Islam taking over Europe


Diehard supporter
Gold Member
Jan 5, 2006
It is just a matter of time. This video is very disturbing and unlimited immigration is the main reason DT has so much support. If Hillary and the Dems have 8 more years of illegal immigration, migrants, refugees, etc, America is over. The European cultures we like to visit are rapidly changing and not for the better.
seems pretty xenophobic and borderline racist
It is just a matter of time. This video is very disturbing and unlimited immigration is the main reason DT has so much support. If Hillary and the Dems have 8 more years of illegal immigration, migrants, refugees, etc, America is over. The European cultures we like to visit are rapidly changing and not for the better.

More illegals have been deported under Obama than in Bush Jr's 8 years. fewer have crossed over The Mexican Border annually as well.
We're also limiting the number of Syrian and other Mid-East refugees from this migration to around 11'000, a fraction of those Europe is taking.
I know some of You live the trash Dems, sorry.
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More illegals have been deported under Obama than in Bush Jr's 8 years. fewer have crossed over The Mexican Border annually as well.
We're also limiting the number of Syrian and other Mid-East refugees from this migration to around 11'000, a fraction of those Europe is taking.
I know some of You live the trash Dems, sorry.

Show me proof, HH. Otherwise, I don't believe a word you just typed, except that we're limiting the refugees. And to be honest, if fewer illegals are crossing over its because they realize the BO economy isn't producing any jobs.
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Show me proof, HH. Otherwise, I don't believe a word you just typed, except that we're limiting the refugees. And to be honest, if fewer illegals are crossing over its because they realize the BO economy isn't producing any jobs.

I don't give a fat damn what You or any other Gomer believes.
If You're not too lazy, look it up.
seems pretty xenophobic and borderline racist

This really doesn't deserve a response but, I just couldn't help my self... Just because someone is concerned about bringing in refugees from ME countries and allowing illegal aliens to infiltrate our southern border doesn't make one a xenophobe nor racist. Can't you libs discuss any issue without crying racist, xenophobe, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, blah, blah, blah? It's becoming hilarious. When you don't really have anything to add to the conversation always scream some derogatory remark.
This really doesn't deserve a response but, I just couldn't help my self... Just because someone is concerned about bringing in refugees from ME countries and allowing illegal aliens to infiltrate our southern border doesn't make one a xenophobe nor racist. Can't you libs discuss any issue without crying racist, xenophobe, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, blah, blah, blah? It's becoming hilarious. When you don't really have anything to add to the conversation always scream some derogatory remark.

We use the word racist because You and others continually use obvious racial buzz words and insulting, demeaning words regarding blacks, Dems, Islamist, etc.

If You want to disassociate Yourself from the label, stop posting like one.
I don't give a fat damn what You or any other Gomer believes.
If You're not too lazy, look it up.

Oh really? For some odd reason, I just don't believe that BS. Otherwise, you wouldn't be on here arguing, pushing your agenda, defending your savior, and crying racism on almost every political thread on here.

Furthermore, let me give you a bit of advice... If you're going to pretend to be intelligent on the internet you should at least learn to copy & paste a link. I mean, if not you're not too lazy.
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We use the word racist because You and others continually use obvious racial buzz words and insulting, demeaning words regarding blacks, Dems, Islamist, etc.

If You want to disassociate Yourself from the label, stop posting like one.

