If the GOP loses this November who's to blame...MAGA for nominating Trump or out smarted by Dems?*

A gaslighting media+a willing audience+Trump's unforced errors = Presidsnt Kamala Harris.

50% media fantasy
30% people who buy it
20% Trump mistakes
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Obama strategist puts things in perspective:

A prominent longtime Democrat strategist warns that positive election vibes among party members due to Vice President Kamala Harris replacing President Joe Biden atop the national ticket are due to "irrational exuberance."
David Axelrod, chief campaign strategist for former President Barack Obama, says the presidential race between Harris and former President Donald Trump remains "Trump's race to lose."
"There's a lot of irrational exuberance on the Democratic side of the aisle right now because there was despair for some period of time about what November was going to look like," Axelrod said on CNN.
"Now people feel like there's a chance."
Still, Axelrod says Democrats should not think replacing Biden has guaranteed a November victory.

"It is absolutely Trump's race to lose right now," Axelrod said. "He is ahead and he is ahead in most of the battleground states. They're close, they can be won by either candidate. But there is a lot to be determined in the next 90-whatever days – 96 or what it is left.
It won't be trump's fault that's for's always someone else's fault.

Oh....or it will be "rigged"...#3 on his greatest hits album....
Rigged elections are truly a one-party excuse. Amirite???
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In my humble opinion, IF (and its a big one), IF Trump can stay focused on the Democrat policies and forget the personal attacks related to race and forget the previous election being "stolen", then it should be an easy victory for the Republicans. If he continues to get distracted and attacks supporters, like Brian Kemp, then the election could very well slip away. Look back to Ronald Reagan, if you can agree with someone on 80% of the issues, find a way to agree to disagree on the others and get things done.
It won't be trump's fault that's for's always someone else's fault.

Oh....or it will be "rigged"...#3 on his greatest hits album....
Depends on who you ask. And who wins. When Trump won. It was his fault. He stole the election. The Russians helped him. The machines were faulty(you guys casually forget about that pesky lawsuit you filed) it will likely be his fault either way. And stolen no matter who wins. I am trying to remember if Trump ever became a legitimate president. Did Hillary ever accept the results? President Carter? She is still a Democrat and the og election denier right? No I forget. She doesn’t count. Only being Trump’s fault can count for the tds visionaries here. It only allows for Trump to be at fault or first to do anything
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You know what is really weird? How prescient Trump was when he predicted the stock market would crash under Joe and Kamala.
MSM is about to be in fun spin mode. Trump is blamed in 5, 4, 3, 2.....

Depends on who you ask. And who wins. When Trump won. It was his fault. He stole the election. The Russians helped him. The machines were faulty(you guys casually forget about that pesky lawsuit you filed) it will likely be his fault either way. And stolen no matter who wins. I am trying to remember if Trump ever became a legitimate president. Did Hillary ever accept the results? President Carter? She is still a Democrat and the og election denier right? No I forget. She doesn’t count. Only being Trump’s fault can count for the tds visionaries here. It only allows for Trump to be at fault or first to do anything
Democratic/Independent turnout will be to blame. Same reason Biden won in 2020.

Votes for Harris by and large won't be votes for Harris. They'll be a rejection of Trump.
“I have told candidates to come to me. You can run the best campaign and be the best candidate, and still have the election stolen from you.” Killary roadham Clinton.

“I told Joe, do not concede anything if it is close. Exhaust everything at your disposal before giving up”

Killary roadham Clinton

I give cnn credit here. This is a really good article. They did bury the real lead. Which is they are as friendly as they can be. At the bottom of the article of course.
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