I thought they told us sex outside

It ain't the sex. It's the violation of campaign finance laws as explained after the interview. Explained by a Republican attorney on 60 minutes.
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of marriage was a “personal matter” and not political!!! Odd that now that it’s Trump it’s a huge character flaw!!!
Who is they? And what is your opinion? Character flaw or not?
It ain't the sex. It's the violation of campaign finance laws as explained after the interview. Explained by a Republican attorney on 60 minutes.

And it's laughable. For it to be a contribution, it would have to be solely for the campaign. Since Trump may have wanted her to shut up for personnel reasons, the campaign claim is pure b.s.
Who is they? And what is your opinion? Character flaw or not?

See this is the problem. I personally think it is a character flaw. Just like it was a character flaw for the dims that did such things. Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton. The problem here is, you socialist dweebs preached that it was none of our business, a personal and private matter, etc etc. Now you claim the pres should be gone because of it. This is just another example of the incredible hypocrisy of the left. How bout you liars pick a position and stick with it instead of flipping every freaking time you think it is politically advantageous! Hypocrite.
See this is the problem. I personally think it is a character flaw. Just like it was a character flaw for the dims that did such things. Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton. The problem here is, you socialist dweebs preached that it was none of our business, a personal and private matter, etc etc. Now you claim the pres should be gone because of it. This is just another example of the incredible hypocrisy of the left. How bout you liars pick a position and stick with it instead of flipping every freaking time you think it is politically advantageous! Hypocrite.
Its gonna be ok. All of it.
Who is they? And what is your opinion? Character flaw or not?
"They" are the defenders of Bill Clinton after he was exposed using his power to sodomize a young intern while he was married.
You weren't addressing me, but, imo, if PDJT screwed a porno slut soon after his son was born 12 years ago, it was wrong. Also, imo, any time someone backstabs one who is loyal to them, it's a tremendous character flaw, whether Clinton or Trump.

I took the intent of the original post as pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals like you, which is unparallelled. Also, imo.
I would like to ask a question. But ill start by saying this..... It was wrong when Clinton did it or any other president before that. My question is, why can't the current president be held accountable for his shit just as you held the previous administration(s) accountable for their shit. For example: if you didnt agree with Obama dealing with russians, as some of you say, why is it ok to give trump a pass? Thats just one example. Another is stating that any president before trump is a liar, pos, or whatever other name you can think of, but trump lies his ass off every single day. My point is, why can't the current administration be held accountable without bringing up someone elses flaw. Its very weak imo. I wasn't a fan of Bush, but I didn't blame him for some of the shit Obama did. I just think people should care about what this administration is doing because these people are currently responsible for whats going on today or whats going to happen in the future. Bush, Clinton, Obama have served their terms. Why are we still talking about them?
I voted for Trump, but it seems to me that hard core Trump supporters are just like the hard core Obama supporters were. Don't matter what their guy does or says, they can do no wrong.

I don't think this is the case at all. Trump is the most criticized POTUS in the history of the union and even his most fervent supporters are criticizing him for signing the omnibus bill. Almost everyone close to him criticizes some of his tweets and yes, many criticize his conduct prior to becoming POTUS.

However, even though Trump does things I do not like and he isn't a guy I would emulate, he still is advancing more policies that I prioritize than any pol in America. I'm a free trader but I also understand China manipulates markets to gain an advantage and even the EU applies hidden tariffs in the form of a VAT tax.

I'm very pro immigration but for the life of me I can figure out why we kick out college educated residents when their visas expire but import people that overwhelmingly end up on government assistance programs. Screening potential immigrants to make sure they fit existing needs makes sense to me and if we need 100K crop pickers and 500K engineers, then target those numbers.

Yes, Trump's social life appears to show a character flaw but at least half of the Presidents in my lifetime have been confirmed to share the same character flaw. Am I supposed to condemn Trump and start supporting Kamala Harris because Trump's fidelity is along the same lines as Kennedy, Johnson, Reagan and Clinton?

Unless it's proven that Trump is not acting in what he believes is the best interest of the country and/or starts governing in a way that isn't consistent with my philosophy, I'll support him politically. That doesn't mean I'll advocate having school children to start signing anthems to Trump.
I voted for Trump, but it seems to me that hard core Trump supporters are just like the hard core Obama supporters were. Don't matter what their guy does or says, they can do no wrong.

