is the war on christmas for real ?


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jun 22, 2001
is christmas being attacked by the repubs , the dems , immigrants who haven't assimilated , who are the groups that are constantly trying to change our traditions and culture ?
All I know is go take a look at the mall in the next couple of days. It is a melting pot of frantic shoppers spending insane amounts of money for last minute Christmas shopping. Christmas has already defeated Thanksgiving in the war, and Halloween is not far behind(halloween candy side by side with Christmas candy). As long as Christmas is about the big fat guy leaving a bunch of gifts next to a dead tree and spending lots of money, Christmas will always win out!
No, but the war to ''win the holidays'' is real. I know because I see the Best Buy commercials.
Christmas was lost to business interest long before I was around.
Christmas has been officially replaced. I love it when all these religious fanatics are screaming about the 'Christmas" attack as they pose for pictures with their kids with Santa Claus and a Christmas are using the symbolic 'Jesus" there.......NOT...hypocrites....
Look...the real Christian martyrs are in the Middle East. Most problems that Christians have in the US are due to the repercussions of their own behavior. They are not victims.
All I know is go take a look at the mall in the next couple of days. It is a melting pot of frantic shoppers spending insane amounts of money for last minute Christmas shopping. Christmas has already defeated Thanksgiving in the war, and Halloween is not far behind(halloween candy side by side with Christmas candy). As long as Christmas is about the big fat guy leaving a bunch of gifts next to a dead tree and spending lots of money, Christmas will always win out!

That is not the part under attack.
is christmas being attacked by the repubs , the dems , immigrants who haven't assimilated , who are the groups that are constantly trying to change our traditions and culture ?

Christians and Christianity are not being persecuted or warred upon in this country. In other parts of the world within other cultures, yes, Christians are despised. The reality in our culture in this country (based on many Christian principles) is that Christians, Christianity and the images/stories/teachings of Jesus Christ have been increasingly disrespected, lampooned, misrepresented and worse, ignored as our culture grows more and more about me, myself and I. "We the people" have freedom of speech and freedom from religious persecution. In our culture it is generally considered okay as well as legal to poke fun at Christianity. Plus our religion encourages us to forgive and love our "enemies."

Enemies include the doubtful and the selfishly smug along with the hateful and dangerous. There are many who disparage our faith and our failures as flawed human beings to stay true to our lofty principles along with those who may prefer to kill us for our beliefs, whether we adhere to His way perfectly or not.

Christians may be our own worst enemy as we are encouraged and taught to make concessions to others in the name of harmony, peace and love. Our countrymen of other religions and cultures are encouraged to stay true to their ethnic and religious principles as well. But we the people draw the line there as we cannot be disrespectful of or make disparaging jokes about religions from "other lands." Even our nation's media steps gingerly around how they present commentary on any and all other religions. Political correctness and religious correctness go hand in hand. Let us lampoon Jews and Christians with smug impunity, but "God" forbid we make cartoons and jokes and disparaging representations of the "others." It has indeed, grown a bit more than tiresome. Especially for those among us, who choose to be disrespectful of our beliefs for the sake of "being cool," and the knowledge that among most major religions (in this day and time) ours is least likely to want to murder another human being over a disrespectful joke.
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