in reading Ferguson articles in Drudge, the posts after are all disgusting.


War Daddy
Gold Member
Jul 10, 2007
The call to kill cops is intorlable.
Thanks Holder and Mr President..great leadership.

This post was edited on 3/12 8:40 PM by 30Adawg
Focus the publics attention on civil unrest while you sneak your socialist.

-communist agenda on everyone. Vladimir Lenin would be nodding in approval of their use of historical tactics.
was just reading those. I missed the memo explaining that the term...

"pig" is back in fashion. Nearly every comment was about pig this and pig that. Guess I need to start attending Black Panther parties to keep up.

This post was edited on 3/12 8:47 PM by Professor Dawghair
Agreed......but then again, it's these commies from the 60s now

In power. No doubt, Panthers have the support of Team Soros

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