It is past time for Jimmy Williamson to be fired...


Simply Ravishing
Gold Member
Jun 27, 2001
Not sure if this has been discussed on here, but this is just the latest example of Jimmy being Jimmy. I am glad Fox 5 is on this, because it's pretty easy to see Jimmy is either lying through his teeth, didn't do his job, or both. The new law was passed in July, yet as of the UT game, Sept. 27th, UGA officers had received no training on the new law. Jimmy says they "were trying to wrap their arms around the nuances" of the new law and were, conveniently, scheduled to get right on that the week after the UT game. What great timing.

I'm sure people with military and/or police backgrounds will bring up the valid importance of not going outside the chain of command, but the real issue is that had Jimmy done his job and actually given instruction to the officers about the new law, Park wouldn't have had to go outside to ask. Yet another example of Jimmy playing by his own rules...and Jimmy doesn't like it when you question Jimmy.

Jimmy's World
Typical for the cops and UGA

They think their $hit don't stink. Just make up rules as we go because we are special.
Jimmy Williamson is a joke and an embarrassment to the profession.

Guy can't lose his job fast enough. Should have never been promoted in the first place.
Re: Jimmy Williamson is a joke and an embarrassment to the profession.

Seeing his smug face as he talks about insubordination makes me hope he gets nailed for something in the very near future. He is a total POS.
My thoughts on this...

1. You shouldn't have an amnesty law protecting underage drinkers. If an officer shows up and a person is clearly in medical distress, or asks for medical assistance, do you job and make that happen. That takes priority over making a misdemeanor underage possession case. Any officer who feels like that is a good time to make a case is just doing it because they can. They have the author its but it doesn't make it right.

2.It should not be mandatory to make an arrest for underage possession unless other charges apply as well or unless the officer cannot verify the person's identity. A citation guarantees them a court date. Let the judge be the one to try to deter that kind of behavior.

3. Without knowing Mr. Park's background, just based on what was in that report, I really don't see how what he did could be considered insubordination. A state congressman is not in his chain of command. It may have embarrassed the Chief, but it was obvious that the department was having trouble "grasping the nuances" of the new law. Ofc. Park was having trouble "grasping the nuances", which is why he took the initiative and went to the man who wrote the bill. The Chief could have done as much 3 months earlier. Had Ofc. Park been given a direct order not to contact anyone about the "nuances" of the bill but did it anyway THAT would be insubordination. The Chief got embarrassed and did what he did because he's the Chief and because he can. Again, this is just based on my observations after watching the report, which is probably not the whole story. But to fire this guy with that explanation and trying to justify it with that particular violation of policy....just stupid. There is probably another portion of the SOP known as "Failure to Supervise", or what I like to call Failure to Lead.

Bottom line, it looks like NOBODY had a clue and the lowest guy on the totem pole was the only one trying to find it. Keep on mind, anyone arrested in violation of this law may have a valid 4th amendment violation argument against the department, as it would constitute an ILLEGAL arrest. One would think that the Chief might be appreciative of the fact that one of his officers was trying to avoid that.
I have one son at Ole Miss and one at UGA, At Ole Miss

During orientation , all students are told, if they ever fear another student is in danger, for any reason(alcohol or drugs), please call campus police, and no one will be arrested or have any strikes against them. They just don't want anything happening to any student. They also have a bus that runs from downtown to the dorms til 4:00 AM. I told President Morehead at a meeting last year our campus cops needed to be reeled in somewhat. He said they were looking into it and had assigned a person to address it. I understand the Athens Clarke County Police are pretty good guys and gals.
Drinking age shoukd be 18, money is the reason it is not..

As in more money in fines, etc.
As in federal highway funds being cut off. nm
