crazy “FIRE FOX” posts after every single loss during the season is pointless. Yes, it was a total second half collapse last night, i watched part of the first half but luckily i wasnt able to witness the second half. I’m not all the suprised we lost but when i saw the score i was a bit suprised at the lopsidedness of the score. I predicted a win ( i was WRONG!) if we valued possession of the ball, and of course we didnt, 19 TO’s will just about get you beat every night out, especially on the road. Auburns had 9 TO’s, so they had 10 more possessions than we did just off TO’s. You can point to a lot of different things for the reasons we have always struggled offensively under CMF, all of which have merit, but the constant absence of a true PG IMO has always been where it starts with us. In a tie game in the final seconds with possession of the ball, who on our team do you feel very confident up top with the ball in their hands? I cant think of anyone. As bad as the second half was last night, there is still a ton of basketball left to be played and luckily for us every remaining game on the schedule is winnable and the SECT is wide open this year, they’re are about 10 teams capable of winning it. Yes, i know the probability isnt real strong, but lets see where we are sitting at after the SECT.
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