I think Alabsma uses stareroids


Letterman and National Champion
Nov 16, 2015
so does Flordia I'm not buying the whole Gnc thing. Also Saban is shady recruiter hell when he leaves Alabama stuff will come out. Nick Chubb walking with out a limp or boot. I'm telling you stuff is going to be different. Don't tell me y'all have not considerd this.
I don't think so. I don't think he's stupid enough to do that, He has to know eventually it will come out if he did something like that. This is not like distributing steroids to NFL players which we know happens. This is college. If this came out his legacy would be destroyed. Every thing he ever achieved would be down the toilet and Bama would risk having to vacate those championships and wins, and Saban would be shamed out of the game.

I have no doubt he straddles the line to gain every advantage humanly possible. However, advocated and handing out steroids to college players would probably ruin him and have possible legal ramifications.