O OlecountryDawg Pillar of the DawgVent Jan 24, 2008 18,413 10,683 172 Aug 20, 2015 #1 of people going to the movies . Too bad I don't go to the movies so it won't effect me .
LumpLump Letterman and National Champion May 2, 2006 1,194 233 77 Aug 20, 2015 #2 OlecountryDawg said: of people going to the movies . Too bad I don't go to the movies so it won't effect me . Click to expand... Been that way in stadiums for years & years. No big deal,IMO.
OlecountryDawg said: of people going to the movies . Too bad I don't go to the movies so it won't effect me . Click to expand... Been that way in stadiums for years & years. No big deal,IMO.
J jcddawg National Champion Gold Member Jul 15, 2002 945 321 137 Greenville SC Aug 21, 2015 #3 LumpLump said: Been that way in stadiums for years & years. No big deal,IMO. Click to expand... It's for show only. Won't effect a thing. If I was going to off a bunch of random theater patrons, why would I care about shooting the bag searcher on the way in. I wouldn't. Waste of time and money.
LumpLump said: Been that way in stadiums for years & years. No big deal,IMO. Click to expand... It's for show only. Won't effect a thing. If I was going to off a bunch of random theater patrons, why would I care about shooting the bag searcher on the way in. I wouldn't. Waste of time and money.