I'm sick and tired

Don't ask DeathDawg.**

This post was edited on 4/6 8:02 PM by TEEDAWG
I have a suggestion....

Orange sherbert.
Washington thought about Montreal after he caught it

And came out of his shoes down the middle.
Girders are bending now. Look at the score.

80 yards.
You cower behind "hate" rhetoric 'cause you just plain do not want to.....

be held accountable for your life. Therefore, you blame others for hating you to soothe your agony of rejection.

God doesn't reject you because of homosexual sin. He rejects you because of YOUR SIN. You could be the most moral person in the world'd still be rejected by God because of your sin (rejection of Jesus Christ!).

Humble yourself, confess and agree with God regarding your sinfulness, and surrender to Christ by will then find His love and acceptance for eternity.

But, not until then.
I'm accountable for my life as others are for their own

I'd think your hate toward others says more about you than me

I don't believe Jesus would say not to bake cakes or pizza pies for gay people .... He'd give them extra and not judge them