When you use the word racist incorrectly and as often as you and the other retards do it really lessens the meaning, you know? You're Racist, your racist, your racist, your racist, your racists. Just because y'all incessantly say it doesn't make it true. It's just words, my friend. If you think it cuts by calling it out so often then, well, knock yourself out, but it really just shows your true ignorance. Happy Thanksgiving, little buddy!
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This really doesn't deserve a response but, I just couldn't help my self... Just because someone is concerned about bringing in refugees from ME countries and allowing illegal aliens to infiltrate our southern border doesn't make one a xenophobe nor racist. Can't you libs discuss any issue without crying racist, xenophobe, homophobe, islamophobe, misogynist, blah, blah, blah? It's becoming hilarious. When you don't really have anything to add to the conversation always scream some derogatory remark.
can't you tards discuss an item without calling any opposing view as 'you libs'?
We have been taking 70K refugees/year from around the world per year for the last 4 years. In addition, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the world next year, up from 70,000, and the number will rise to 100,000 in 2017 The largest increases of immigrants to the U.S. from 2010 to 2013 were South Asia (up 373,000, 16 percent growth); East Asia (up 365,000, 5 percent growth); the Caribbean (up 223,000, 6 percent growth), the Middle East (up 208,000, 13 percent growth); and sub-Saharan Africa (up 177,000, 13 percent growth).

.Approximately 1.1 million LEGAL immigrants and 700,000 guest workers enter the country every year along with the millions of foreign nationals that have received work permits from the federal government, according to a statement from CIS. So u wonder why wages have been stagnant & we have record numbers on welfare and food stamps.more than 90 percent or recent refugees from the Middle East use food stamps and more than half of all immigrant households are on at least one welfare program. We can't afford lifetime food stamps and welfare.
“Every year, on autopilot, we resettle at least another 1 million migrants on a permanent legal basis in the United States,” he added. “We lack the resources to properly screen those we are already admitting, with scores of visas issued to those subsequently indicted and convicted for terrorist activity.”
Beyond the national security risks there are significant fiscal costs associated with mass immigration to the U.S. and refugee admissions in particular.
The administration now says that only about 15,000 immigrants deported last year from the interior of the country didn’t have criminal convictions, meaning the chances of a rank-and-file illegal immigrant who generally kept a clean record was less than one in 1,000.

Nearly 5,000 unaccompanied immigrant children were caught illegally crossing the U.S. border with Mexico in October, almost double the number from October 2014, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. Also, in the figures released Tuesday, the number of family members crossing together nearly tripled from October 2014 — from 2,162 to 6,029.

Bottom line, we have been importing more immigrants than any other country, MORE THAN ALL OF EUROPE COMBINED and shouldnt be made to feel guilty about being cautious about bringing in Syrian regugees. We need to be smart about who we bring in and not be blind as to the problems the Europeans are seeing.
seems pretty xenophobic and borderline racist
Why? What's wrong with wanting to preserve our country the way it is? As it is, it's the greatest country in the history of the world. Why should we become more like another country? Why is it considered bigoted to oppose a change to our country? I don't get it. We are a country of 322MM in a world of over 6BN. There is simply no way to accept everyone who wants to come here.
Let's drop a giant nuke back to the Stone Age. Take all the oil and stuff sell it to isrial give pay our debts off or we declare we have no debts. You got a problem then you get bombed too.
Oh really? For some odd reason, I just don't believe that BS. Otherwise, you wouldn't be on here arguing, pushing your agenda, defending your savior, and crying racism on almost every political thread on here.

Furthermore, let me give you a bit of advice... If you're going to pretend to be intelligent on the internet you should at least learn to copy & paste a link. I mean, if not you're not too lazy.

If I gave a damn what you think I'd agree with some of your sheet head thinking.
I don't copy and paste, but I don't see that as a measure of critical thinking. Most Senators don't either, while most kids do.
It is just a matter of time. This video is very disturbing and unlimited immigration is the main reason DT has so much support. If Hillary and the Dems have 8 more years of illegal immigration, migrants, refugees, etc, America is over. The European cultures we like to visit are rapidly changing and not for the better.

Give me a friggin' break. Republicans are every bit as guilty on this issue, if not more so. You think illegal aliens weren't flooding in during Bush's administration. He didn't do damn thing about it.
Give me a friggin' break. Republicans are every bit as guilty on this issue, if not more so. You think illegal aliens weren't flooding in during Bush's administration. He didn't do damn thing about it.

The flood started in The Reagan years and no Republican has really done anything to slow it.
The reason is, they are owned by business interest, the rest is manipulating rubes.
This coming from somebody who calls himself stonecoldkiller, that screams never lived away from Mommy.

Whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night. First off, it's telling that you jumped on that comment. Hitting close to home? I didn't think you made personal attacks unless someone took a shot at you - guess you're full of s**t and a liar. That's perfectly fine with me. Look, when you find yourself in the crosshairs of some camel rapist looking to kill you, don't look my way for help. It'll be your fault that they're here.
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can't you tards discuss an item without calling any opposing view as 'you libs'?

Awe, that's precious. Obviously, Being called Liberal is offensive to some of these rejects. It's not just your opposing view but your incessant crying some derogatory name for any issue you haven't a rebuttal for. Liberals are void of a spine and are incapable of tough decisions while over-thinking every single little issue.

Wear the badge proudly or change your view. You live in a dangerous world and there are constant, on-going, exponential threats to the US and its allies. Very tough decision will need to be made going forward and it crystal clear, after the past 7 years, Libs aren't capable of making those decisions.Toughen up, buttercup.

In addition, there are both foreign and domestic influences working extremely hard to destroy our civil society and the American culture of self-reliance, liberty, individualism, family, Christianity (Christmas), & Capitalism. If you think Conservatives are going to willingly step aside, without a FIGHT, and allow 235+ years of tradition to be flushed down the toilet willingly then all of you pussified liberals can go straight to hell. Conservatives do not welcome fundamental change nor do we require lectures from sheep following the most divisive, unqualified President ever to step foot in the White House.

Happy Thanksgiving, Lib.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to get to sleep at night. First off, it's telling that you jumped on that comment. Hitting close to home? I didn't think you made personal attacks unless someone took a shot at you - guess you're full of s**t and a liar. That's perfectly fine with me. Look, when you find yourself in the crosshairs of some camel rapist looking to kill you, don't look my way for help. It'll be your fault that they're here.

I'm past being polite to you human fungi.
Judging by what you post, I detest most everything about you.
It is also true I pegged you as a blowhard wannabe tough guy the first time I saw your handle.
Awe, that's precious. Obviously, Being called Liberal is offensive to some of these rejects. It's not just your opposing view but your incessant crying some derogatory name for any issue you haven't a rebuttal for. Liberals are void of a spine and are incapable of tough decisions while over-thinking every single little issue.

Wear the badge proudly or change your view. You live in a dangerous world and there are constant, on-going, exponential threats to the US and its allies. Very tough decision will need to be made going forward and it crystal clear, after the past 7 years, Libs aren't capable of making those decisions.Toughen up, buttercup.

In addition, there are both foreign and domestic influences working extremely hard to destroy our civil society and the American culture of self-reliance, liberty, individualism, family, Christianity (Christmas), & Capitalism. If you think Conservatives are going to willingly step aside, without a FIGHT, and allow 235+ years of tradition to be flushed down the toilet willingly then all of you pussified liberals can go straight to hell. Conservatives do not welcome fundamental change nor do we require lectures from sheep following the most divisive, unqualified President ever to step foot in the White House.

Happy Thanksgiving, Lib.

Happy Thanksgiving knuckle dragging Yahoo..
I'm past being polite to you human fungi.
Judging by what you post, I detest most everything about you.
It is also true I pegged you as a blowhard wannabe tough guy the first time I saw your handle.

Well Helen, if you've got any sack whatsoever, I'm more than happy to help. If you seek the truth, you'll surely find it.
Well Helen, if you've got any sack whatsoever, I'm more than happy to help. If you seek the truth, you'll surely find it.

