I'm interested to see Who Kirby brings in from HS coaching staffs..


Letterman and National Champion
Apr 30, 2015
We think mostly about on-field coaches, but fewer than half the positions have been filled when You consider the support staff.
As We know both Sherrer and Pruitt were hired away from Alabama HS's by Saban to support roles at Bama. I'm betting We're going to see some very capable and well known coaches from the Georgia hs coaching scene brought in after signing day is over and KS's attention turns to completing the football staff. Coaches like Dell McGee who got His break at Auburn before moving on to coach GSU's RBs, and now Our RBs.

Anybody care to throw out some names ? Buford's HC Jess Simpson runs a great program, His lines in particular are extremely well coached. As great as His job is, I doubt Buford would match what We could pay Him, but the opportunity to move up would be the biggest carrot.
I just read where Jess Simpson made 174K at Buford in straight salary, plus the usual car and other perks HS coaches get. We might not get Him, but I'm betting His top assistant would come.
I just read where Jess Simpson made 174K at Buford in straight salary, plus the usual car and other perks HS coaches get. We might not get Him, but I'm betting His top assistant would come.
Who's that
Kirby, whatever you do, don't hire Rush Propst! To paraphrase Frank Howard, "Within 3 months, he'll have slit your throat, taken your job, called on your widow, and given an interview to Jeff Schultz of the AJC telling him what you thought about it all."
Kirby, whatever you do, don't hire Rush Propst! To paraphrase Frank Howard, "Within 3 months, he'll have slit your throat, taken your job, called on your widow, and given an interview to Jeff Schultz of the AJC telling him what you thought about it all."
I heard Rush is a jerk my buddy played them once hated him
I heard Rush is a jerk my buddy played them once hated him

His behavior seems like that of a sociopath. If he wasn't a successful football coach, he'd be in prison. How in the world does a man in a high-profile job maintain two separate families and think he won't be found out?
His behavior seems like that of a sociopath. If he wasn't a successful football coach, he'd be in prison. How in the world does a man in a high-profile job maintain two separate families and think he won't be found out?
Cjp behavior

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