If Trump is elected . . .


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Aug 30, 2005
he should issue a blanket pardon to Biden, Harris, and all cabinet members for all crimes that may have been committed during his term on day 1. I don’t think there is much chance of this happening, but this type of action is needed to save the republic IMO. If the new pattern is that the ruling party criminally targets his predecessor or the losing party, our country as we know it is over.
Couldn't disagree more. Now, I don't think Trump needs to be on a vendetta but I do think he needs to have independent special prosecutors that aren't really fans of his to do a deep dive into the actions of many. If we are to survive as a republic, we can't have security clearance holders sabotaging POTUS candidates with misleading info and officers of the court putting their thumbs on the scales of justice. Iows, the corruption must be rooted out.
Couldn't disagree more. Now, I don't think Trump needs to be on a vendetta but I do think he needs to have independent special prosecutors that aren't really fans of his to do a deep dive into the actions of many. If we are to survive as a republic, we can't have security clearance holders sabotaging POTUS candidates with misleading info and officers of the court putting their thumbs on the scales of justice. Iows, the corruption must be rooted out.
The problem is that it never ends. Someone has to end it or only scoundrels will seek public office.
he should issue a blanket pardon to Biden, Harris, and all cabinet members for all crimes that may have been committed during his term on day 1. I don’t think there is much chance of this happening, but this type of action is needed to save the republic IMO. If the new pattern is that the ruling party criminally targets his predecessor or the losing party, our country as we know it is over.
I agree. This helps unite the country and makes him look like the bigger man. There is almost zero chance of charges being brought anyway or any convictions because the jurisdiction would be DC. If you pardon them it brands them look like the scum they are and he looks magnanimous and forgiving.
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The problem is that it never ends. Someone has to end it or only scoundrels will seek public office.
I just don't think you end it by turning a blind eye towards it. I've always said, if Trump has legitimately broken laws, then perform a legitimate investigation and let the chips fall where they may. I feel that way about anyone. However, the Trump team did follow tradition and did not go after Hillary for her mishandling of Docs as well as the physical destruction of evidence. They did not go after John Kerry for engaging in shadow diplomacy. He didn't break out obscure laws like the Hatch act to harass his opponents. And what did it get him.

Sometimes you have to play hardball when the opponent is throwing at your head. It doesn't mean you act unlawfully or maliciously but it does mean you aren't afraid to respond appropriately to the attacks
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I just don't think you end it by turning a blind eye towards it. I've always said, if Trump has legitimately broken laws, then perform a legitimate investigation and let the chips fall where they may. I feel that way about anyone. However, the Trump team did follow tradition and did not go after Hillary for her mishandling of Docs as well as the physical destruction of evidence. They did not go after John Kerry for engaging in shadow diplomacy. He didn't break out obscure laws like the Hatch act to harass his opponents. And what did it get him.

Sometimes you have to play hardball when the opponent is throwing at your head. It doesn't mean you act unlawfully or maliciously but it does mean you aren't afraid to respond appropriately to the attacks
My natural instincts align with yours, but as president, your job is to do what is best for the country, not what gives you temporary satisfaction. There is no reason to believe that Trump and the rest of the GOP would gain anything by going after his opponent. Clinton and Trump were both strengthened after their impeachments (and prosecution for Trump).
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My natural instincts align with yours, but as president, your job is to do what is best for the country, not what gives you temporary satisfaction. There is no reason to believe that Trump and the rest of the GOP would gain anything by going after his opponent. Clinton and Trump were both strengthened after their impeachments (and prosecution for Trump).
But we've already seen multiple Pub POTUSs and nominees try to be gracious and expect graciousness in return. What they get is every SCOTUS appointment dragged thru the mud. Bushhitler, women in binders, he'll put y'all back in chains, he pays no taxes all while the country slips more and more towards authoritarianism.

I would agree with you 100% if I thought for a second the Dems were interested in compromise but they aren't. They've declared war on federalism and the idea of the individual over the state. I agree with Trump saying HIS revenge will be success but if his DOJ has evidence of a clear crime being committed, he simply needs to rise above the fray and let the legal system work like it is designed to work and let his underlings do the fighting in the pits.
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he should issue a blanket pardon to Biden, Harris, and all cabinet members for all crimes that may have been committed during his term on day 1. I don’t think there is much chance of this happening, but this type of action is needed to save the republic IMO. If the new pattern is that the ruling party criminally targets his predecessor or the losing party, our country as we know it is over.

If Trump is elected . . . he will shut down all news except Fox,​

No! As Dan Bongino has said. Gloves need to be off and cutesy time is over. Agree with the other poster. Independent counsels investigating everything, including Bidens relations to Ukraine and China, Fauchi, Bragg, Merchant, James, Willis, Smith, Mayorkas, Ray, Clintons, Garland Obama. Every single one on this list needs to be tried for treason and rot in jail for the rest of their lives or line everyone of them up in front of a firing squad .
Every single one on this list needs to be tried for treason and rot in jail for the rest of their lives or line everyone of them up in front of a firing squad .
okay, buddy.

beat meth GIF
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If Trump is elected . . . he will shut down all news except Fox,​

Salient point. He did it last time so why wouldn’t he do it again?

He may go even farther and only call on reporters on a list with predetermined question and then answer them with the list of lies someone wrote down on his note card.
Salient point. He did it last time so why wouldn’t he do it again?
sort of like Obama was going to take everyone's guns.

(I think MR was pulling a headline from something... looks like pasted text. No one is seriously worried this will happen.)
sort of like Obama was going to take everyone's guns.
It wasn't for lack of trying. But since the Heller and McDonald cases had been decided at SCOTUS he knew it wouldn’t withstand a SCOTUS challenge and he didn’t want to look like an idiot. Luckily, they now have an idiot who will try it because he doesn’t care how tyrannical he looks.

He tried for another gun ban as well but couldn't even get support from all the Dems so that failed in congress. So, he just passed a bunch of executive orders.

But, I digress.
I just don't think you end it by turning a blind eye towards it. I've always said, if Trump has legitimately broken laws, then perform a legitimate investigation and let the chips fall where they may. I feel that way about anyone. However, the Trump team did follow tradition and did not go after Hillary for her mishandling of Docs as well as the physical destruction of evidence. They did not go after John Kerry for engaging in shadow diplomacy. He didn't break out obscure laws like the Hatch act to harass his opponents. And what did it get him.

Sometimes you have to play hardball when the opponent is throwing at your head. It doesn't mean you act unlawfully or maliciously but it does mean you aren't afraid to respond appropriately to the attacks
They sure didn’t give Trump any slack when he was President and they are still after him.
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he should issue a blanket pardon to Biden, Harris, and all cabinet members for all crimes that may have been committed during his term on day 1. I don’t think there is much chance of this happening, but this type of action is needed to save the republic IMO. If the new pattern is that the ruling party criminally targets his predecessor or the losing party, our country as we know it is over.
Gerald Ford lost his re-election bc of pardoning Nixon, but he saved the country.
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he should issue a blanket pardon to Biden, Harris, and all cabinet members for all crimes that may have been committed during his term on day 1. I don’t think there is much chance of this happening, but this type of action is needed to save the republic IMO. If the new pattern is that the ruling party criminally targets his predecessor or the losing party, our country as we know it is over.
LOL. That ain't happening. He and much of those who vote for him would rather watch the whole thing burn down. Look for no other proof than the fact they nominated him to run again.