I have educated myself on the subject and many others... I question whether or not you have any education at all based on you repeating the same propaganda over and over again, as fact, and shouting down anybody that disagrees with you as a liberal .... Your views are repugnant to any freedom loving AmericanYour anti-conservative rhetoric on multiple threads indicates you to be a Liberal. If you're not liberal then you're missing a perfect opportunity to classify yourself as one. I don't see you standing up for unborn babies being aborted, traditional marriage, smaller government, strong defense, religious freedom, personal responsibility, low taxes, and strict adherence to the constitution, etc.
What you did above is attempt to deflect from the fact you were busted not reading your own link. It's too bad because there is some good information in it.
If you believe the border fence is un-American then it is obvious you have not educated yourself on the subject. What is un-American is burdening the American tax paying citizen with Billions of dollars paid to illegal households. As more and more illegals enter the county the billions will increase exponentially. How is this fair to rising generations of
..the idea of a a wall around America is a collossal waste of money and resources and is patently UnAmerican