Sorry, Skippy, but you don't get to dictate what, when, or how I/we reply to your inflammatory posts. If you expect there not to be push back then you are sadly mistaken. If you can't handle it then I suggest you not post. Pretty simple.
Now to move the conversation forward, but I still feel I'm wasting my time because you could be one of those lunatic left wing ideologues who won't listen and maybe there is just no talking to you. But I digress...
Pay attention, cuz I'm educating you:
At this point I believe we should focus our efforts where the issue lies, and we all know where that is. Even the 1996 Democratic platform stated we must remain a nation of laws and cannot tolerate illegal immigration, but today they say the exact opposite. The same could be said about open-borders Republicans like Jeb Bush, who claim we can’t build a wall because it will cost too much.
Below is your beloved Harry Reid addressing the issue in 1993.
You're being played, son.
Now back to Jeb...
The Israel Paradigm
Nowhere is the case for the double-layered security-style fence more compelling than with the Israel security fence. Between 2000 and 2005, suicide bombers infiltrated Israel almost on a daily basis. Over 1,000 Israelis were killed and countless thousands wounded – the equivalent of 42,000 fatalities and hundreds of thousands wounded in America if extrapolated from the population size. The situation was desperate….until they built their security fence. After construction of the fence, a double-layer barrier with a security zone in the middle – similar to the San Diego fence, suicide attacks perpetrated by Arab terrorists
declined by well over 90%.
Saudi Arabia is now taking a page out of Israel’s security plan and is
constructing a similar fence along their border with Iraq
The 245-mile security fence in Israel
cost $450 million, averaging $1.8 million per mile. Assuming the completion of our security fence would cost the same amount, the total tab would come in at just under $2 billion. Even if we use higher estimates of 9 million per mile, as estimated by DHS for the cost of the San Diego fence, that would amount to roughly $6 billion for the project.
Now consider the cost savings of each illegal alien inhibited from entering the country. According to a conservative estimate by Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation, for every illegal alien that returns home (or is prevented from crossing the border),
taxpayers save $700,000. That means we would reach the break-even point after preventing just the first 8,500 illegal immigrants from crossing. Moreover, the cost of other assets that don’t work or are manipulated by the political management will surpass the cost of the border fence and having the fence as a force multiplier will decrease the need for other assets.
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