Wrong, I've said from the start he's our version of what the Dems have been running for decades. He's a low character guy........but as liberals have pointed out. Character doesn't matter.

Clinton, Obama (aka POSOTUS) drank, smoked, did drugs raped and assaulted women , blew other men in Limo's and Bath houses......Comparatively Trump looks like an Alter Boy
I don't think this is the case at all. Trump is the most criticized POTUS in the history of the union and even his most fervent supporters are criticizing him for signing the omnibus bill. Almost everyone close to him criticizes some of his tweets and yes, many criticize his conduct prior to becoming POTUS.

However, even though Trump does things I do not like and he isn't a guy I would emulate, he still is advancing more policies that I prioritize than any pol in America. I'm a free trader but I also understand China manipulates markets to gain an advantage and even the EU applies hidden tariffs in the form of a VAT tax.

I'm very pro immigration but for the life of me I can figure out why we kick out college educated residents when their visas expire but import people that overwhelmingly end up on government assistance programs. Screening potential immigrants to make sure they fit existing needs makes sense to me and if we need 100K crop pickers and 500K engineers, then target those numbers.

Yes, Trump's social life appears to show a character flaw but at least half of the Presidents in my lifetime have been confirmed to share the same character flaw. Am I supposed to condemn Trump and start supporting Kamala Harris because Trump's fidelity is along the same lines as Kennedy, Johnson, Reagan and Clinton?

Unless it's proven that Trump is not acting in what he believes is the best interest of the country and/or starts governing in a way that isn't consistent with my philosophy, I'll support him politically. That doesn't mean I'll advocate having school children to start signing anthems to Trump.
Good points. I can understand your logic
I would like to ask a question. But ill start by saying this..... It was wrong when Clinton did it or any other president before that. My question is, why can't the current president be held accountable for his shit just as you held the previous administration(s) accountable for their shit. For example: if you didnt agree with Obama dealing with russians, as some of you say, why is it ok to give trump a pass? Thats just one example. Another is stating that any president before trump is a liar, pos, or whatever other name you can think of, but trump lies his ass off every single day. My point is, why can't the current administration be held accountable without bringing up someone elses flaw. Its very weak imo. I wasn't a fan of Bush, but I didn't blame him for some of the shit Obama did. I just think people should care about what this administration is doing because these people are currently responsible for whats going on today or whats going to happen in the future. Bush, Clinton, Obama have served their terms. Why are we still talking about them?

Sure he can, but he didn't do anything wrong as President. Its between he and his wife. Clinton, assaulted and raped womean, he took advantage of a young underling in his office and lied under oath. See the difference?
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See this is the problem. I personally think it is a character flaw. Just like it was a character flaw for the dims that did such things. Kennedy, Johnson, Clinton. The problem here is, you socialist dweebs preached that it was none of our business, a personal and private matter, etc etc. Now you claim the pres should be gone because of it. This is just another example of the incredible hypocrisy of the left. How bout you liars pick a position and stick with it instead of flipping every freaking time you think it is politically advantageous! Hypocrite.
I don't give a damn who anyone screws. Where did I say Prez Spanky should be gone for this? Comprende? Never said I did. Just asked the poster his view. The conservatives are the hypocrites here because if it was a dem the religious zealots and the rest would be screaming about family values.
I would like to ask a question. But ill start by saying this..... It was wrong when Clinton did it or any other president before that. My question is, why can't the current president be held accountable for his shit just as you held the previous administration(s) accountable for their shit. For example: if you didnt agree with Obama dealing with russians, as some of you say, why is it ok to give trump a pass? Thats just one example. Another is stating that any president before trump is a liar, pos, or whatever other name you can think of, but trump lies his ass off every single day. My point is, why can't the current administration be held accountable without bringing up someone elses flaw. Its very weak imo. I wasn't a fan of Bush, but I didn't blame him for some of the shit Obama did. I just think people should care about what this administration is doing because these people are currently responsible for whats going on today or whats going to happen in the future. Bush, Clinton, Obama have served their terms. Why are we still talking about them?

"if you didnt agree with Obama dealing with russians, as some of you say, why is it ok to give trump a pass?" Obama's open mic gaff was pretty bad, an insinuation he would be able to subjugate the intent of our government once he became untouchable, other than by impeachment. I am yet to understand what Trump did which has been proven.

