Interstellar movie worth 2.5hrs of time to watch ?

I watched it yesterday. Liked it more than I thought I would. But it's one of those cerebral movies and borrows a LOT from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by sayedawg:
hNot my kind of movie so I wouldn't watch anyway but my wife likes that sort of stuff and said she doesn't hate many movies and she hated that one. She watches a lot of off the wall shat and if she says a movie is stupid...
I've heard it sucks, which means that I will probably like it ..

3 of my favorite HBO series ever got cancelled early. What do I know.
Watched it last night, really liked it. Very Kubrick like and I've always been a big fan of his.
deadwood was the worst cancellation

Had absolutely no closure to it, Rome was somewhat complete, but deadwood and carnivalesque both just stopped right at the apex of the story
Yeah - at least they rushed through a completion to Rome ...

and tied a lot up.

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