If GOP voters are pissed, why not Cruz over Trump


Letterman and National Champion
Nov 13, 2008
Cruz is Mr. Conservative and the GOP hates him. We've tried centrist conservatives the last 2 elections and the voters failed to get excited and didn't vote. Trump is not a conservative and he will lose to Hillary for the same reasons as McCain and Romney. For once GOP, try putting a true conservative up for election just to see if the voters will react. It can't get any worse. Forget about the Independents and Blue dog Democrats, win the election by getting true fiscal and social conservative excited about a candidate.
Cruz is Mr. Conservative and the GOP hates him. We've tried centrist conservatives the last 2 elections and the voters failed to get excited and didn't vote. Trump is not a conservative and he will lose to Hillary for the same reasons as McCain and Romney. For once GOP, try putting a true conservative up for election just to see if the voters will react. It can't get any worse. Forget about the Independents and Blue dog Democrats, win the election by getting true fiscal and social conservative excited about a candidate.
Cruz is Washington he's right winger
Cruz is Washington he's right winger

My point, he is a right winger but the Washington establishment hates him. Try nominating a right winger for a change and see if he can pull out all of the silent conservatives to vote.
My point, he is a right winger but the Washington establishment hates him. Try nominating a right winger for a change and see if he can pull out all of the silent conservatives to vote.
My problem is the Reagan democrats are gone there dead. With trump he brings in unions he's grows party.
My point, he is a right winger but the Washington establishment hates him. Try nominating a right winger for a change and see if he can pull out all of the silent conservatives to vote.

Too creepy. Looks like a blob fish had sex with Mr. Haney
Too creepy. Looks like a blob fish had sex with Mr. Haney
Gawd damn man
Im voting for Cruz, trump is a socialist, and rubio looks like he should have a paper route
Too creepy. Looks like a blob fish had sex with Mr. Haney
If creepy is a factor then there will be blood on the risers for the dems this fall. Hard to imagine two more strange, unattractive creatures. I'd vote for Al Sharpton before either of them, at least Al will bring the truth in an earthy fashion occasionally. Shat, where is Mr Personality, algore, when you really need him.
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My point, he is a right winger but the Washington establishment hates him. Try nominating a right winger for a change and see if he can pull out all of the silent conservatives to vote.

Doubt it. That's why there's only around 50 far right reps now. Most of them found out, letting him talk them into and siding with him in shutting down the govt a few years back at a cost of 24 billion, was a mistake.