We have been taking 70K refugees/year from around the world per year for the last 4 years. In addition, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says the U.S. will accept 85,000 refugees from around the world next year, up from 70,000, and the number will rise to 100,000 in 2017 The largest increases of immigrants to the U.S. from 2010 to 2013 were South Asia (up 373,000, 16 percent growth); East Asia (up 365,000, 5 percent growth); the Caribbean (up 223,000, 6 percent growth), the Middle East (up 208,000, 13 percent growth); and sub-Saharan Africa (up 177,000, 13 percent growth).
.Approximately 1.1 million LEGAL immigrants and 700,000 guest workers enter the country every year along with the millions of foreign nationals that have received work permits from the federal government, according to a statement from CIS. So u wonder why wages have been stagnant & we have record numbers on welfare and food stamps.more than 90 percent or recent refugees from the Middle East use food stamps and more than half of all immigrant households are on at least one welfare program. We can't afford lifetime food stamps and welfare.
“Every year, on autopilot, we resettle at least another 1 million migrants on a permanent legal basis in the United States,” he added. “We lack the resources to properly screen those we are already admitting, with scores of visas issued to those subsequently indicted and convicted for terrorist activity.”
Beyond the national security risks there are significant fiscal costs associated with mass immigration to the U.S. and refugee admissions in particular.
The administration now says that only about 15,000 immigrants deported last year from the interior of the country didn’t have criminal convictions, meaning the chances of a rank-and-file illegal immigrant who generally kept a clean record was less than one in 1,000.
Nearly 5,000 unaccompanied immigrant children were caught illegally crossing the U.S. border with Mexico in October, almost double the number from October 2014, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection data. Also, in the figures released Tuesday, the number of family members crossing together nearly tripled from October 2014 — from 2,162 to 6,029.
Bottom line, we have been importing more immigrants than any other country, MORE THAN ALL OF EUROPE COMBINED and shouldnt be made to feel guilty about being cautious about bringing in Syrian regugees. We need to be smart about who we bring in and not be blind as to the problems the Europeans are seeing.