"but trump lies his ass off every single day." He certainly has been caught in lies. It seems to me Obama lied about his intentions and the impact on the people. Trump lies to puff himself up.

"why can't the current administration be held accountable without bringing up someone elses flaw." They can and should be, but if liberals are hypocritical in their criticisms, the only way to point that out is by citing their previous reaction.

If liberals' criticisms were not hypocritical in many cases, Trump defenders would not go back in time to point out that criticism and defend Trump's actions. In many cases, defenders are not really defending Trump; they're just pointing out the bald-faced and shameless hypocrisy. If liberals looked the other way about the indiscretions of Weinstein, Clinton, Kennedy, etc., they should at least have the decency to STFU about Trump. The guy is an alley cat, no better than Kennedy in that regard. I stipulate that much. But, certainly better than Weinstein, and arguably better than Clinton, whom liberals defended relentlessly until they were irrelevant.
Sure he can, but he didn't do anything wrong as President. Its between he and his wife. Clinton, assaulted and raped womean, he took advantage of a young underling in his office and lied under oath. See the difference?
Trump has been accused twice of raping 13 year old girls. Both times the women, now in their 30's and their families were threatened to remain silent. Both women had a witness to back up her story. Trump's ex-wife accused him of rape as well and was bought off.
"They" are the defenders of Bill Clinton after he was exposed using his power to sodomize a young intern while he was married.
You weren't addressing me, but, imo, if PDJT screwed a porno slut soon after his son was born 12 years ago, it was wrong. Also, imo, any time someone backstabs one who is loyal to them, it's a tremendous character flaw, whether Clinton or Trump.

I took the intent of the original post as pointing out the hypocrisy of liberals like you, which is unparallelled. Also, imo.
Where have I been hypocritical? I don't give a damn who Prez Spanky screws and never said I did.
Trump has been accused twice of raping 13 year old girls. Both times the women, now in their 30's and their families were threatened to remain silent. Both women had a witness to back up her story. Trump's ex-wife accused him of rape as well and was bought off.
He has denied it. Clinton never did.
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"if you didnt agree with Obama dealing with russians, as some of you say, why is it ok to give trump a pass?" Obama's open mic gaff was pretty bad, an insinuation he would be able to subjugate the intent of our government once he became untouchable, other than by impeachment. I am yet to understand what Trump did which has been proven.

"but trump lies his ass off every single day." He certainly has been caught in lies. It seems to me Obama lied about his intentions and the impact on the people. Trump lies to puff himself up.

"why can't the current administration be held accountable without bringing up someone elses flaw." They can and should be, but if liberals are hypocritical in their criticisms, the only way to point that out is by citing their previous reaction.

If liberals' criticisms were not hypocritical in many cases, Trump defenders would not go back in time to point out that criticism and defend Trump's actions. In many cases, defenders are not really defending Trump; they're just pointing out the bald-faced and shameless hypocrisy. If liberals looked the other way about the indiscretions of Weinstein, Clinton, Kennedy, etc., they should at least have the decency to STFU about Trump. The guy is an alley cat, no better than Kennedy in that regard. I stipulate that much. But, certainly better than Weinstein, and arguably better than Clinton, whom liberals defended relentlessly until they were irrelevant.
Let me be a more clear. I do think whatever happened with this porn chick and trump before the presidency is a non story. It confirms that hes shitty human, but its a non story. And I guess since I was in high school when Clinton was president, I guess I thought getting head inside the white house was cool. Lol. But looking back on it he got what he deserved. My comments were not made out of anger, just an observation
Let me be a more clear. I do think whatever happened with this porn chick and trump before the presidency is a non story. It confirms that hes shitty human, but its a non story. And I guess since I was in high school when Clinton was president, I guess I thought getting head inside the white house was cool. Lol. But looking back on it he got what he deserved. My comments were not made out of anger, just an observation
If I were married to Hillary, I'd be sniffing around for a blowjob, too. But, I think you have to consider shoving a cigar up a near-teenager's ass in the Oval Office was pretty reckless and potentially blackmailable. And not too presidential, if you're a stickler for such things.
I don't give a damn who anyone screws. Where did I say Prez Spanky should be gone for this? Comprende? Never said I did. Just asked the poster his view. The conservatives are the hypocrites here because if it was a dem the religious zealots and the rest would be screaming about family values.

