I told you leftist clowns the MIZZU thing was nothing but lies. Now here's the truth

Interesting that we the people love to believe the worst rumors and innuendo. We clamor for BAD news, and yawn at good news. Shame on ALL of us, for teaching our news media and our politicians and our marketing folks that we will line up and pay for "entertaining" controversy, truthful or not, while ignoring simple truth and good news. We really do deserve what we get. And college students need to get off the victim teat for a couple generations.
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This SGA student is a blatant liar. And it was pretty obvious from the get go. I also suspect the other crap is made for television drama. Next he will be chased by the ghost of Nathan Bedford Forrest. What a pitiful and sad shape our country has become when the pathological left can bring down a president and shut down a campus over childish actions. Sick people and even sicker folks supporting these losers.
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I actually half agree with crazy Rolo on this one. Of course he had to add his usual rant about lefties, it's what crazy people do.
The gay honor student body president isn't the ''thug'' welfare hood rat crazy Rolo has made him out to be, but he is probably a drama queen and a liar who has caused a lot of trouble and should be held accountable if it's proved he lied about The KKK, even if the rest can't be proven.
I actually half agree with crazy Rolo on this one. Of course he had to add his usual rant about lefties, it's what crazy people do.
The gay honor student body president isn't the ''thug'' welfare hood rat crazy Rolo has made him out to be, but he is probably a drama queen and a liar who has caused a lot of trouble and should be held accountable if it's proved he lied about The KKK, even if the rest can't be proven.