I'm reminded via a course I am taking now, we pay 18 cents


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
in federal taxes PER gallon of gas. Don't know if that applies to 2015 but I believe this course was up-to-date as of 2014.

Now, do you really think the Feds, a cancer living on tax dollars, really wants us to stop buying gas? Where the eff would it be today without that revenue?
This post was edited on 3/24 8:37 PM by 30Adawg
Yep, it's 18.4 cents per gallon of federal taxes......

with even larger state and local taxes. See the table the link below for taxes imposed in each state. Combined state and federal taxes in GA adds 44.9 cents to each gallon of gasoline purchased, and GA is one of the lower tax states! Diesel is taxed even higher! I'm not an oil person, but I have to believe that the state and federal governments make more per gallon in taxes than the gas companies do in profit from the sale of gas by the gallon......

Fuel taxes in the US by state
I read the other day where the Feds want to build a replica white house

For the secret service to train on.....for something like $50 million
The U.S. average is nearly 50 cents per gallon in state and fed taxes on

gasoline and even higher for diesel. When you look at all the money collected in fuel taxes, tolls, heavy vehicle taxes and an assortment of various user fees, it's absurd to think the money to maintain the public roadways isn't being collected.

Tin horn dictators only dream of being able to run a scam like pols in the U.S. have created for themselves. Just look at the wealth amassed by pols that have never created any product but benefit by peddling their influence. Heck, the Dems are more than likely going to nominate the poster child for wealth created by political corruption.
And all the while, the DEMS categorize oil companies as....

evil. Feds love the revenue though, don't they? Blatant hypocrites. Imagine how many votes are bough with that revenue or elections manipulated with that money....

While in SC, I noted diesel cheaper there then here....though by a few pennies. Still can't understand why diesel costs more than gas....the refining process is far less for Supply and demand I guess.
Fancy this.... the Feds paid out 125 BILLION in inappropriate payments....

to Medicare, Medicaid and SS claims just last year, with no assurance that we'll get these "overpayments" back! We also left billions of dollars in military equipment in Iraq, I believe it was, since it was considered too expensive to bring the equipment back. Unbelieveable waste in D.C., and someone is getting very rich at our expense.... the money is going somewhere!!
Watch the money that goes to unions and then right into the

DEM campaign buckets. Remember the stimulusesss? That was the Dems paying themselves to win elections.