t define woman, feminist or sister.

But all these movements were part of why we are here.

The issue, the conspiracy, is about being moved away from God. The whole humanistic, secular movement is to remove God. Gender fluidity, feminism, trans, non-binary…… all are just movements that capture a human desire to belong.

That fact it blows back in the face of God is Satans point. We desire to make God in our image so we can do what we want. But we were made in His.

Precursor, gradualism……. we just want what we want and stop paying attention.

A trans woman defines as a woman, but woman cannot be defined scientifically or biologically.

We are a living breathing Rocky Horror Picture Show.
The conspiracy theories remain. Do you honestly not see that many on here are linking sensationalistic stuff? You yourself comment in favor sometimes.

Worry about your churches. If you are a Christian, the church and Christ are your guarantee. Kings and kingdoms will all pass away. This all reeks of idolatry. You don't know who or what you are worshiping any more.

“Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.”

The American evangelical Chrisitians of today want their cake and also want to eat it, too. They demand it.

“Well, then,” Jesus said, “give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God.”

Decades old, but a great book.

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would have to keep this a secret. And no real news organization would cover it because they were ALL in on it. Only this dude no one ever heard of knew the plot of Clinton's women and their take over of the world preparing for the Antichrist. And yet here we are back in the same place. Doesn't this sound very much the same stuff, but different year?

They are unlike anything the world has ever experienced. They're ruthless, shrewd, and calculating--and they've got a stranglehold on the White House. Recruited and empowered by their boss, Hillary, these are the women who tell Bill Clinton what to do. Get ready, America, for the rise of the FemiNazis!
Big Sister Is Watching You unmasks the coven of brutally correct women who now rule over us. Hillary's regiment of hardened, militant feminists include lesbians, sex perverts, child molester advocates, Christian haters, and the most doctrinaire of communists. They possess awesome Gestapo powers. One heads the FBI, another the IRS. Five are members of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations--subversive organizations whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global Marxist paradise.

And yet here we are, with a sizable minority, if not a majority, of conservatives believing this junk.

Almost all of these women are dead or out of politics altogether. Nothing predicted here happened. Yet the same predictions now and with an Internet to push this kind of BS for all of those wanting to consume.

I guess Obama and then Trump blew up her plans.

Never heard of this before. I’m surprised you read it. Don’t believe anything you read and only half of what you see.
I guess Obama and then Trump blew up her plans.

Never heard of this before. I’m surprised you read it. Don’t believe anything you read and only half of what you see.
I read the links on theChat, I already know that. ;-)

But in all seriousness, you guys believe everything you read it seems as long as it backs your preconceived notions.

I'm here. I see the links and likes my friend.
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