I will NOT give money unless...NIL Fundraising Ideas


National Champion
Gold Member
Dec 13, 2004
So I read @Radi Nabulsi latest message about NIL and immensley appreciate all you do buddy and go back to the Grapevine days and first signing day meetups in Athens & the Prado? (the place off of Roswell Road when Graeme was still alive and got to spend time with @mcgdawg @cartersvilledawg and many more...maybe @Anthony Dasher was at one of them but I'm 50 now and my memory sucks! ;-) )

Here are some suggestions for the people that read the board and can make a difference in our internal policies & impact our marketing framework. Yes @Radi Nabulsi Donor fatigue is real and having worked with multiple organizations that rely on Board Member contributions, we can NOT keep going to the same people and pleading our case. What we need to do is create new products and services that give the next generation of Donors an opportunity to get closer to the team while building real sustainable relationships. What I'm not seeing from the collective & the Athletic Administration is a realization that you can't just ask people to give money & offer nothing in return. Forgive me for being direct as I love UGAsports and love your coverage and super appreciatve of you and the staff.....the super big Donor isn't going to get the wealthy Alums...(non family office Alums) to give one dollar with essentially an ultimatum of "do this or we are done" approach. If that's the case well then we are done and I'll keep my money for my four kids and my Grand-kids that I hopefully have one day. UGA, the collective, even Donors play a massive role in all of this & the days of going to a couple of uber wealthy people to raise funds are most likely over. From a business standpoint, we don't want all of our eggs in one basket and diversification is just solid businness logic - personally & professionally.

So what is UGA or the collective doing to create unique services or experiences - couple of ideas or suggestions and more than happy to discuss this offline with anyone that has the ability to make a tangible impact on our "go to market" (GTM) plan for NIL.
  • The CCC needs to seriously reconsider the value provided because I don't see a reasonable commitment from Kirby or the UGA AA - What do I get for $1,200 per year? A video? A thank you card? Some content? What content? Is it better or more unique than UGASports?
  • The CCC, Kirby/Staff & UGAAA need to create a new tier of real "insiders."
  • How many touchdown club meetings around the state does Kirby and the staff attend? Why haven't they created a virtual version of this? I would pay $100.00 per month for a one hour monthly zoom call hosted by the coaching staff (doesn't have to be all on Kirby) and they could have the members sign a NDA to be able to provide more insight than the average bear. That monthly session costs almost nothing to produce in terms of additional costs but it does impact time...and time is certainly precious. However, I refuse to swallow the "give or else" harbinger of doom messaging IF that's what's being pitched inside special circles. IF they truly beleiive that then why aren't they finding new and creative ways to engage the fan base and give us a reason to pledge our money?​
  • I've been to the annual GALA and frankly wasn't this was during the Richt days but I propose smaller more frequent events at a lower price point to draw in first time have to always have a VIRTUAL parallel...if they aren't selling virtual tickets to every brick and morter event then they are missing a massive opportunity to increase immediate revenues & a slew of follow on contacts for additional giving opportunitities.​
  • Sammy the Bull Gravano is smarter than our Program??? lol Yes he is! I think Radi or someone else mentioned it on one of the broadcasts...why hasn't Kirby or others hosted a massive live broadcast and leveraged the "super chat" function on youtube?? See...they have to change their mindset and adapt to new ways of giving and redefining what the target donor looks like. (based on your post, Radi)​
  • Where is their partnership with UGASports on virtual events?? I mean you guys have the most loyal subscribers of them all so why haven't they asked you to do a joint broadcast and fish with dynamite? (again...superchat on youtube has the ability to donate money during a live broadcast for those that haven't used or seen it...if it's good for's good for Kirby! lol)​
  • Speaking of the CCC - why is there no corporate sponsorship opportunities? I'd love to review the numbers and discuss some ways to joint market and help both of our business interests.​
  • The UGAAA should want alums that run businesses to interact with the program and find creative ways to partner together. I've tried...I've reached out to them multiple times to let them know I have internships for UGA folks and no one has even responded to me...and that's ok...I'm not upset and I'm a nobody in the big scheme of it all...but if UGA wants to change their NIL fortunes then they need to look in the mirror first and ask themselves, "What can I do to fix this and what's my role in this?" From my perspective, I see an organization struggling to adapt new strategies and they are missing huge opportunities because they just don't like the new system.​
I do beleive in Kirby and I do beleive he has the capacity to change, adapt and evolve but thus far....the Program, the CCC & the Administration has not created a new approach or service or given me tangible value for my money....and I'm not giving one dollar until they do.

All the best,
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