You may not have said he should be gone, but your socialist antifa brothers have. Next, as has been stated in many posts on here, a lot of the defense for Trump here is not actually in defense of him personally, but just pointing out the unbelievable hypocrisy of the left. You are crazy if you think conservatives are the hypocrites. I have pointed out the lies and misdeeds of your hero's time and again after your attacks on Trump. You give your dim politicians a total pass while attacking day after day after day Pres. Trump... You speak of Russia and Trump like there has been something proven, when in fact nothing has.,,, other than your "it" killary getting rich from her and slick willy's underhanded dealings with them. Those are the only facts. You will now spew the talking points from the left which you and msm have been trying to prove for over a year, with no evidence, but you will throw a tantrum and swear its true. Just showing again, the total hypocrite you are.
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If I were married to Hillary, I'd be sniffing around for a blowjob, too. But, I think you have to consider shoving a cigar up a near-teenager's ass in the Oval Office was pretty reckless and potentially blackmailable. And not too presidential, if you're a stickler for such things.
Lol I suppose
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Where have I been hypocritical? I don't give a damn who Prez Spanky screws and never said I did.
This may come as a shock to you, but I do not memorize and remember your daily drivel. I'll start pointing out your hypocrisy, but I'll have to assume what your positions were during the past, because I'm sure they were meaningless crap not worthy of remembrance, either.
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Let me be a more clear. I do think whatever happened with this porn chick and trump before the presidency is a non story. It confirms that hes shitty human, but its a non story. And I guess since I was in high school when Clinton was president, I guess I thought getting head inside the white house was cool. Lol. But looking back on it he got what he deserved. My comments were not made out of anger, just an observation[/QUOT

I agree that he is, along with most politico's right or left. As many have already said in response to your questions. It's not about defending him from all his crap, its about the fact that the crap of the dim pols is very much excused and overlooked by the same people crying foul now. In fact, the hildabeast called it all a "vast right winged conspiracy". Go back and read the msm and how it was so not a big deal that the pres was having extramarital sex in the white house. It is incredulous to me how the media and dim pols think no one remembers how they acted when it was slick willy. I think it has to be they know dim voters are by in large so brain washed they will take any lie and twist, believe it, and help them make it seem true to the uninformed. It is nothing but total hypocrisy by the left and the media.
Where have I been hypocritical? I don't give a damn who Prez Spanky screws and never said I did.

I can tell you. Every time you open you mouth and type something about the pres and Russian collusion but then give a pass to killary and Uranium 1 and slick willy getting 500k to speak in Russia. Every time you call Trump a liar, but give odumbo a pass on "if you like your policy", bengazi, and any number of things he blatantly lied about. Any time you come up with some other something then give a pass to the hildabeast for her email server, lying under oath about Bengazi, her handling of classified documents, her stealing the dimwit nomination from goofy Bernie, etc etc etc... The list is tooooooo long. Just type something else, it will be a dim talking point and it will be a hypocritical statement. There are no worse law breakers are liars than a dim politician.
I don't give a damn who anyone screws. Where did I say Prez Spanky should be gone for this? Comprende? Never said I did. Just asked the poster his view. The conservatives are the hypocrites here because if it was a dem the religious zealots and the rest would be screaming about family values.

So they are hypocrites because you believe they would be screaming about family values, not because they are screaming about family values. Seems prejudicial and bigoted to me.

I can't speak for all conservatives but it seems to me the family value debate is generally geared towards policy and not aimed towards individuals as much. Of course, Clinton's dalliance in the oval office with an intern was targeted because most of us in the private sector are forced to deal with becoming referees in employee relations and an exec caught diddling interns would be most likely forced out.

I don't think many of the conservative/libertarians that post here were all that upset that Clinton was having consensual relations with Mika or Hurley but dipping it in the company ink was reckless.
Trump has been accused twice of raping 13 year old girls. Both times the women, now in their 30's and their families were threatened to remain silent. Both women had a witness to back up her story. Trump's ex-wife accused him of rape as well and was bought off.
You have just insinuated Trump is guilty of the accusations, so you'd be no more than a lousy hypocrite if you believe Clinton is not guilty of raping Brodderick and the others, as well as screwing juveniles on Lolita Island and the Lolita Express, right? Or, do you now say he IS guilty of the accusations since he's now irrelevant?
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I find it Ironic how republicans almost impeached Clinton over Lewinsky, but openly accept Trumps humps....
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Well you're a liberal. You don't really understand what you're commenting on. Maybe google??? Once you get up to speed you'll find there's a YUGE difference.

