Don't know what "think" you are referring too but if you want to see what a real establishment fix looks like, take a gander at the Dem path to guarantee Hillary's nomination. Bud that is a rigged contest or no contest. BTW, Sanders just won a state yet Hillary got more delegates from there than did he. The dem super delegate thing and her ex-campaign manager running the dem show is like WWF wrestling.That Colorado think is crazy
That Colorado think is crazy
That Colorado think is crazy
I laugh when cruz is called anti establishment, that's one of the biggest hoaxes in political history.
Ahhh yes, Cruz...the king of the establishment! So much so, his "establishment" buddy Lindsey Graham joked about murdering him on the senate floor! Yep a true establishment Trojan horseReally? How so? Care to explain, or you just running off at the mouth as usual?