Many disagree with you on this. Conservative parties that agree with the GOP on economics in most other developed nations all support some form of universal healthcare. US conservatives are on an island on this one. Most GOP voters have no idea how healthcare works in other nations or how it compares to our own... most don't really now how little control they have over their healthcare today. But it's fine that you don't like the programs... the point is that many reasonable people (including CONSERVATIVES) disagree. .
Well, I don't think so really. We HAD the greatest HC in the World. I don't think leftist understand how it works. See when things are "free" its usually well, its NEVER the best. Its an impossibility. Its human nature. Leftist believe that their good intentions are more important than the results
As for the civil rights act... 153 house democrats voted for it... 136 republicans. 46 senate democrats voted for it. 27 republicans. It was bi-partisan... but it was passed through on the backs of democrats.
BTW thanks for the [/QUOTE] thingy's. Over 80% of the repubs in the house and senate voted for it, less than 65% of dems in both chambers supported it.
Not sure how you arrived at this one. What has caused high education costs has more to do with the research side of universities and the competition between colleges to get the hottest researchers/faculty (leading to higher salaries for professors, higher dollars spent on facilities to recruit those researchers and higher costs passed on to students). Many state run schools also have had to increase the cost to students because GOP state congresses have cut their funding. It's an issue, but it's laughable that you think it's mainly on the democrats..
Easy, if you understand economics. See Government expanded the student loan program, and under POSOTUS even took it over themselves. When there's more money easily available people are going to take and demand. Many more ppl getting access to loans and college creates false demand. The ppl running the schools are mostly leftist, they approve their salries, grants etc. They then leave the teaching to assistants while they "write" I mean I'm all for paying teachers more money. But look at Leftist moonbat Fauxahauntus . She taught one class and was paid $400k per. Now if she cared about the cost of college....ehh...see what I'm getting at. POSOTUS was a lecturer...and way over paid.
So... not so much. As the article states... Obama took their money and didn't deliver for them... passing Dodd-Frank to restrict them. They've left the democrats and are backing the GOP. The democrats ARE the party fighting wall street today. .
Na, only recently have they started giving as much to Repubs. Maybe they've learned. But you look that the chain of command in the Dem party. Full of wall street types.
And some people who understand science realize climate change isn't a hoax. But hey... you can believe the moon landing was fake too. Iw on't stop you..
Well sorry. But there is no science that supports "climate change" Theres are reason that " Climate change" has been re-branded so often. Its a hoax. I don't mean to be insulting. But the evidence is so overwhelming its a Hoax. It takes are real umm...gullible person to buy into it. You can't find me a single computer model report that makes the claim its absolute. See they don't pay attention to their lying eyes. Their data THEY input in their computers are put there to get desired results. I mean there were the hacked emails where they were admitting to eachother they were lying. There's the phony hockey stick BS. There's decades of loony predictions and never, ever getting it right to look at....but no, the sheep still lap this BS up because its not science, its their religion.
The problem is the GOP doesn't think anyone who isn't a white Christian IS an american. They are trying to restrict voting rights so that only the "REAL AMERICANS" are able to cast votes..
Sorry, but that's just stupid. There were Hispanics, Blacks, Indian, Women etc running for President on the GOP side. Old white ppl on the Democrat side. Now tell me, How can the GOP restrict voting rights ? And shouldn't only REAL AMERICANS VOTE???? Seriously, please answer those points??? Please.
Yes... democrats talk about freedom.
Freedom to not have to worry about choosing between medical care and food for the poor.
Freedom to choose if you carry a fetus to term or not.
But democrats also care about EQUALITY.
Equal pay for equal work... instead of having minorities and women earning less for the same jobs as white men.
Equal treatment by businesses and the police... instead of being presumed to be a criminal if you're black, an illegal if you're hispanic or a terrorist if you're muslim.
Equal opportunity for education regardless of economic circumstance... instead of having college be something only the wealthy can manage..
Where? give me a link to a speech? And name a single person that doesn't have equality? These are silly, silly emotional arguments. I'm really so tired of the "blacks " or "insert you group here" aren't treated equally buy "insert your villian here" Its tired and lame. I've been hearing the same BS since I was 8 years old. How about instead of making a overblown emotional argument. Give me something here?
All blacks are not treated the same, all Hispanics aren't treated the same, all Muslims aren't treated the same. lets look
Blacks: Commit most of the crime, most of the violent crime, do most of the gun crime. Fact! So they'll have more contact with police. Now what would you rather have. The police ignoring these crimes? Because mostly they commit the crime in black neighborhoods. Would you rather these neighborhoods be unprotected? Also your argument is again based on emotion and an overstatement of the issue. Cops don't kill blacks all the time, its not some sort of conspiracy or crisis. More whites are killed by cops. The number of blacks killed is small, and the LARGE overwhelming majority of the times its completely justified.
No one has ever said all Hispanics are illegal. Why do you have to dramatize to try and make a point? But Most ILLEGALS are Hispanics. Do you believe we have a Sovereign Country? If Not why not? Please answer.
Muslims??? Muslims have an issue? Do you think their better off here in America than the shitholes they ran from? Do we see them being beat in the streets, run out of towns, afraid to go out in public? No, they carry on like every Other American. The point is leftist make arguments that aren't there to make. And the reason....Its trying to stir ppl up and make them out to be victims that only Democrats can save....See how it works?
Some of us see stuff like healthcare not as enslavement... but rather as a chance to have care if you're sick without losing everything you own. We believe people have a few more basic rights than you do. We believe the right to life means the ability to not die if you're sick because you can't afford treatment. We believe we have a right to compete on an even playing field regardless of race, religion or economic beginnings. And we believe we have a right to have a relatively non-poluted planet to live in.
Again, another strawman argument. Who loses everything they own? Does it happen. I'm sure it has, but again not a crisis.
Now to the rights question. You feel that you can use the power of the Government to access the labor of others? I mean someone has to pay right? There was never anyone in the Country that didn't have access to HC..Not a single person. We have medicade, medicare, and no one is refused service in an emergency room. So once again, its really a BS argument. The ONLY reason liberals want national HC, its about Control. Once the control your HC, they control YOU. Hence they never ,EVER talk about FREEDOM.
As the the even playing field....God talk about cliches. Everyone in the USC has an even playing field. The problem is the Dems have convinced so many ppl they're victims, when they have a road block in their life its automatically , the standed democRATS excuses, Race, Creed, Religion...The only person that has to live with the choices they make in life are Southern white males.
As to the polluted planet? Is it your position that Conservatives want a polluted planet? Do you believe we have our on hidden away secret supply of air and water? I mean to you see how utterly stupid these liberal talking points are???? You have to, you don't strike me as being stupid....