His only chance is Cruz and Rubio splitting the rock solid R vote, which will soon include Carson's evangelical support. And getting the labor union, blue collar and disenfranchised hard core democrat voter to cross over to the Republican primary. And there truly are enough of those to make it happen for him. In fact his support among that group is so strong it would be interesting to see what he could have done running as a dem. Last night's vote makes it even a stronger chance that he mounts a 3rd party or independent run.
His support is solid but so is his opposition. And that group was about 75-25 against him. Rubio now has some momentum since Cruz' support is sort of fixed as well. Your R nominee is likely Rubio or Cruz with the Donald a spoiler. Deeper looks at the polling numbers have shown a registered dem who was crossing over to support Trump all along. His people love him for sure so he isn't going away. And of course it is ridiculously early so anything can happen. But his support among traditional R's doesn't seem to be sustainable to the point of getting the nomination.
Hillary and her supporters were the big losers among the dems. Much of the Sanders vote was a vote against her. Rather than for the angry, old, bombastic national socialist. I really don't see her being president. Although she has the establishment dems on her side including the president. Which may actually be working against her since there is so much negative feeling for the Obama WH, Wasserman-Shultz and their dispirited gang. Even democrat women are not enthused.
His support is solid but so is his opposition. And that group was about 75-25 against him. Rubio now has some momentum since Cruz' support is sort of fixed as well. Your R nominee is likely Rubio or Cruz with the Donald a spoiler. Deeper looks at the polling numbers have shown a registered dem who was crossing over to support Trump all along. His people love him for sure so he isn't going away. And of course it is ridiculously early so anything can happen. But his support among traditional R's doesn't seem to be sustainable to the point of getting the nomination.
Hillary and her supporters were the big losers among the dems. Much of the Sanders vote was a vote against her. Rather than for the angry, old, bombastic national socialist. I really don't see her being president. Although she has the establishment dems on her side including the president. Which may actually be working against her since there is so much negative feeling for the Obama WH, Wasserman-Shultz and their dispirited gang. Even democrat women are not enthused.