First, I have voted for every Rep Presidential candidate, far from liberal. The entire impeachment episode stemmed from Clinton being accused of sexual harassment and then Lewinsky episode and ultimately..obstruction of justice and perjury charges. I lived through Clinton and couldn't stand him. I just find so much irony that Trump gets a pass and has been accused of sexual harassment, rape and now the Stormy episode. The conservative, christian right doesn't say a word and still loves Trump... If you don't see the irony so be it. Just my .02
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First, I have voted for every Rep Presidential candidate, far from liberal. The entire impeachment episode stemmed from Clinton being accused of sexual harassment and then Lewinsky episode and ultimately..obstruction of justice and perjury charges. I lived through Clinton and couldn't stand him. I just find so much irony that Trump gets a pass and has been accused of sexual harassment, rape and now the Stormy episode. The conservative, christian right doesn't say a word and still loves Trump... If you don't see the irony so be it. Just my .02
He wasn't President. He didn't harass anyone. He banged some porn star. Clinton was running for President. He attacked woman, that was relevant to his Character, as President he used a young underling as a humidor . Now I've never said Trump wasn't a dirtbag...I think he is. But he has not embarrassed his office and he was honest about who he was. I mean what Billionaire wouldn't bang as many hot chicks as he could?
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He wasn't President. He didn't harass anyone. He banged some porn star. Clinton was running for President. He attacked woman, that was relevant to his Character, as President he used a young underling as a humidor . Now I've never said Trump wasn't a dirtbag...I think he is. But he has not embarrassed his office and he was honest about who he was. I mean what Billionaire wouldn't bang as many hot chicks as he could?

Trump has been accused of sexual harassment and rape. Clinton's sexual harassment was before he was President as well.

"But he has not embarrassed his office".....He does this on a daily basis! I voted for him but dude is down right an embarrassment to this country.
Trump has been accused of sexual harassment and rape. Clinton's sexual harassment was before he was President as well.

"But he has not embarrassed his office".....He does this on a daily basis! I voted for him but dude is down right an embarrassment to this country.

Not credibly . And they all have now dropped off the face of the earth, not to mention one or two of them have been exposed for taking payments from democrats. And Trump was a private citizen. Clinton was a Governor running for President. I've seen nothing he's done that's embarrassing . He's actually a breath of fresh air from the PC talk and say nothing business as usual politicians from BOTH Parties
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You have just insinuated Trump is guilty of the accusations, so you'd be no more than a lousy hypocrite if you believe Clinton is not guilty of raping Brodderick and the others, as well as screwing juveniles on Lolita Island and the Lolita Express, right? Or, do you now say he IS guilty of the accusations since he's now irrelevant?
I've never insinuated anything about Trump's sexual behavior, other than what his accusers have said. I can't state it any plainer than I don't gas who a president screws, unless it's a minor.
I can tell you. Every time you open you mouth and type something about the pres and Russian collusion but then give a pass to killary and Uranium 1 and slick willy getting 500k to speak in Russia. Every time you call Trump a liar, but give odumbo a pass on "if you like your policy", bengazi, and any number of things he blatantly lied about. Any time you come up with some other something then give a pass to the hildabeast for her email server, lying under oath about Bengazi, her handling of classified documents, her stealing the dimwit nomination from goofy Bernie, etc etc etc... The list is tooooooo long. Just type something else, it will be a dim talking point and it will be a hypocritical statement. There are no worse law breakers are liars than a dim politician.
If you can find one post where I have accused Trump of collusion, or defended Hillary about anything please post it. You won't because I haven't. Is Trump a liar, you're damn right and so was Obama.
Your problem is you foam at the mouth over everything and anyone who doesn't agree with your lunatic posts.
Not credibly . And they all have now dropped off the face of the earth, not to mention one or two of them have been exposed for taking payments from democrats. And Trump was a private citizen. Clinton was a Governor running for President. I've seen nothing he's done that's embarrassing . He's actually a breath of fresh air from the PC talk and say nothing business as usual politicians from BOTH Parties
Well folks that one statement about Prez Spanky doing nothing embarrassing says it all doesn't it?
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