If the whole country had to pay estimateds ...


Pillar of the DawgVent
Jan 4, 2012
there'd be a revolt in the streets. I wish everybody did. Killing me. Don't want to pay to set these Central American refugees up like Kings. I ain't living like a King. Hell, I'm not even living like they are, based on my astute analysis of their grocery, wal-mart, dollar general and target carts. And their brand new SUVs with the steaming baby diapers getting dumped out of it in the Walgreen's parking lot.
I don't think any of the pubs running on doing away with the IRS

will ever get it done.
I think Paul would go Fair Tax. Cruz seems like he would promise

it and then "forget" after he got elected.
It's over - luckily, we're old and might be able to keep having a ..

half decent life till we drop. I can live with just bitching about it as long as they keep my power, gas and water available, some half decent groceries in the store and the internet and cable on. I don't want to deal with some apocalyptic bs with a bunch of MS-13's running wild through the neighborhood like a road warrior movie or something. Just give me 20 - 25 yrs before that all kicks in.
Even if he tries his best, he won't get the support needed. Bush

wanted to fix SS so you could invest in the stock market and he didn't get anywhere. I was all for that.
big difference now - I don't think the government is spending any more

money as % of GDP than it historically did, but we were doing things like putting a man on the moon and building an infrastructure. Most of the federal budget now goes from taking money away from one person and giving it to another, or sending it to another country. Meanwhile, projects like expanding public transit are not longer "affordable", primarily since not only do we have to pay the labor, but we have to pay for a freeloader for every producer as well.

Once you get in the habit of giving somebody something for doing nothing, its really hard to stop doing it, particularly when they are going to vote against anyone that threatens to.

" And their brand new SUVs with the steaming baby diapers getting dumped out of it in the Walgreen's parking lot."

I thought I was the only one that noticed this.....nasty mofos.
Bush abandoned that private ss accounts after 9.11...otherwise

I think they would have kept it on the agenda.
I swear I have seen it multiple times personally ...

and I've seen the aftermath laying in the parking lot many more times than that. I am real observant when I am in my car. I notice all kinds of messed up STUFF that people do on the road and in parking lots and to their houses and their yards and their land.