I didn't have to look hard to see what you are. You advertise 'blowhard internet tough guy', then you go about proving it everyday.
Give me a friggin' break. Republicans are every bit as guilty on this issue, if not more so. You think illegal aliens weren't flooding in during Bush's administration. He didn't do damn thing about it.
That's what I've been saying. Of course Republicans want them, it's cheap labor.
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Give me a friggin' break. Republicans are every bit as guilty on this issue, if not more so. You think illegal aliens weren't flooding in during Bush's administration. He didn't do damn thing about it.
We, Conservatives, know the illegal alien horde was flooding in during the Bush years. 100% fact. And another reason you won't find many Bush fans among my fellow Conservative brothers. We stopped the Bush amnesty as well, if you recall. Or do you have a selective memory too, tard?
We are a nation of citizens; the first priority of the Government is to protect it's citizens. That includes our tax money. Furthermore, we are a nation of laws; just because you libs don't agree with them doesn't mean you don't have to abide by them.

The flood started in The Reagan years and no Republican has really done anything to slow it.
The reason is, they are owned by business interest, the rest is manipulating rubes.

Again, you libs are showing some intelligence today. Maybe, since additional family is in your house or you're at your mommy's you're not aloud to break out the bong. For whatever reason, good job. (clapping sound)

Now you realize why the Republican establishment candidates (Jeb Bush, Christie, and Kasich) are far behind Trump, Carson, Cruz, Rubio, & Fiorina. Conservatives pay very close attention and are extremely pissed with the crony capitalism being pushed by the Chamber of Commerce and their amnesty & cheap labor agenda.

You libs can't comprehend that Conservatives are for America FIRST, American Citizens- of all colors & every level- FIRST.
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That's what I've been saying. Of course Republicans want them, it's cheap labor.

I'd gladly pay more for products made in the US by Americans. It's not because I believe unskilled labor deserves more than minimum wage, but rather because it eliminates the reliance on illegals and other undesirables.
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I'd gladly pay more for products made in the US by Americans. It's not because I believe unskilled labor deserves more than minimum wage, but rather because it eliminates the reliance on illegals and other undesirables.

Hell freezes over, We agree on something. I do think anybody willing to work an honest job deserves a decent wage though.
I also believe, as Henry Ford and many other builders did, that a living wage lifts all boats, except for those invested off shore.
Hell freezes over, We agree on something. I do think anybody willing to work an honest job deserves a decent wage though.
I also believe, as Henry Ford and many other builders did, that a living wage lifts all boats, except for those invested off shore.

It has been a bit chilly...
Give me a friggin' break. Republicans are every bit as guilty on this issue, if not more so. You think illegal aliens weren't flooding in during Bush's administration. He didn't do damn thing about it.


I never said Bush didn't deserve blame. He was an open borders guy and globalist. He even was interested in a North American Union but the Republican base deterred him from pursuing that further. Bush was criticized by others in the repub party enough that he in fact passed a bill authorizing a 700 mile fence on the Southern border. However Dems demonized it calling it the Berlin war and that it was racist just like libs on this thread are doing now. Dems ran congress in 2007-8 and never funded it.Obama killed it in 2009. However, that doesnt absolve the repubs from blame just as now. The establishment repubs including most on Fox News are for open borders as a source of lower cost labor & want to go after hispanic votes as well. This is a main reason u don't see establishment repubs winning the nomination.
All that being said, there has never been a pres who just refuses to enforce immigration laws, has sued states for enforcing immigration laws, encouraged sanctuary cities & released more illegal aggregated felons from jail before Obama.
So Obama is worse than any other president on immigration and pointing to Bush's feckless immigration policies doesnt make Obama's immigration policies any less abysmal.
We need a reasonable immigration policy. including enforcing e-verify, Make ssec card & drivers licenses counterfeit resistant , Enforce current immigration laws. Cut fed funds to sanctuary cities and Kate's law passed. Eliminate social service benefits to illegals, secure the border, Track H1-B visa & fine those who overstay,
There really isn't anything positive about immigration for the US citizens and repubs except Jeb and Kasich need to win the white house before meaningful change will be made.
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Hell freezes over, We agree on something. I do think anybody willing to work an honest job deserves a decent wage though.
I also believe, as Henry Ford and many other builders did, that a living wage lifts all boats, except for those invested off shore.
Hank Ford was a virulent anti-Semite. Figures you like hm.