I'm hearing

I think Kirby has likely already sealed his fate, at least short term.
Maybe if He brings in somebody like Bobo was for Richt who can push Chaney to be bolder, but I don't think Kirby is ready to see it yet. I think he's in fear mode.
I think Kirby has likely already sealed his fate, at least short term.
Maybe if He brings in somebody like Bobo was for Richt who can push Chaney to be bolder, but I don't think Kirby is ready to see it yet. I think he's in fear mode.[/QUOT?
I think Kirby has likely already sealed his fate, at least short term.
Maybe if He brings in somebody like Bobo was for Richt who can push Chaney to be bolder, but I don't think Kirby is ready to see it yet. I think he's in fear mode.

Jesus! The man hasn't even been on the job a week and you're already deeming him a failure. Maybe McGarity would have been better off hiring you instead of Kirby, since you seem to think you have all the answers. I think you're still sore about Richt being fired. Richt needed to go. Let it go.
Maybe McGarity would have been better off...
I think we would all be better off letting McGarity go. Name ONE PROGRAM that has improved on his watch... and I'm not talking about the ones who have always had success such as tennis, swimming & diving and WGAS equestrian. Baseball continues to stink, basketball continues to be mediocre at best, gymnastics have fallen to middle of the SEC pack, losing to teams we never used to lose to year after year. Back when I lived in Athens I used to go watch our soccer girls from time to time... we were better in the early 2000s than we are now. Volleyball is dead last, I mean I'd take ANY improvement from ANY program... we've seen zilch. If Kirby flops, McGarity has got to be the next one out.
I think we would all be better off letting McGarity go. Name ONE PROGRAM that has improved on his watch... and I'm not talking about the ones who have always had success such as tennis, swimming & diving and WGAS equestrian. Baseball continues to stink, basketball continues to be mediocre at best, gymnastics have fallen to middle of the SEC pack, losing to teams we never used to lose to year after year. Back when I lived in Athens I used to go watch our soccer girls from time to time... we were better in the early 2000s than we are now. Volleyball is dead last, I mean I'd take ANY improvement from ANY program... we've seen zilch. If Kirby flops, McGarity has got to be the next one out.

Gymnastics fell off before McGarity....Yoculan gone, only way to go down.
I think women's hoops will be better. Women's soccer is interesting, as GA has talent in state. Volleyball, not surprising and has been bad for quite some time. Still early to judge v-ball, soccer, and baseball. Men's hoops will be interesting, I think Fox has to get to the tournament to be safe, but we have to give time there. It's going to be tough due to reputation...McGarity will be looking to try and pull a Donovan if Fox is gone. Donovan was brought in, long term, and he didn't do well at UF doesn't care about hoops just like us...hell, their first banner unveiling, the team that returned everyone to win a 2nd in a row...2-3000 people showed up for that game and banner unveiling.
Yaclin left cupboard bare I'm talking bear no food.i could see fox gone and get Pitino in here
I think Kirby has likely already sealed his fate, at least short term.
Maybe if He brings in somebody like Bobo was for Richt who can push Chaney to be bolder, but I don't think Kirby is ready to see it yet. I think he's in fear mode.

Uh........ what?
Gymnastics went bye-bye when Yoculan left. Had absolutely nothing to do with McGarity. You guys seem to think all an AD has to do is wave a magic wand to make all of our athletic programs great. We've never been worth a damn in men's basketball aside from a short run here and there.
I was kidding about Pitino I could see UGA make a splash like that

Nope, while we might be able to with money, we can't in terms of tradition or fan support. Those type of coaches can go somewhere bigger. We will have to hit like UF did at the mid major level...or, we need to find a guy fired who has it. AKA, MSU, UT, and AU route.
I think Kirby has likely already sealed his fate, at least short term.
Maybe if He brings in somebody like Bobo was for Richt who can push Chaney to be bolder, but I don't think Kirby is ready to see it yet. I think he's in fear mode.
Sounds like you are the one turning tail and running! Quitters gonna quit. LOL @ your characterization of KS. The fear lies somewhere else like weak posters.
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