I'm not bashing the police,they do a great job but let's not kid ourselves.


War Daddy
May 29, 2001
the majority of them do not have Masters degree from the Wharton School of Business

This post was edited on 4/14 7:25 PM by bamakp
im for raising standards & pay if done on a State/local level......

Perhaps a more qualified - better paid force might actually cost less & more importantly better serve the public.
Re: then factor in the stupidity of the bad guys..........**

Good damned point. BTW, that thread below, with the diaperwetters whining about the cops, was moved from the Vent to the Chat.
How hard is it without a Wharton's education to see things (or at least try to) from their perspective for a few minutes. It ain't exactly rocket science. Do and say the right thing from THEIR perspective and everything will work out just fine 99% of the time. Too many of us want to react and handle things the way we WANT things to be instead of the way they freaking are. Wake the F up and smell the coffee.
I hate taxes but, I'd go for that suggestion. But then, I've met too

many public (elementary and middle level) school teachers who are far more stupider than not acceptable. That's a whole other topic; not only are they focked (ever met any from places like Fort Valley State?) at that level but then add in all the Dem/Commie chit they inflect upon the students.
Only once in my life I get an outcome not favorable to me when dealing with a cop. Tired to scale a wall to gain access to a concert.

Hayull, once finished eating a joint after being pulled over for going down a one way street, in the wrong direction. All the cop did, as he watched me finish that nasty thing with nothing to drink, was have some gal drive who hadn't been drinking (much); sent us on our way. 1974.

Other than that, a bunch of yes sirs, no sirs and I left with a ticket in each case.